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  1. C

    she says..

    i just laughed haha
  2. C

    she says..

    "we are too alike in personality and that we would probably fight a lot" is this a bs excuse or somethin true that'd kill attraction?
  3. C

    Getting together

    Should I use it ASAP or wait it out? Maybe miss her call then return it with plans to meet up?
  4. C

    Getting together

    Woops forgot to mention that I told her to call because I lost her number. But I actually just realized I saved it under a different name (inside joke we had) did I give away my power by suggestin she call me in the message?
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    Getting together

    This girl that I've hung out with a few times about 2 weeks ago. At the time didn't think much of her looks wise so I just became dustant. Stumbled upon her myspace today and her looks really had a nice taste in my eyes so I figured I'd give another shot. I messaged her with this "Hey cutie...
  6. C

    If she's feeling glum

    What's the proper way to be towards a girl who's feeling down about something. I usually just let her talk and say comforting yet short things and never try relating or give opinions. Is this the proper way?
  7. C

    Your thoughts please

    I understand. My only issue is if she happens to call, should I answer? Or call back and if she wants to hang out, should I? I'm talkin in the sense that her call isn't so straight forward as "I want to be with you" but more realistic as "let's hang out"
  8. C

    Your thoughts please

    Nice. Well I actually told him to say that he didn't know but that I havn't been on aim when I'm out lately. So I have to be vague and let my business create interest in her? I'm lost should I be acting distant to get her to pull a move on me? Or should I ask to hang out sometime this week...
  9. C

    Your thoughts please

    update: so it's been 3 days since i cut contact with her. my phone has internet access and i used to always be signed on to AIM (aol instant messenger) just to have the luxury of communication to people i only cared for online ha. anyway this is where she'd make 80% of her communication with...
  10. C

    Your thoughts please

    thats the problem, i mean friends, no just "girl friends" after long absences come to you saying "ive missed you lets get together" etc. so how would i interpret this if it were to happen with her? should i blatantly tell her what i want out of the interaction or?
  11. C

    Your thoughts please

    very true, i can definetly relate to the guts vs logic situation. for instance my gut from the beginning of my ex and i's frienship pick up has said she's only interested platonicly, but then she'd give random minute amounts of relationship hints and mix up how i felt. which i now feel she did...
  12. C

    Your thoughts please

    well if i say something along the terms of this, she'll just come back with "i thought it was clear that we were just friends, i'm not confused about anything" i mean she did imply that we were just friends so assuming she was lying i dont think would work?
  13. C

    Your thoughts please

    thanks a lot KontrollerX. your posts make so much sense to me, sheds a light. i really thought and believed that her and i were soo good together and everything works like a perfect harmonised gf/bf relationship that it must be that she's afraid to pick up her dignity and ask me back (since that...
  14. C

    Your thoughts please

    Wow that's enlightening. Should I walk away without explaining why or should I say something?
  15. C

    Applying everthing

    Nice. But how do you keep in mind the beliefs behind how women interact/respond to know how to reciprocate. So you're not left sayin "man I should have said this"
  16. C

    Applying everthing

    It seems impossible to incorporate all material on female/male psychology/interactions in real life situations. Upon reading tips and articles they all become very apparent but when the moment comes, how can you avoid hittin a dry spell and stumbling. Are there methods of always keeping in mind...
  17. C

    Your thoughts please

  18. C

    Your thoughts please

    This girl was my first "love" as I was hers. For some reason she has always felt to keep me around as her "friend" while she goes out lookin for guys who have my qualities (really bizarre even friends/family notice this) I just don't understand her mindset. Any ideas?