I'm Training a Girl (picture)


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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jonwon said:
Nice, i approve :D

Your Ex is probably getting fat due to 'emotional sorrow' it usually happens, they either go on a super diet if they think they can win you back, or if they know its a lost cause they 'comfort eat' normally.

Thats some nice piece of as*, you have there and she seems to have a great attitude.

Shes done well.

Anyway of topic, but had to give you props :D
Haha yeah shes cool, I will have to write a plan for my ex also soon because she is just getting depressed.
She was always jelious of me training this girl. Now I know why.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
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I'm assuming with low to no carb, she isn't really trying to get any muscle, but does she know that gaining muscle would help with burning fat more than cardio. Cardio burns fat at the time, muscle will help burn fat all day - always a plus.

When I'm leaning, I like to eat these types of meals:
Shrimp with greens, usually something in the package, I don't care, as long as it is green (green beams, broc., peas, yada, yada).

Scrambled eggs (5-6) with either tuna or shrimp in it, minus the egg whites, except I add one whole egg with anything green or carrotts. Mmm, I looOOOVE carrotts

Tilapia (fry them with Pam, spray with fat-free butter, top with Frank's Red Hot), with carrotts or anything green.

I'll buy the 98% fat free turkey and eat 4-5 slices with carrotts, tomatoes, mushrooms, or anything green.

I'll mix the veggies with each. When I'm doing carbs, I do corn tortillas or jasmine rice.

As far as water intake, AT LEAST 1 gallon a day. I'm not sure what other people do, I think it's like 64 ounces or something. If I do eat something out of the can, like tuna or something, I'll add more water in because of the sodium.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
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Why don't you try doing a 3-day split of weight training, followed by 20 to 30 minutes of cardio, and while doing weights, only take 30 to 60 second breaks?

I don't know how effective HITT training is. I do know, though, that when you keep your heart rate at a fat-burning rate, usually 150 to 162, you burn more fat and not get into lean muscle as much.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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Low carb is superior for gaining muscle while staying lean. I'm on low carb and I'm a powerlifter!

Look up 'muscle with altitude' female version of T-nation. Many pro figure competitors train this way.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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LivA said:
I'm assuming with low to no carb, she isn't really trying to get any muscle, but does she know that gaining muscle would help with burning fat more than cardio. Cardio burns fat at the time, muscle will help burn fat all day - always a plus.
Cardio can burn fat ~"all day." This is how HIIT operates.

Gaining muscle for burning fat isn't what it's cracked up to be. That myth of 50 calories a day burned per pound of muscle is ridiculous. Simple math: Guy with only 100 lbs of muscle would equal 5000 calories a day to MAINTAIN. Absurd. It's really a miniscule number. I've seen like 5-10 calories per pound of muscle to maintain it. Even a lb of fat takes a few calories to maintain. Adding 5 lbs of muscle isn't going to do much for fat burning and women can't really add pounds of muscle that quickly anyway. By the time she gets the muscle, diet and cardio could have already eaten the fat away.

Now if you say the actual metabolism boosting effect of a weight workout, yeah that'll boost metabolism for hours after the workout.

Strength training mixed with cardio and low carb diet is the way to go for fat loss. Of course, gaining muscle would help her look better but not drastically help to magically eat up fat.

LivA said:
I don't know how effective HITT training is. I do know, though, that when you keep your heart rate at a fat-burning rate, usually 150 to 162, you burn more fat and not get into lean muscle as much.
Those "zones" don't mean much at all. I've even seen this in the mainstream media recently and usually they just make sh1t up.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
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mrRuckus said:
Strength training mixed with cardio and low carb diet is the way to go for fat loss. Of course, gaining muscle would help her look better but not drastically help to magically eat up fat.
Well, I do think it depends on your goals as well. Personally, I think if anyone who is overweight will initially lose fat pretty easy at first just from being more active, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, you have take things more serious and up the intensity level by changing your routine. Maybe like if she did HITT a.m. 3 days a week and a 3-day split, with no carbs after 6 or something. I just say that because that's what works for me, but everyone is different, and I'm sure you know her body type better than I do. :cheer:


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Throttle said:
I disagree with your conclusion that her dietary finickiness means she isn't committed. I've worked with several gals who are possibly even more finicky, but highly dedicated to their lifting.

Then it's a different value of "committed." I take down sh1t i'd rather not all the time. I go to the gym when i don't feel like driving there.

I see this all the time. It's "i want it" but you don't actually want it enough to DO IT.

This comes down to that saying of don't wish things were easier, wish you were better. That's more of what i do. I still eat things i'd rather not. I personally don't want to eat chicken or tuna but i do with carb meals since i shouldn't have lots of fat that other meats would bring to the meal. I'd say i'm hell of a lot more committed than someone who snubs nearly everything just because they don't like it. You learn to accept stuff anyway if you aren't weak and deal with the short term discomfort for the sake of long term success... tuna used to make me gag, CEE made me want to puke, bcaa sucks, and now i just take all 3 like they're water. Before college, beer was disgusting.

There are only so many acceptable alternatives. Chicken, fish, pork, beef... how many variations that aren't ridiculously expensive and convenient to eat time and time again are there? What are the alternatives to non-starchy vegetables anyway if she won't eat the cruciferous no matter the topping?

I realize i'm more harsh than most people, but i often ask for and demand only what i'm willing to put out (why i haven't committed to a girlfriend in over a year now. none are willing and/or capable of meeting what i am willing and capable to give out myself.) And i know there are a lot more dedicated people than I am but i personally don't meet any in 'real life' so i don't really think about them. I really wish there was MORE to healthily do to make my progress faster.

Of course my opinion changes some now that i saw she's willing to drive an hour 3 times a week, but i still think she's being a baby about food.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
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wolf116 said:
Dear Sosuave moderators,
Please make available a smiley either, bashing his head against a wall or beating his head with a hammer.
Thank you.
Hahaha, sorry about that, I somehow read "equal number of fats". I never heard that before so I asked for a source.

Don't worry about my knowledge of fats, I've takken the blue pill (or was that the red pill?) :D


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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yeah, sorry man, I should have just helped you out instead of trying to be a smart ass.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
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LivA said:
Tilapia (fry them with Pam, spray with fat-free butter, top with Frank's Red Hot), with carrotts or anything green.
pan fry fish in real butter, Pam is rancid canned canola oil. to really piss off the low fat fanatics, when the fish is done, pull it out and add some heavy cream to cool the pan. a sovereign sauce for all occasions, and a French classic.

pan fry green veggies in butter or olive oil OR my favorite is to hybrid steam/pan fry them. what do i mean? Drop a few tablespoons of olive oil or butter into a 3 quart saucepan, empty some frozen veggies in the pan, DON'T ADD WATER, throw on a lid and set it to medium high. open to stir about 5 minutes in, re-cover, and repeat in 3-5 minute increments until you like the consistency of the veggies.

add salt & pepper & you have a perfect batch of veggies w/ no flavor or nutrients lost to excess water. works best with green veggies -- carrots & cauliflower are somewhat more likely to burn with this method if you don't keep an eye on 'em....


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2006
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mrRuckus said:
i still think she's being a baby about food.
i agree...but i've also learned, and this is doubly important if you're going to try to 'educate' a woman (on any matter), they're highly resistant to advice in certain areas (us guys are too, but on different matters), so you need to spoon-feed them until they're ready for the truly mind-blowing stuff.

in particular, most can't let go of the conventional wisdom they've been fed on diet & exercise... anyone who's going to try to overcome that had better be pretty patient & dedicated to the task.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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She accepts everything I tell her about diet as truth and always asks my advice on diet/exercise. She also does her own research on my recommendation.
This is the most motivated chick I have come across. It's just that the odds were against her because she was brought up on takeaway only diet.
She never developed a taste for natural foods.

I remember when I first started out I wouldn't eat/do serten things but every day you want to progress a little more.


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
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Throttle said:
pan fry fish in real butter, Pam is rancid canned canola oil. to really piss off the low fat fanatics, when the fish is done, pull it out and add some heavy cream to cool the pan. a sovereign sauce for all occasions, and a French classic.

pan fry green veggies in butter or olive oil OR my favorite is to hybrid steam/pan fry them. what do i mean? Drop a few tablespoons of olive oil or butter into a 3 quart saucepan, empty some frozen veggies in the pan, DON'T ADD WATER, throw on a lid and set it to medium high. open to stir about 5 minutes in, re-cover, and repeat in 3-5 minute increments until you like the consistency of the veggies.

add salt & pepper & you have a perfect batch of veggies w/ no flavor or nutrients lost to excess water. works best with green veggies -- carrots & cauliflower are somewhat more likely to burn with this method if you don't keep an eye on 'em....
Holy f**k, who has time for all that?? I'm a simple girl. LOL


Don Juan
Nov 29, 2007
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Throttle said:
pan fry fish in real butter, Pam is rancid canned canola oil. to really piss off the low fat fanatics, when the fish is done, pull it out and add some heavy cream to cool the pan. a sovereign sauce for all occasions, and a French classic.

pan fry green veggies in butter or olive oil OR my favorite is to hybrid steam/pan fry them. what do i mean? Drop a few tablespoons of olive oil or butter into a 3 quart saucepan, empty some frozen veggies in the pan, DON'T ADD WATER, throw on a lid and set it to medium high. open to stir about 5 minutes in, re-cover, and repeat in 3-5 minute increments until you like the consistency of the veggies.

add salt & pepper & you have a perfect batch of veggies w/ no flavor or nutrients lost to excess water. works best with green veggies -- carrots & cauliflower are somewhat more likely to burn with this method if you don't keep an eye on 'em....
I had to reread this again this morning, and I'm like, "Dude, are you serious?" You really do all that? When I do my fish, I fry it with the Pam like I said, spray some fat-free butter on it, poor some lemon juice on it, put the heat like on 9 or 10. Usually, it's done all burned and stuff. While I'm burning my fish, I have some veggies in the steamer pot next to me, going full blast on 10 after I put some mexican type seasoning on it. I don't know what it's called - it just looked interesting at the store. I just say it's mexican because it's in Spanish, but I think it has garlic in it because it shows a garlic on the front. I have 2 corn tortillas in the microwave, set at 30 seconds. This usually takes 5 minutes to prepare and I'm done. Just like I like it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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Throttle said:
i agree...but i've also learned, and this is doubly important if you're going to try to 'educate' a woman (on any matter), they're highly resistant to advice in certain areas (us guys are too, but on different matters), so you need to spoon-feed them until they're ready for the truly mind-blowing stuff.

And that is my problem how? You (general) want to be highly resistant after you asked for my help? Fvck off; why did you ask if you weren't going to listen? Maybe you struggle with the person if you're getting paid for it but if it's just a friendly gesture to help someone out BAH why put yourself through that (hoping to get laid? need female praise?)

I'm not resistant to anything. People say all kinds of stuff, i constantly doubt everything i know, and go research things when people contradict what I believe. Why is everyone else so weak? How did we ever get out of caves?

I was dating a nurse who basically told me i was going to die because i ate a lot of sausage and eggs in the morning. She would have none of any differing opinion or any interest in any information and articles from doctors or anything stating she was incorrect. She just chose to remain ignorant and look down on me like I'm stupid. Fvck. That. You tell me there's all this research that says what i am doing is terrible for me, you're damn right i'm going to look into it. I'm even looking into some of that stuff Mad Maxtard or whatever his name has been spewing because i'm sure something or other in there is of use.


New Member
Dec 13, 2004
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Sorry to go OT but the second photo....that has to be at Mooloolaba main beach no?

G'day mate ;)


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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Lexie said:
Please don't tell me you think she looks "slightly chubby" in that first pic....
No she doesn't, but thats because I'm very good with a camera. I cheated a little.

Anyway, I now have her eating sausage and capsicums stuffed with mince and cauliflower. She is also logging all her foods and showing me, she hasn't cheated once.

I will keep you guys updated on how this goes, so you guys can train your GF's if they want it.

Shes on day two and is feeling bloated and gassy. Which is expected when turning over to a fat burner and new to high protein.

BTW I'm not just doing this for her, I want to get into personal training at some point and this is good practice.

Mad Manic

Aug 11, 2007
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Leeds, UK
Lol it's amazing how much attention and pedestalising a fat girl who needs to lose weight still gets. Sad IMO.



Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
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If someone comes to me for help that is determined and willing to do what I say, I will help them because I received help the same way.
This is just the way my world works.