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  1. 4

    Her and her friend

    This girl is obviously very into me. She is going to play tennis with her friend tomorrow and asked me if i wanted to tag along. is this an ok thing to go do with her friend around? and how do i handle this because i always just take a girl on a date? not be with her friend too
  2. 4

    This girl likes me but...

    She is a freshman and I am a junior. She just turned fifteen and I am turning seventeen next month. Some of my friends think she is too young and too young looking for me, but I dont feel that way. So, do I go with if there is grass in the field then play mentality or do I go with the way of...
  3. 4

    what kind of bedroom relaxes girls most?

    so what if you have pets. do they screw your game over?
  4. 4

    So I asked out this girl today.

    yea just stop going on aim too. i have really found aim to be the ultimate culprit of killing someones attraction
  5. 4


    yea just stop going on aim too. i have really found aim to be the ultimate culprit of killing someones attraction
  6. 4


    "i" hope he doesnt kill himself
  7. 4

    Warning: If your not funny don't try

    I really really agree with the fact some posters have brought up about not staying true to your personality. I am one of those people and it messed me up fo real. I was a funny kid in 10th grade then I came across this site and tried to be serious for the first half of 11th grade. It didnt work...
  8. 4

    Yep, so I'm depressed.

    man roger this has happened to everyone and mastersF was right this kid does need to next her. hes screwed up. nexting will save him time and give him the opportunity to find an even better girl. so in my opinion stfu roger
  9. 4

    C&F Does not work for me...

    So, what would be a good thing to say to a women when she says, "I lost five cents today" ?
  10. 4

    I need some help. the dj bible. You need to self-improve. There is always room for improvement and the dj bible is the first thing to getting you on the right track.
  11. 4

    ahhh! i'm an *******!

    a good idea would be to go to the bible and read pook's articles under the jerk vs. nice guy section if you havent already.
  12. 4

    what yall do for real

    yea i tried approaching girls at my mall today, but they were either too ugly for me or they were with their mom! the mom thing was horrible. any hot girl i would see would not be laughing with some friends but actually her mom. very frustrating today.
  13. 4

    Ugh... I can't get her out of my head...

    man just run away. next it before you get stuck in the net. the only thing you will get out of this is an increased amount of downloaded sad songs on your pc
  14. 4

    Hang out sesh or not?

  15. 4

    so much good info here but...

    yea but here we have honors and ap classes which are more advanced than regular classes. They give you extra high school credit and therefore let you have a higher gpa than 4.0. Im actually 6th among all juniors in my school. The highest junior has a 4.39 or something ridiculous like that...
  16. 4

    so much good info here but...

    well ive been looking at this website since June of last year lol. Before I came to this website back in the summer of last year, I was coming off of a few rejections and totally down. Ive been reading all kinds of articles and stuff in here thats really helped me improve myself. I just feel...
  17. 4

    Very Frustrated Right Now

    It also sounds like you are looking at everything really negatively Mike. Along with that little boost of confidence, and what Adit was saying may help you get on the right track. I almost felt the same way a few months ago but then I read some random article in the bible about confidence and I...
  18. 4

    so much good info here but...

    no definitely not. i have a 4.1 gpa. im on the tennis team. ive won the most matches on the team. i lift weights 4 days a week. and my goal is to become a top attorney in this country. im just saying this info floods my mind in girl situations
  19. 4

    so much good info here but...

    its so hard to try and remember it all and implement it into your life. I will read so many good things on this site and go out and try to use them but half the time my mind is too busy trying to find and use all of the good info. anyone else feel like this?
  20. 4

    Getting the Attention of the taken girl

    im going to use some pook knowledge here and say be patient. but...dont revolve your life around her. im sure eventually that bf will have to go. continue to improve your game and go see other girls.