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  1. P

    Boxing vs Kickboxing

    chuck Lidell KO's by punching but he throws kicks to the legs and stuff too. People do get knocked out by kicks too if you saw Matt Hughes and George St Pierre 2. I would say if you put chuck lidell with boxing gloves in the ring with a pro boxer like Roy Jones in his good days I think chuck...
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    everything is messed up..kinda

    What was your old job? do you have a lot of friends? I bet if you hung out with them on weekends it would be easier to meet girls. definitley keep working out . try to get a job you can enjoy or with people you can talk to like at a clothes store or something where theres people your age
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    How do I win her back?

    You'll get over her bro and I bet she will want you back once she sees you with all the ladies and then its your choice. If you still want her at that time do what kamikazi said. But you gotta meet other girls theres plenty of fish in the sea. You definitley shouldn't be the one waiting for her.
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    Tough position... want opinions

    I dont think shes looking for anything longterm , I think she just wants to lay you. So go for it .
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    Girls I Meet Through Friends Seem More Valuable..

    Maybe youre more attracted to them because you get to know them better and easier. I think it all just depends on weather you like her or not because theres some girls you would just next right after you meet them. Say you talk to a girl you just met for 5 minutes theres a chance that you...
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    Happy New Year Everyone

    Hope you all get off to a new start and keep your resolutions. Good Luck Happy New Year. i gotta get back to this party! =]
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    how to initiate sex, inexperiene guy

    Go like amoka said rent a movie and go to her place and just kiss/make out with her to get things going
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    hahahaha last month i dreamt i was running from the cops and it was awsome. IT was weird too because two days later i was arrested during class. but anyways It happens to me where i wake up and fall back asleep into a lucid dream but just by chance i'll definitely give this a shot
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    How to increase punching power

    a lot of punching power comes from technique . But its good to be strong, take a good boxing class. I box and started judo and grappling. all of these classes are intense work outs that build muscle in those areas like your back and shoulders and chest. the more you train the better youll get
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    3 things I really wanna know (all advance players)

    Learn to play the guitar...You might go to someones house and see a guitar and play it and get everyones attention including all the ladies and afterwards you'll make friends by discussing music.
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    fight songs

    C0ck the Hammer by Cypress Hill make sure its the live version i guess its got a heavy distorted guitar on it going with the bass but i think it hits harder then the rap (bass and beat version)the album is called Live At The Fillmore ,but this song always gets me pumped.
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    The Beautiful Game. Essentials: Kino

    Nice post harlequin. Its good to refresh my mind once in a while
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    girl next to me

    When youre sitting next to her look at her and smile while the teacher is talking. Then look down at your binder flip to a paper and write: Hi whats your name (or whatever ) , then rip it out put it in front of her and put your pen on top of it . Dont forget to smile and be friendly. If...
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    help me please

    Have you ever read the two steps forward one step back thing? I dont know where it is but it IS helpful when flirting. maybe you can search it in google. Heres my explanation: What you do is literally take things two steps forward then one step back lol . If you hugging her you can reach...
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    The advantage of Approaching Senior Girls

    I made eye contact and exchanged smiles with a junior the other day she was drop dead gorgeous, Im a freshman, I would have approached but we were walking opposite ways and I couldnt think of anything. The next time i see her walking by I'm going to make eye contact and say: Hey what was...