The Beautiful Game. Essentials: Kino


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
Leeds UK
I want to write a reminder about kinaesthetic interactions... touch, Kino. Before we start, SMILE. Smile you miserable ****ers. Smile because I've possessed your computer & I'm currently having intercourse with your thumbs... okay that's not true & it's kinda gay, so, on with my rant.

Kino is vital. It is as important as that smile, you thumbsex freak. You can have all the game you want yet without kino you're on the fast track for LJBF syndrome & you're not going to be perceived as a sexual being.

We human beings love to be touched... we're like domesticated pets. We live our lives increasingly isolated from each other, so when a girl touches our arm as she's talking to us in a bar, it is IMMEDIATELY valued, it's special. Just by receiving such a blatant declaration of interest from a girl, we value her more. We're more attracted to people when we know they're attracted to us. That's a fact. Because the fear factor is defenestrated (to get my word in) & you are free to reciprocate that attraction at your leisure. Your confidence will soar knowing how unlikely it is for you to crash out.

So you get touched, it's an IOI from a girl. She grabs anything on you, any peacocking item, she's attracted to you.
Mystery, even when a girl just said, "I like your hat/goggles/boots" would often reply dismissively with, "No you don't, you're attracted to me." As arrogant as this may seem it's a grand truth. She wouldn't even talk to you if she didn't want to experience you, & I define attraction as the 'desire to experience'. You get kino from a girl, she wants you. Game on.

You wonder about it. Does this girl like me or is she just like this all the time? Curiosity... she DHVs... she's a lawyer say, or a Doctor, she has value. You admire that. You might even envy it. You want to rock this girl's world because she's hot & she's successful. Her friends are going to be successful also. She's a key to a world that's familiar to you... & if you're not familiar with it, you will want to be. So I'll switch this around now to our familiar setting.

You're talking to a girl & with one statement you touch her upper arm just by her shoulder level with her breast... what ever it is you just said to her, that's not what her body is interested in... her body just got a talking to from your body. This is a whole new body language. Her mind remembers what you said. It's imprinted on her because you emphasized it with touch.

It's powerful when we touch a girl. Her mind goes into overdrive when you touch her. When you're intimate with someone you're going to touch them, for some people, touching is all there is to being intimate. Don't limit yourself. Your eyes wear your thoughts & your aura projects emotions, these are picked up by her non-local intelligence & there is so much more to all this game stuff than verbal game & physical game.

The first kino should be light & incidental & escalate from there. During what MM decrees to be A2 you're not going to do much kino at all. A light brush with your fingertips, a grazing of your arm against hers as you stand next to her. Let her feel the warmth of your presence.

At A3, male to female attraction you can get away with a full on hug with a girl after the bait, hook reel, release.

"You're a teacher? No WAY!? We have so much in common... you teach kids... I used to BE A KID. You win a hug." *Bear hug* *Smile*

And this is sometimes a good place for a mild SOI such as:

"Y'know you're actually pretty cool. I hate the way teachers are paid so poorly when we pay a hundred grand a week to some guy that can kick a bag of air around for 90 minutes..." You can stack from there & qualifying is a cinch.

Or you can continue to arouse her attraction with body rocking, back turns & push pull.

"Though that's it, I have to get away from you before we both do something neither of us regret." Then back turn, wait a sec & she'll reopen you, if she doesn't then she could lose on the best thing that'll ever happen to her. The reason she's now attracted to you is that you've rewarded her value as a teacher with some severe kino & ten seconds after you hug her, she's going to realise how good it felt & how it would be great to get hugged like that more often by such a masculine force of perfection like ya bad self (",) Don't afraid to squeeze her... if she pops then you were prolly too hard. Try again with her petite friend (if you can catch her)

Kino is what separates us from the rest of the guys that will approach a girl... everyone should know when & how to lay on the kino. Kino & body language is half your game. If you're on the newbie mission, try forgoing the wearing a watch in favour of gently reaching for a girl's wrist to see the time. Examine her jewellery. Thumb wrestle her, tell her you're undefeated. Trounce her the first bout, give her some advice then let her win the second round. Reward that with... more kino. Escalate kino & take it away. Let her feel the contrast of being touched & being left to wallow in her own cold aura, which is warmed by your touch... her temperature rising. The chance of buyer's remorse is... defenestrated- I'm in love with this word, can you tell?

The only thing that's as important as kino-ing is, not kino-ing afterwards. She'll miss your touch. Compliance building & kino escalation. Take away the kino & enjoy having her kino you to reinitiate the contact.

If you like the girl. Take your time. Invest your time. You might wanna stick with this girl for a while (or add her to your collection) whatever. Just remember how important kino is, without it you're just a shape, a face in a crowd with a voice. Only three of her senses are aware of you & half just won't cut it in the long run.

I'm off for a long run now... off a short pier.

Ciao bello-pasta.



Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
Land of the Ruins
Kino is essential, but handle with care if you want to see her again. I've had gals freak out and bail before the next date because I worked them too well.

But, on the other hand, some got addicted. :D


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
Reaction score
Kino single handedly separates you from guys without game. Any DJ will naturally develop his kino, but the trick is if you can be aware of it from the moment you start your interaction you will gain from it. Excellent post.


Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Great informative post Harlequin! This guy knows what he is talking about. I will only add a couple of points.

Kino is awesome when worked into the overall game correctly. Properly timed and escalated kino is powerful (as Harlequin described). Just watch out for two things:

Lots of comfort + low attraction + kino = friend

low comfort + too much (or improperly timed)kino = creepy


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Five outta five,
Ten outta ten,
Good thread by harlequin again!


Don Juan
May 24, 2003
Reaction score
Very good post.

Kino is number 1 for me when I initiate contact with girls. I always look for ways to establish contact and then take it away. You can just see the look in their eyes as if they are saying, "Oh my God, this guy is amazing, I want him, now!" when you make contact with their body and do it well.

Just remember not to do it to much, and when you do do it, make sure it is powerful and stands out as something they can remember. Even for us guys feeling the body of a girl has a very strong arousal affect, the same applies for girls. ;)


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
Nice post harlequin. Its good to refresh my mind once in a while