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  1. L

    For the Renaissance men

    Based on the overwhelming response, you guys are scared of all women.:crackup:
  2. L

    For the Renaissance men

    Do aggressive women scare you?
  3. L

    Have you a dumped a girl because

    when you saw her mom, scared you, and you bailed? :)
  4. L

    Want to know the % of attractive young (18-30) women in the United States?

    How much does take away from the quality on a 0-10 scale, 10 being highest?
  5. L

    Want to know the % of attractive young (18-30) women in the United States?

    Yeah, I can see that. Considering how the majority of women/girls are taking care of their bodies now, there seems to be a fine line between 20 and 30, as far as physical attractiveness.
  6. L

    Want to know the % of attractive young (18-30) women in the United States?

    Well, when you facial aging, you just mean like wrinkles, right? When I think of aging, considering most people gain weight, that their faces will become rounder/wider, and also, hair gets drier, if it's not taken care of or damage.
  7. L

    Want to know the % of attractive young (18-30) women in the United States?

    Wow, that's impressive that you think women keep their somewhat good looks until their early 30s. Most guys think that looks start to fail at age 25, sometimes earlier considering the bad eating habits of the general population.