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  1. L

    From slutty to relationship

    Another thing, she probably has low self-esteem, which most girls do, but she has found a way to pacify her insecurities by hooking up with random guys or being a flirt, feeling like she is needed by someone. More than likely, the way she recieves or interpretes love is through "physical touch"...
  2. L

    From slutty to relationship

    Obviously, she likes sex and attention. So, if you are going to in a relationship with this girl, you are going to HAVE to make sure you put out, and not give stupid excuses. Seems like she is okay with quickies, with some long sex times, too. Change it up, f*ck her down when she isn't...
  3. L

    Approaching Girls at Gym

    Dating or hitting on a girl at the gym is like doing the same thing at work - almost like sh*tting where you eat. Why would you risk a good work out for a girl that could potentially be a drama queen? You'd have to avoid the gym, change gyms, deal with her stalking you, or her showing up...
  4. L

    I'm Training a Girl (picture)

    Holy f**k, who has time for all that?? I'm a simple girl. LOL
  5. L

    I'm Training a Girl (picture)

    Well, I do think it depends on your goals as well. Personally, I think if anyone who is overweight will initially lose fat pretty easy at first just from being more active, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, you have take things more serious and up the intensity level by changing your...
  6. L

    I'm Training a Girl (picture)

    Why don't you try doing a 3-day split of weight training, followed by 20 to 30 minutes of cardio, and while doing weights, only take 30 to 60 second breaks? I don't know how effective HITT training is. I do know, though, that when you keep your heart rate at a fat-burning rate, usually 150...
  7. L

    I'm Training a Girl (picture)

    I'm assuming with low to no carb, she isn't really trying to get any muscle, but does she know that gaining muscle would help with burning fat more than cardio. Cardio burns fat at the time, muscle will help burn fat all day - always a plus. When I'm leaning, I like to eat these types of...
  8. L

    Showing your Romantic side

    Yeah, it's an age thing. :yes:
  9. L

    Showing your Romantic side

    Call me air-headed, but how does romantic and naive relate?
  10. L

    Showing your Romantic side

    When you're trying to get laid.
  11. L

    How to get alone with her

    Do you have a big back seat? Haha....J/K
  12. L

    Im Black but many say i act white

    Well, if you're in a predominately white community, why would it matter? Either way, just speak intelligently, that's more important than anything. If you want to be successful and respected in your employment, it's more important to speak well than being socially accepted by others who...
  13. L

    Health & Fitness Quick Tips (Make a contribution)

    Don't forget your morning and bedtime protein. :D
  14. L

    Drugs that get you wired up for the day!

    I use vasopro. Get it from, regualr 200 mg caffiene pill from CVS or something, and an enteric-coated aspirin. Usually, I'll drink it with a sugar-free Red Bull.
  15. L

    Drugs that get you wired up for the day!

    That's 25 mg of ephedrine, right? The ECA stack is the best, EVER!!! :crazy: It's cheaper than Lipo-6 and that other crap, and SOOO much more effective for fat loss. When you are at the gym, it's like you can lift the world!! :rockon:
  16. L

    I'm Training a Girl (picture)

    Ooops, I forgot flax seed. :D
  17. L

    Fish oil - is this a good way to take it?

    They are supposed to make you smarter, too. Always a plus!!
  18. L

    I'm Training a Girl (picture)

    GEEEZ, that's it!! HAHA. J/K. Is she interested in gaining any muscle at all? For me: I eat 5-6 meals per day, 3 of those meals are protein shakes, because I'm lazy. :cheer: (Fiber, Protein, Carb) Sometimes, I don't eat carbs at night. I know I'm supposed to, but my boyfriend and I...
  19. L

    Are hickey's good or bad for your game?

    If I see a guy with a hickey, I usually think that he must not get laid very much, because he has display the fact that someone actually wanted to be with him. Besides, you have make a girl think that she is the only one getting your stuff. When she sees that, she'll be all retarded about...
  20. L

    Are hickey's good or bad for your game?

    GROSS!! Hickeys are disgusting on anyone.