someone please laugh with me and tell me this is good


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
a friend texts me today saying that one of my girl-friends is talkin about me, so i reply with whats she saying? and he sends me the entire convo through e-mail here it is, the end is priceless.

her - he is an a**hole

him - Whys he an a**hole, other then the obvious reasons hahah

her - oh i've just noticed recently how much of a jerk he actually is, like he doesnt really care that much about people and he's so arrogant and thinks he's the hottest thing but he's still fun to hang out with so i dont really care

him - haha i think he says arrogant stuff like that jokingly ya know
i mean he can be arroganty but i think in a light way not in a legit way like say his other friend. not that im like defending him jsut saying

her - oh i know, he's still a jerk though

him - is that the only thing? cause if it is i think i dunno maybe he does it more to u then other people cause i dont get that impression unless its someting else. I also havent known him as long, and over the past couple months you've hung out with him more then I have so maybe it gets on your nerves after awhile and I just havent been around him long enough or for long enough periods for it to take effect

her - i guess that's the only thing... i think it's different because i'm a girl because when it comes to anything about another guy he is a big jerk about it yet constantly tells me about what he does with other girls or what this girl on myspace sent to him like trying to impress me or something? i dont know, i dont get why he's always sending me things girls say to him but if i ever mention anything about a guy he turns into an a**hole. which is i guess SORT OF makes sense, but not really at all. i just get the sense that he really doesnt care that much about people and really only lives for himself and what he wants to do and thats cool if thats how he wants to be

him - eh thats sh**ty - guess thats why I dont get the mean impression cause he doesnt care about the girls/guys i talk to ha - thats weird though that he feels its cool to tell you, but gets pissed when u tell him the same type of things - you said sort of makes sense, how hah doesnt make sense to me!

her - well the part about him getting mad i guess could make sense since we have history, not the part about him being able to and not me though

him - oh oh oh yeah I guess so but that was so long ago I doubt it would still effect him

her - well he doesnt get pissed off, but he'll always make fun of me somehow or make fun of the guy

him - ha yeah but everyones like that everyone thinks the guy his ex is dating is stupid hah its normal I think I dunno its weird though cause u explain it lke he comes off real rude, which I can see, but like when we hangout at a party or something or wheerever girls always like i dont know its weird hah
it seems girls are attracted to him but its weird cause u explain it like he can be a jerk ya know i dont know it does make sense though I agree

her - thats WHY they are, and thats WHY he does it. he KNOWS that

him - meaning girls are attracted to jerks?

her - uh yes

what does everyone make of it?
i think its so funny how she claims i get mad/make fun of her and whoever she talks to because i dont do that i just ignore it ha
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Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Sounds good but you need to completely cut contact with her until she starts saying what you want to hear.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Oh its good she clarified you don't actually get "p!ssed" when she brings up other guys.

Looks like things have been well played on your part with her.

Still you should cut all contact with her as she is still persistent on friendzoning you.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
i just get the sense that he really doesnt care that much about people and really only lives for himself and what he wants to do and thats cool if thats how he wants to be
im sorry but isnt that how an alpha male should be? thats the best compliment anyone's ever given me ha


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Its a great compliment for sure but this is the part that bothers me...

"her - oh i've just noticed recently how much of a jerk he actually is, like he doesnt really care that much about people and he's so arrogant and thinks he's the hottest thing but he's still fun to hang out with so i dont really care"

She's having fun hanging out with you.

She's getting the prize for free.

Only girls that are into you should get that luxury.

Girls that are willing to pay the price for your time.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
yea definetly agree thats why i cut contact with her to an extent, i never ask to hang out and if she does i say im busy or i'll make comments like "well that depends, what are you wearing today? oh nah i dont like that color maybe another time" stuff like that but i havent cut FULL contact off, im having fun with it in a way. good learning process if anything.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
No dude, it's not really a compliment when someone says you don't care about other people. That's not alpha at all.

What's alpha is caring about other people but putting your own needs first, it's not like they are mutually exclusive.

Now having a girl think you're a little arrogant and don't put her on a pedestal, yes that's alpha I guess.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
No dude, it's not really a compliment when someone says you don't care about other people.
coming from this girl it is. just because i dont seem to care about her as much as i used to or she'd like me to exhibit is what she's probably referring to. other than that she doesnt see me too often to generalize like that about every person i come in contact with.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
That's what I said in my second part, about being a little arrogant and not putting her on a pedestal. That is what you want. In the context of THIS chick, yes it's a "good" sign.

You seem to know the difference between being selfish and not putting others before yourself.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
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Don Juan
Feb 8, 2006
Reaction score
Shit son, sending her stuff girls say to you on myspace? Sounds to me like you're the one trying way too hard and she's seeing right through it.

Real players don't brag about their exploits. If anything I've noticed they tend to keep it on the down low. Especially to a girl, that's not impressive. If she starts talking about other guys you better learn to play it off and act like you don't care or else your jealousy becomes transparent.
Note: playing it off does not mean going to lengths to ignore everything she says. That too will be obvious.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
I used to get upset when a girl made me jealous. Yeah, it's a pain in the ass but if you react to right, you'll see that she's just trying to get a reaction from you.

Instead of making fun of the guy, putting him down or whatever, just take his side and support her being with him and hanging out with him.

She says, "well I was with so and so the other night", just say, "cool, he seems like a Nice Guy."

Maybe that's not the best way, but some of this stuff you just need to walk right around. Women have enough abilities to suck us into their games, we shouldn't have play ALL of the games.

And I agree with Yapper, talking about other girls to her, unless in a very SUBTLE way, is like showing off and makes you look insecure and that you're only doing it to impress her.

Hell, even my guy friends who talk about that stuff to me, sure I want to know what they're up to and everything, but I don't need to know EVERY single detail. I prefer to keep that sort of thing to myself.



Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
I think you sound like a prize wanker.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Real players don't brag about their exploits. If anything I've noticed they tend to keep it on the down low. Especially to a girl, that's not impressive.
ok here's the deal. i don't do this to other girls i'm talking to at all, but this particular one who just wants to be "friends" i sometimes give her exactly that, i treat her like a "friend" of course in my own evil ways, in this case talking about other girls and when and if i do it'll only be about something "funny" that has happened (which is my way of making it subtle). for example "haha oh man this girl i was out with the other night did this and that blah blah etc" type of thing. i'm not calling her up and saying "it's so great im such a catch, so many girls love me, i couldnt keep them off me today blah blah"


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
Why the f*ck are you telling her what messages other girls send you over myspace?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Dude. Stop playing games.

Either she wants you or she doesn't. If she doesn't, walk away. Don't resort to this jr.high note passing crap.