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  1. C

    Why does this happen to mee

    as of now, i would say this whole mastering women thing could fall under that category. yes and that is the reason why i sometimes feel inept. it's more so thinking i should know little of everything in the world, its a rough demand i give to myself. i can let other's interests make them have...
  2. C

    Why does this happen to mee

    No one?
  3. C

    Why does this happen to mee

    I find myself feeling completely hollow mentally when around certain people mostly girls who talk about their interests/hobbies that I myself have either never heard of or find little significance in. Point is this type of stuff makes me feel a lack of hobbies in my life, almost unworthy to...
  4. C

    Myspace reply

    i second this statement. so what's the alternative?
  5. C

    Myspace reply

    what are you her brother? haha
  6. C

    Jelousy Issue..

    yes, pretend he's gay or her brother. no joke.
  7. C

    Myspace reply

    i messaged a girl on myspace that had her profile set to private with: "so whats the deal with your private profile... what do you have to hide?" her response: "trying to keep people like you away from me" my retort: "Haha you're silly. You must have sensed that i would have only considered...
  8. C

    blast from the past

    hmm.. not sure if i should make the next contact, as far as she's concerned i've just been really busy and my contact cut off wasn't a personal target towards her.
  9. C

    blast from the past

    So should I wait for her to contact again or should I call and set something up?
  10. C

    blast from the past

    does a situation like this need to be treated as if it were a new girl? or do you continue not showing interest until she pulls out all the stops?
  11. C

    blast from the past

    so a girl i made a conscious decision to cut off a long time ago for failure of showing mutual interest in my needs sends me an IM on aim this morning, convo goes like this. her - hey stranger me - (after 5 min) hey whats up her - not muuch, you? me - not much (long pause) her - what are you...
  12. C

    i've never had this happen

    how do i build more comfort if she wont talk? ha
  13. C

    i've never had this happen

    trying to talk to a girl, find out a little about her and she replies "ugh i don't like talking about myself" and wouldnt fill me in about anything, real awkward
  14. C

    what if you absolutely need to get this one girl

    advice renders that if you have the mindset of you have to get this one particular girl you've already lost but, what if one day you do happen to find an exceptional girl who has a great personality, looks, attitude, knows whats up, etc. i'm sure then you'll only want her, whats the advice to a...
  15. C

    Need some help gettting a #

    Walk up to her and say "hey, how old are you anyway?" she'll respond with whatever and no matter how old play it like she's a youngin and say "oh so you probably don't even know what a phone is nevermind having one" in a funny fed up tone. She'll laugh blah blah and defend herself then you...
  16. C

    Myspace: girls trying to set value

    here's one About me: i am the next hurricane. Who I'd like to meet: all set. AND she's single, also has her pics set to private.
  17. C

    Myspace: girls trying to set value

    ha i'm not just talking about their photos/appearance. their simple profiles with little one liners as almost saying "i'm better than this" etc.
  18. C

    Myspace: girls trying to set value

    have you ever noticed on myspace profiles how some of these girls who think they're the sh*t set up their profiles so that it in a subliminal way radiates that message? i was just browsing and landed on several "cool/hip girls" myspaces who barely write about themselves, seem to be into all the...
  19. C

    This angered me, what to do?

    thats very understandable but the way she said it, it was very obvious i would have been her last resort. i can decipher the difference between someone who really got caught off gaurd and needs to check their schedule and someone who had nothing planned and wants to see what other options she...
  20. C

    Need some good advice on forgetting someone

    only if you subtley lead up to it. use kino (touch her here and there in a non creepy way ha) touch her when you talk briefly etc. build up to the kiss so its not a shock value, slap in the face, out of left field move on your part to her. which explains why you made this post and are so...