Im Black but many say i act white

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Comeback kid

Don Juan
Sep 9, 2007
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So i got myself a problem that i have been having for many years of my life. Im 16 years old and im black. But i like to act as my own type. But alot of people i know are saying that i act white people used to say this all through middle school also. Like a few friends joke around about it. Maybe this is the reason people don't react kindly to me all the time. They expect me to act like a thug. I remember one person saying i talked too proper to be black and it wasn't good. I was just thinking, could this affect how girls react to me. Im mostly talking to white girls since its a mostly white school. Maybe girls find it weird that im black yet i don't use slang for everyone word that comes out of my mouth. I just feel a bit insulted when people call me white. It makes me feel like i have to act a certain way to be socially accepted. Whats your opinions on this??


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
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Well, if you're in a predominately white community, why would it matter?

Either way, just speak intelligently, that's more important than anything. If you want to be successful and respected in your employment, it's more important to speak well than being socially accepted by others who cannot.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
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I think your on the wrong forum but to comment on your situation. I'm assuming your in the USA. The hiphop culture has pretty much taken over a big portion of the younger black generation and its come to the point where to be considered "black" you have to be a thug. A lot of people are just going off of there personal experience when they call you "white". From there experience all they see is black people acting like thugs, so based on that they assume thats the way they all are. So when they come across you and see you not acting like a thug it throws them off, so they have to find a way of making sense of it. Its a pretty ignorant thing for them to say, but no need to get mad about it, its not worth your energy. Just know who you are or who you want to become, decide it for yourself, don't let others or society dictate that for you.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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If the people are black, ask them if acting like a criminal and speaking poorly is really what they want to be associated with "being black."

If they are white, what the fvck? You'd think they'd prefer you acting white, whatever that is.

When you're at a job interview talking proper you'll win over the interviewer whether he's white, black, or a water buffalo. None of the black people I work with act or speak "thug."


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Look deep inside for your motivation to not sound "thuggish", or "more Black."
Examine your motivation.
Are you trying to be impressive?
Are you trying to "come off" a certain way?

Or is this you? Really you?

If you do it becasue it IS YOU....then stick to it.
If you do it, to stand out, to get attention, or to impress others...then what's happening is that people are seeing through your 'act" and finding insecurity in yourself.
You're at a tough stage, you're a kid starting to grow into a young man. This is the stage where you truly develop your Identity. Many people get lost here, and never find it again.
You have to look really down deep to see if you act in your ideal of yourself, or you act because you want ot be something your'e not.

It's tough too, becasue at this stage many, any young men bend to social pressure. They do this because they haven't developed their Personal Boundary yet, and do not have a grasp on their identity, preferences, ideas, and opinions yet.


Don Juan
Nov 26, 2007
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its annoying to see black people acting out of thier charecter......just to seem a certain way....
....or beter yet any race..... who you are....

....i use slang....sag my pants....wear baggy jeans...and absolutly LOVE.....big hoodies.....its almost an infatuation...stole some things....and started a few problems.....

.....but im a good dude....or a good nigga anyway....

just be you....whatever that means....

how you speak...and how you dress has nothing to do with who you are...or even what race you are....

id rather be a good n igga...whos real, respectful, and respectable than a white ,not trustworthy, disrespectful criminal,


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
Ask yourself first what type of people you want in your life.

Shallow, superficial, racist ones? If that is what you want, start speaking "ebonics", son.

When you grow up, you will find out that real women want real men who use real words.

Think of Andre 3000. He is one of the most admired people in the music industry. "Your white T, well to me, look like a nightgown/ Make your mama proud, take that thing two sizes down/ Then you'll look like the man that you are or what you could be..."

Don't go with trends that you know are dumb. Classic will always be classy.

And when you stick with what you believe in, and don't sway in every direction of the wind, you will be viewed as strong, which is way sexier than any trend could ever be.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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Who the f*ck cares what those people think? Talk how you want to talk man. Just because you don't talk like the token black guy and say "Damn!" and "That's whack!" all the time doesn't mean you're not black. People who say you're not black because you don't use "slang" are ignorant and I don't even know why you would want to surround yourself with those type of people. So let's say you start speaking slang, is it really going to help you? No, sure people will start saying "you act black", but it's going to hurt you more than it helps you.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2004
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im black and iv had people say **** like that too me,but they always say i act different not white, these people are usually the ghetto ones. i dnt be fukking with ghetto chicks to tell you the truth,i did once and found they were too much for me to handle thats why i go with normal girls,i was raised in a west african house hold and my views were different from the typical african american or blk birtish folks,i lived in both the u.s and th uk.

the thing is once you get to your mid-twenties youll say fukk it and be your self naturally. because being blk isnt an attitude, you are who you are. why should i wear clothes 4 sizes to big,when i cant find employemnt? and wonder why i dont get a job? there is racsim yes.

but we need to help ourselfs. i hate racists,infact i aint that comfortable around white folks.because i get paranoid and they can be stunned if they expect a certain attitude from you but dont get it, and the racists thing slips out every now and again from white folks,by making comments like,, act blk man,,or can you rap,,or playbasketball. a good role model for me is will smith..he know's he's blk and goes with his own,,but the same time knows how to play the game on the hwite audiences. so he comes of as a none threatning kinda dude.
as for girls you dont need to rush on them,,

youll grow and youll know better you are only 16. and i would say be carefull with the kinda white girls you date cuss, thier parents may not like you, infact they will not like you, theyll just put -up a front. so id say stick with like-minded blk girls.

i had bling and baggy pants and the whole nine when i was in my teens to early 20's to please the blk crowd,not white folks. i gave -up when i saw how shallow these bling and hihop beaches were becoming,cuss i just dnt give a fukk anymore about that shiit, i love my hiphop to death but i dress normall,t-shirts and jeans like every other human being. white dudes be looking at me like wtf?? no bling airforce ones?? he wearing chucks??
i hate being sterotyped,,im me and the best way to overcome this is not to give a fukk wat they think..either they are blk no white dont play into thier perceptions of what a young blk man should be.

seems like we helped in playing the part of them steroetyping us. like im a loser for not having spinner's or popping crytal in the club? even some white women are taking this view that you aint proper if you aint balli'n. fukk outta here.

i speak propper with a lil slang here and there to suit the level of that persons education,sometimes white girls be comming at me with wats up dawg..ill be like beach speak english..i understand normall english.

just be normall and dont act like some geek stand tall and dont give your attention to everylittle thing some idiot say or thinks the more you disgard these things the happier you'll be. besides my dad had a white wife once so i know how to talk to both parties.

ps. in a hurry thats why my writings fuked up.
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