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  1. L

    To the women on this forum - why?

    **Cartman** Screw you guys, I'm going home! Haha, no, seriously, what if, hypothetically speaking, one of us girls used to be a lesbian in a past life, and so, we would know a thing or two about gaming girls, playing their stupid mind games, etc., etc.?
  2. L

    To the women on this forum - why?

    Mmmm, you're probably more of a feminist than me, for sure. I have a very different view of how woman should treat their men than most people. That could be another reason why I don't have many friends. I cannot stand when I see women disrespect their men, not clean or cook for them, make...
  3. L

    To the women on this forum - why?

    Plus, it helps us girls so that we can learn how to be better wives/girlfriends to hear/read what guys complain about, so that we don't do those things, do more, or whatever.
  4. L

    Hope you guys don't mind

    Well, I don't want to start any drama, FOR SURE. Mr. Wolf and I have just established early that we don't get along. No big deal.
  5. L

    Hope you guys don't mind

    The purpose of making this thread was to kind of introduce myself, since I have posted on some of the threads, and since this a male forum, I just wanted to say, yes, I'm a girl, but I don't offend easy, if you want to reply to my posts, or call me a beyatch like Mr. Wolf, although I'm feeling...
  6. L

    Hope you guys don't mind

    Mmmmmmmk. I think you should go with Wolf on this one.
  7. L

    Craigslist Meets WallStreet…Classic The only way to go.
  8. L

    To the women on this forum - why?

    Also, I was on this other forum asking questions about characteristics about certain types of guys, specifically, single guys, mid 30s, financially responsible, not in any LTR, why or why not they wanted to be in a LTR, etc. I didn't get much of response. Someone recommended this site. On...
  9. L

    Hope you guys don't mind

    I don't wear skirts very much, only weekends when going out. I do have long hair. I'm not going to be all like, "Yeah, I'm hot." Yada, yada. I'll just say I can handle my business. Yes, I'm attracted to this site because that doesn't mean anything.
  10. L

    To the women on this forum - why?

    Surely, you're not serious? With Facebook and myspace, a girl would want to hang around guys for attention? I just get along better with guys than girls.
  11. L

    To the women on this forum - why?

    My reasons: 1. As I said in my previous posts, girly threads blow. Everyone is so sensitive. 2. Mom threads want to talk about changing diapers and new receipes. 3. Guys tend to have more of a sense of humor than girls because girls are too worried about impressing everyone. 4. I do...
  12. L

    Hope you guys don't mind

    Of course I lie, damn, I just said girls lie....LMAO. How the heck to you rate yourself? My pic is on my profile, so just go look. :eek:
  13. L

    Hope you guys don't mind

    I'm not sure if that is a question. If so, I don't have female friends because they annoy me. Most women lie about the stupidest crap, whine about the dumbest stuff, complain about things they either don't want to change or have the motiviation to change. I could go on and on, but it'd...
  14. L

    Hope you guys don't mind

    I totally agree. Exactly why I don't have female friends. Plus, you shouldn't. You were blessed with a ball sack and a penis, use it, don't be a pus*sy. :rock:
  15. L

    Hope you guys don't mind

    HAHA...That video was great. I love George. Anyone who doesn't like Seinfield or Family Guy is just wrong, plain wrong. As far as being fat, no, but I used to be. The good thing about being fat is that you don't have to be so cautious about what you eat or feeling guilty for eating it...
  16. L

    Hope you guys don't mind

    Oh yeah, another thing, I work at home, and so the only time I out in the "real world" is at school and at the gym, which I don't really talk to people much then either, so I'm a little off the wall and dorky.:cheer:
  17. L

    Hope you guys don't mind

    me being here. I know this is a guy site, but everyone on the girly sites get offended too easy, like the guys are metrosexuals or some crap. Anyway, I know most of you guys ignore me, which is totally cool, 'cause most of what I say is BS, but this is me ->:wave: I don't get offended easy...
  18. L

    New... with a big problem.

    What kind of replusive stuff? Tell your new girl that the only way you'll consider it is if she shaves her kitty bald along with the bung hole. Plus, she has to bleach her bung hole just in case you want to try it as well. Say you want your first experience to be AMAZ--ING with no limits...
  19. L

    I'm Training a Girl (picture)

    I had to reread this again this morning, and I'm like, "Dude, are you serious?" You really do all that? When I do my fish, I fry it with the Pam like I said, spray some fat-free butter on it, poor some lemon juice on it, put the heat like on 9 or 10. Usually, it's done all burned and stuff...
  20. L

    From slutty to relationship

    Yeah, don't expect her to be perfectly good at it. She might screw up from time to time, like be too flirty with a guy or whatever, but just keep her dic#ed down, you'll be aight. :yes: