New... with a big problem.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
North Carolina
I need some help with something, and I figured this was the best place to ask.

I'm 21 and a virging, by choice, mind you. But, I was in a really bad relationship that ended last December and it ruined sex for me. The idea of it makes me upset, literally. Dating hasn't been a big issue, but I haven't had a real relationship in about a year because of that.

I just recently started dating this girl who's made it very clear she wants to sleep with me, but I can't bring myself to go much furthur than kissing her.

It all sounds kinda stupid, I know, but it's f*cking my game up. I'm not having any fun anymore and I want to know how to get past it. My ex did some ridiculous sh*t that made sex repulsive to me while we were breaking up.

What do I do?


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
What kind of replusive stuff?

Tell your new girl that the only way you'll consider it is if she shaves her kitty bald along with the bung hole. Plus, she has to bleach her bung hole just in case you want to try it as well. Say you want your first experience to be AMAZ--ING with no limits. You could say your ex did some replusive stuff, like you said, and you might want to role play, like rape sex or something.


Don Juan
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
North Carolina
...not like... repulsive stuff to me. She just did a lot of stuff with other guys while we were ending that she felt the need to rub my face in.

She's kind of a *****. *shrugs*

But, still. I'm having trouble with it, and it was a year ago.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
To get passed this I think you have to recognize that sex itself is a morally neutral act.

All the disgusting hurtful cruel things it was used for to hurt you by your ex girlfriend well thats all on her. As you said she is a wh0re and that is what wh0res do.

Now even though in this instance sex was used as a weapon to bludgeon your emotions it does not make the act in itself awful but rather the person who used it to harm you.

In other words the person was awful not this act.

The new girl wants to use sex for the benefit of you both which I would think is a good thing for you.

Again I say work to train your mind to understand that the act itself is neutral.

Its the person behind the act that is the problem or the solution.

Look at the person as bad or good repulsive or not repulsive not the act.

Its like how a gun is neutral but can be used for good or evil depending on whose wielding it.