Need some help gettting a #


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2007
Reaction score
I've talked to this girl in school twice. But within school time so probably for about an hour all together.

When i'm leaving class i want to go up to her and start talking to her and then end up number closing.

Any tips?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
Reaction score
Walk up to her and say "hey, how old are you anyway?" she'll respond with whatever and no matter how old play it like she's a youngin and say "oh so you probably don't even know what a phone is nevermind having one" in a funny fed up tone. She'll laugh blah blah and defend herself then you follow with "ok so what's your number then if you claim to be up to the times"


Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
Sheesh Thats Advice

HE WHO HESITATES DOES NOT GET ANY WHERE...........took too long.

Ask soon as you ask the question shoud I or I known this chic for 2 weeks now and I..............YOU ALREADY MADE YOUR FIRST MISTAKE.

You see the human brain is like that........the more you hesitate the more you become UNCOMFORTABLE and soon the window of opportunity closes.

TO trick the brain..just do it...........take a deep breath and go for it.....don't fricken give your brain the chance to fear approaching. Thats where the whole approach within 3 seconds advice comes from.

But here is the point that EVERY SINGLE GUY OUT THERE MISSES..........INNER GAME. U gotta role play all the possible answers she is going to give and then re-frame it, and re-direct it so that you are smooth and confident. Sounds lame but get this...........IT ACTUALLY WORKS.

See Mystery Method has its merrits but keeping track of what phase you are in, looking for IoI's, etc when U are just starting this stuff is complex.

The only real weapon of mass destruction you have is AN ANSWER to every possible thing she will say......ya ask any sales professional.......they cover it all to get that sale. So can you..........just have it goling on inside your head first and the outside will follow..........remember what i said though just go for it........after awhile you will see how much you improved with approaching.

THE SPECIFICS..........WAY too many methods to extract a number........and way too many varying opinions on here.:eek: