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  1. C

    This angered me, what to do?

    true. for some reason it just made me mad.
  2. C

    This angered me, what to do?

    So I should make no reference to what she pulled on me? Oh I should also mention that come to find out she wanted to see what another guy she was talking to was up to the same day I asked for a movie hang out. That's why I'm angry about it now, I was being played second best in my opinion.
  3. C

    Women tell you what they want... which isn't what they want

    Which is why I don't believe in love. Its all about being counter-intuitive. So how could love even come out of it? Just a means of two people who play the game so well enough that it creates strong feelings (tension). Just my two cents.
  4. C

    This angered me, what to do?

    So this girl I was talkin to for a bit, last week on a Monday I ask to go to a movie the following day. Her reply "maybe, have to see if I'm doing something else first" I told her to forget it, I wasn't goin to wait around for her to see if I can fit into her schedule as a last resort if she...
  5. C

    Need some good advice on forgetting someone

    Dude don't express anything verbally! Trust me, really kills any chance. Make a move physically, you're chances are higher even if she's not at all interested that way.
  6. C

    weather and motivation

    yea it can get a bit depressing. since cool girls are hard to find it almost makes you discouraged out of the blue.
  7. C

    weather and motivation

    ok this seems to happen to me annually around this time. fall sets in, temperatures drop to a chilly sensation and i lose my sexual appetite which i seek to satisfy with girls whom i find physically attractive. i begin disassociating myself with the game, try less, become lazy and i ponder the...
  8. C

    Women tell you what they want... which isn't what they want

    which is why it's fun to 1/10 times to do just that. give them what you know they think they want to throw off the course a bit. get them thinking wait, omg what happened? it's nice but i dont know... then! boom take it all away and back to how you were. she'll wonder why the sudden curve ball...
  9. C

    Women tell you what they want... which isn't what they want

    from what i've gathered from this site and girls through life experience, it seems girls say they "want" certain things because they cant have it. if a guy were to give a girl what she wants, thats too easy, the girl wouldn't be THAT obvious. i think psychologically it's a way to filter out...
  10. C

    how'd i handle this?

    Thanks man and you're right. Come to find out today she is dating that guy, its cool makes it easier for me. Walked away.
  11. C

    how'd i handle this?

    I think to make me jealous or the other, regardless. Howd I handle it?
  12. C

    how'd i handle this?

    i was with a girl the other night and she asks what year my car is. so then she proceeds to say that a guy she's "seeing" has the same one but 2006 model. me - oh nice, you're cashing in huh? her - funny me - how are the back seats? her - i dont know we do it in the front me - really...
  13. C

    why do exes ask these questions

    most importantly, whats the best way to answer/deal?
  14. C

    why do exes ask these questions

    to some its not considered a "career job" so basically steer away from these girls?
  15. C

    why do exes ask these questions

    not only from my experience but from friends who have been in long term relationships that have ended the girl will always seem to ask this in her own way during future random interactions "so what are you planning to do with your life, career wise?" "what would you do if you lost your...
  16. C

    public speaking

    ok my only real problem that i've noticed and picked up on from other's responses is, sometimes when i speak my words come out mumbled or muffled, almost as if i'm speaking through a glass door or something. i dont know why this happens but i hate it because i'll constantly get people saying...
  17. C

    how to let them down

    ok, so you've met a girl, went out, maybe kissed, maybe more, maybe sex. but after you just didnt want her around, the thrill was simply gone when one aspect had been achieved or just knew you didnt want to go any further. how do you tell her? if at all?
  18. C

    She's been with older guys and now...

    Good point. She has also told that for the most part she's shy. Kind of explains how itd be easier for an old guy to win her over.
  19. C

    She's been with older guys and now...

    Nice. And she just told me that its because older guys "have their head on straight" which makes sense but I feel like I can't be myself which is teasing/funny/****y. I have this picture that her previous guys were the stern type.
  20. C

    She's been with older guys and now...

    Def just looking for sex ha. How do you mean its a cinch?