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  1. C

    someone please laugh with me and tell me this is good

    haha well she started talkin to him about me saying all that stuff
  2. C

    someone please laugh with me and tell me this is good

    well my friend is the one SHE spoke to and he is the one who relayed the convo to me. what type of reaction is she hoping for?
  3. C

    why does this work for me?

    i started using this little what i call "strange commitment" technique and it immediately about 8/10 times makes a girl warm up to you quick allowing anythin else to run smoothly. here's what i do upon meeting a new girl or one i don't see on a regular bases. me - so, are you single? her...
  4. C

    someone please laugh with me and tell me this is good

    she's makin a bigger deal out of this than it is. the ONLY message i told her pertaining to myspace was that a girl sent me a message "can i bet your beard sometime?" and that it was funny to me that the girl misspelt pet because the b and p on a keyboard are no where near each other. AND FOR...
  5. C

    someone please laugh with me and tell me this is good

    ok here's the deal. i don't do this to other girls i'm talking to at all, but this particular one who just wants to be "friends" i sometimes give her exactly that, i treat her like a "friend" of course in my own evil ways, in this case talking about other girls and when and if i do it'll only be...
  6. C

    someone please laugh with me and tell me this is good

    coming from this girl it is. just because i dont seem to care about her as much as i used to or she'd like me to exhibit is what she's probably referring to. other than that she doesnt see me too often to generalize like that about every person i come in contact with.
  7. C

    someone please laugh with me and tell me this is good

    yea definetly agree thats why i cut contact with her to an extent, i never ask to hang out and if she does i say im busy or i'll make comments like "well that depends, what are you wearing today? oh nah i dont like that color maybe another time" stuff like that but i havent cut FULL contact off...
  8. C

    someone please laugh with me and tell me this is good

    im sorry but isnt that how an alpha male should be? thats the best compliment anyone's ever given me ha
  9. C

    someone please laugh with me and tell me this is good

    *redited with more info.
  10. C

    someone please laugh with me and tell me this is good

    a friend texts me today saying that one of my girl-friends is talkin about me, so i reply with whats she saying? and he sends me the entire convo through e-mail here it is, the end is priceless. her - he is an a**hole him - Whys he an a**hole, other then the obvious reasons hahah her - oh...
  11. C

    Was she defending her image?

    can this be a tad bit elaborated on?
  12. C

    In lamen's terms

    haha oops, sometimes i post via my phone and i think it spells what i want, but we can all see its not almost accurate ha
  13. C

    Was she defending her image?

    Can you elaborate more of your seduction statement?
  14. C

    Was she defending her image?

    The other day I met a girl I had been talkin to online. I'd say on a good day she's a 8 otherwise a 7. We met and drove around in my car where I got her yapping about herself for a good 40 min. I drive to this private beach area and we walk down to the water. So we're walkin and I brush...
  15. C

    In lamen's terms

    I've been on this site for a while prior to signing up for the forums and from all everything I've read to posts I've read and browsed I think the easiest way to sum all this up when dealing with women is: Have an "I don't care about the result/consequence to any outcome/interaction" attitude...
  16. C

    Immature move on my part?

    for future reference, was what i said too much? perhaps just avoided her?
  17. C

    Immature move on my part?

    i didnt give her a chance to respond. just ended it like that. so you think it was too much?