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  1. C

    Immature move on my part?

    Come on guys pick me apart some more with that ha
  2. C

    Immature move on my part?

    You guys are right so I said this to her after she asked to hang out this weekend (which shows she didn't take what was said earlier seriously) look you're a great girl and its always an awesome, unique, exciting, fun time when we get together and hang out but I've grown tired of the...
  3. C

    Immature move on my part?

    So what would have been the right way to handle it?
  4. C

    Immature move on my part?

    How would she be able to pull my strings if that's saying I'm done with you?
  5. C

    Immature move on my part?

    It would seem that way but to me it seemed as a way of saying "you're goin to show interest in another guy, I don't have time to be second best"
  6. C

    Immature move on my part?

    Former ex, long time friend I've been tryin to romance again: Me - let's go to the movies tonight Her - that requires money Me - good observation, your age is really startin to show (she just turned 22) Her - I'm busy tonight anyway Me - no you're not Her - I know you like to think I...
  7. C

    When I'm with a girl

    hmm i get what youre saying. but there are times with a social gathering where i still feel i hold the confidence than others. i dont know for sure why its not constant.
  8. C

    When I'm with a girl

    Would anyone be able to explain why I feel more confident when I'm alone with a girl but, if I'm out alone in public my confidence feels fake and like I'm being scrutinized?
  9. C

    Your thoughts please

  10. C

    Your thoughts please

    thanks reset i understand where you're coming from. here is another update to this that just happened. after inviting me to her b-day for tomorrow. her: OH!! i have a girl for you! me: who is it? maybe by tonight we'll be in love and i'll have an excuse for missing your b-day tomorrow her...
  11. C

    Your thoughts please

    it was more along the border of i'm a real jerk. i think what she meant by it was i'm selfish in a way. i'm usually passive and indifferent about situations that don't have any hard hitting affects on me, and i might show it more around her.
  12. C

    Your thoughts please

    there was a conversation about my other friend who keeps breakin up with one girl then gettin back with the other and vice versa. we all agreed it was because one of them is newer so he's confusing it for the "better" one. i made a comment about how funny it was and that someone should tell...
  13. C

    Your thoughts please

    Update: so she calls me yesterday and asks if my phone had died because i haven't been online. (only thing she asks about my random disappearance) so i tell her i stopped goin on AIM via my phone because it was too distracting for when i'm out. so small talk she begins to tell me how she's...
  14. C

    she keeps dumping all her problems on me

    you're fine. just don't let the physicalness dwindle.
  15. C

    learned a females point of view on jealousy. interesting.

    My ex would always tell me about different guys who'd approach her at coffee shops and what they said did. I would laugh and ask more into but for my amusement and shed know it. One day she got fed up and said "I wish you'd just get jealous sometimes, so I know you care" One day I showed a...
  16. C

    learned a females point of view on jealousy. interesting.

    interesting post. whats the best way to respond to a girl's attempt at bringin out your jealousy?
  17. C

    she says..

    so if it were a sh!t test how should i have deflected it? also according to this girl the turning point was when she said she only wanted a friend right now because "her life is complicated" and i said no thanks "it was a huge turn off when you denied that" that convo occured about 2 days ago.
  18. C

    she says..

    did i pass her sh!t test? haha
  19. C

    she says..

    haha reason for that was the first night she joked and said dont have any nightmares and i told her i never did and if i were to by some weird coincidence id wake her up right after my disturbance. so it became this little thing.
  20. C

    she says..

    her - we are too alike in personality and would probably fight a lot me - haha OK her - but we can be friends cant we? me - actually i'm kinda busy, but i'll keep you in mind when my other friends aren't around her - dont be bitter its unattractive me - im never bitter, but always fun! her -...