3 things I really wanna know (all advance players)


Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
I know alot about the game but I think if i know this stuff it will put me on a new level. If you guys can post links for the info or answer yourself that would be great

1. Be social

I wanna know how to be social in a place where I dont know everyone. I realized that the game can be made easier if we all knew how to do this.
I wanna know how to take over a party and how to talk to a group of girls.
I wanna know how to be social at events like bball games, at the movies with a group of girls and guys, how to be social in a class at my school. I need basic guidelines on how to make friends.I wanna know how to be the life of the party lol. I am goin to write an article about this subject cuz i have been collecting data and studying in real life events. This is a essential tool to the game that has been overlooked.

2. How to be a dominant male

People say be dominant but never explain. Sometimes people try to explain but they reffer to the cavemen ages. I wanna know how to be dominant in the world today. Everything from body language, to the pychology

3. Flirt with body language

People post alot about how to read a females body language to sho us how to tell if a female likes us. But I wanna know how to send good attractive body language to a female

thanx to all who reply


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2005
Reaction score

im pretty sure those questions are answered 100 times in these forums, just search some stuff


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2002
Reaction score
How to be social? Say 'Hi' and smile confidently... any situation... sure, there's not 100% success, you do encounter some rude chicks but fvck 'em...

Group of girls at the party... have an interesting opener... I've read about PUAs who use magic tricks, so maybe learn a basic magic trick that's good for opening a group... or drop a C&F line to get yourself in, identify your target then use your body to turn away from your target and talk to the other chicks in the group.. after 10 minutes, realise you were ignoring your target and drop a neg hi without sounding rudet, i.e. 'Is your friend always this quiet?'... then tell the group that you feel you've been rude in ignoring their friend and ask if you can have a minute alone...

Being social when you don't know everyone... the Hi thing applies but also be smart... observe everything and you'll find so many interesting conversation starters...

Dominance comes with confidence... the problem for a lot of guys is that they they're only confident when they are dominant... it's a catch 22... it's all an aura that is built up through your own self improvement and life experiences... I find that I'm dominant by having some of the most interesting stories from places I've visited across the world... places that a lot of people have only heard about through TV or books so I know that as soon as we get into the time I spent fly-fishing in Croatia or the month I spent in Shanghai after sailing across for 24 hours in a slow boat where they had like '8th class' dormitories stacked with like 50 Chinese people, people listen and want to know more...

There are some body language basics to read about on this forum but if you only read them you'll find that chicks can tell you're awkward... sure read up, but try to observe and see how an alpha male actually uses his body when he's out in a bar / club, at school, at work, or any other situation... you should gradually start to build up a standard yourself because it's not going to be an over night thing...


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
you should read the bible, there is a link at the bottom of this page.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
pornstar88 said:
I know alot about the game
This seems to contradict the rest of the post. The short answer to all your questions: look between your legs, locate your balls, grab them, walk up to a girl, and open your mouth. Do this a few hundred times and unless you're mentally retarded you'll be giving others advice here.

I also posted this today: http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=115626

It's still on the first page of the forum :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
They key to socilization is understanding how the society you live in works and forseeing the direction it's going.

I'm very comfortable where I am and fit in very well where I live because I know the ins and outs of my society and it's people. I know the forrest and recotnize the types of trees there within. How I got there was by me going out and spending time in said forrest. I can't emphisze enough how important it is for you to experience where you are and getting to know how things are progressing around you. If you don't go out and try to feel what's going on around you, you'll never be able to take advice from anyone on this forum with the understanding of application because you'll have no basis for comparison. Until you put yourself out there and expose yourself to your element, everything you read is just jargon that you won't understand. Experience is the best teacher and your thoughts about what happened over the progession of time is your homework. This site is a good guide for what could happen to you, but you'll never know until you do it for yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
pornstar88 said:
I know alot about the game but I think if i know this stuff it will put me on a new level. If you guys can post links for the info or answer yourself that would be great

2. How to be a dominant male

People say be dominant but never explain. Sometimes people try to explain but they reffer to the cavemen ages. I wanna know how to be dominant in the world today. Everything from body language, to the pychology

You cannot find a better teacher in how to be a real man!
Last edited:


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
Learn to play the guitar...You might go to someones house and see a guitar and play it and get everyones attention including all the ladies and afterwards you'll make friends by discussing music.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 11, 2004
Reaction score
San Diego
1. Be social

I wanna know how to be social in a place where I dont know everyone.
just start introducing yourself and shake hands with everyone and anyone, compliment guys on things like their cars, watch or guy things same "has to be genuine" compliments concept applies here. I realized that the game can be made easier if we all knew how to do this. I wanna know how to take over a party and how to talk to a group of girls. its extremely rare to find a group of girls that arent being crowded by guys but if you come across this jewel just be loud and assert yourself I wanna know how to be social at events like bball games be loud and cheer, at the movies with a group of girls and guys, just talk, not much to it how to be social in a class at my school. i made a good thread about this a while ago, you should certainly read it: http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=74633 I need basic guidelines on how to make friends. i donno what to say here, friends come naturally, theres no pick-up art like there is wit girls... just find friends who have the same interests as you, invite them to do things you guys both doI wanna know how to be the life of the party lol. get really drunk and loud I am goin to write an article about this subject cuz i have been collecting data and studying in real life events. This is a essential tool to the game that has been overlooked.

2. How to be a dominant male

People say be dominant but never explain. Sometimes people try to explain but they reffer to the cavemen ages. I wanna know how to be dominant in the world today. Everything from body language, to the pychology
as far as the classroom goes i can refer you to my thread again: http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=74633 but other than that i would say just be dominant and talk a lot but avoid talking sh1t and being mean

3. Flirt with body language

People post alot about how to read a females body language to sho us how to tell if a female likes us. But I wanna know how to send good attractive body language to a female

make faces
laughing, smiling and looking in the eyes goes a long way
give them a quick hand on the back for a half a second to a whole second and then let go
dance, even if you just play some music on your cell phone and just do something stupid but ****y and funny
lean in when she says something you like, lean back when she says something you dont like
if they have tattoos or piercings touch them
if they have a ring, examine it and hold their hand... but be sure to let go after a little while... this is good pre-kino for before you hold hands.

thanx to all who reply


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
Ashley Chuckles said:
or drop a C&F line to get yourself in, identify your target then use your body to turn away from your target and talk to the other chicks in the group.. after 10 minutes, realise you were ignoring your target and drop a neg hi without sounding rudet, i.e. 'Is your friend always this quiet?'... then tell the group that you feel you've been rude in ignoring their friend and ask if you can have a minute alone...
You must be one smooth motherfvcker. :rockon:


Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
md3sign said:
This seems to contradict the rest of the post. The short answer to all your questions: look between your legs, locate your balls, grab them, walk up to a girl, and open your mouth. Do this a few hundred times and unless you're mentally retarded you'll be giving others advice here.

I also posted this today: http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=115626

It's still on the first page of the forum :rolleyes:
I looked between my legs, located my balls, grabbed them but by then i didnt need a girl anymore.lol

I will defineatly give back to the community with my own advice. However i want to get to the level of being a complete player/dj. Right now im a dj but i still have weak points to my game that i want to strengthen. I can get a girl 1 on 1 but i still wanna correct my weak points.lol