
Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
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The futility of life troubles me. We were presented with an empty canvas with which to paint our most beautiful picture, with the most beautiful and delicate array of color. Only to have it rain and rain and wash away everything, leaving it as if it never were in the first place, as if you never achieved, never gained, never succeeded and never existed. This is because you never achieved, never gained, never succeeded and you do not exist. There is nothing because there can be nothing.

Everyone I love is going to die and leave me. But “everyone” is such a grandiose word with such wide connotations. There are but so few I appreciate and value and can even tolerate at all. What of me when they are gone? I am nothing. An ice-sculpture before the sun rises. I am nothing.

But at the same time, I am everything. In a world so vast and empty, I persist. Leaving no trace, no mark and bearing no significance, I persist. Like an insect too difficult to kill, not worth the time or effort, I persist. I am everything and everyone and I am nothing, an ice-sculpture before the sun-rises, but I am the ice-sculpture for at least a moment, at least a second.

The lies everyone believes are so grand and far-reaching that I mostly find it impossible to communicate with them anymore. The institutions of government and religion have established their doctrines in the communities, so deeply engraved that I am speaking from a different plain, a different plateau, a different reality.

I believe in a world with no limits and no boundaries. A temporary world without consequence, or meaning, or significance, or function, or purpose. Everything is an accident. In a universe so expansive, it had to happen once in thirteen billion years. A coincidence? We are the successful out of a trillion failures. We are an accident.

There is no heaven and there is no hell. There is no nirvana. There is no Hades. Only “I.” Only vanity and hedonism and arrogance.

‘They’ want you to buy into altruism, into benevolence, into self-sacrifice. ‘They’ teach you and have you believe that to value yourself is ‘bad,’ is ‘sinful,’ is ‘wrong.’ ‘They’ teach you and have you believe that you are powerless, weak, incapable, inferior. To whom? To whomever they ****ing say- be it “God” or “Buddha” or “El Presidente.” Surrender yourself to your higher power, surrender your will, your desires. Sacrifice who you are and what you want for the “good” of “everyone else.” “Everyone else” is the party, is the faction, is the cult, is the religion, is the controller, the propagandist.

All you have is “I” and maybe one or two others who love you, who care for you, and who mean as much as you do. We’re all moot, irrelevant, meaningless and insignificant—but in the microscopic view, under a magnifying glass, in a brief blip of time—we are everything. “I” and one or two others in a world full of dust and wind and water and rock and even a hint of death. “I.”

“I” love you. “I” care for you. “I.” Do you even know who “I” is, or are you so contrived, so full of ****, so hidden behind a mask of insecurity that there is no “I”? Just the community, just the faction, just the party, just the religion, just the controller, the propagandist? Do you hate abortion or do you just feel right, and accepted, and significant with the Republican Party? Lies, all of them, especially anything which gives you a concern for the well-being of others out of your control, out of your life and out of your realm of responsibility.

You’re so afraid to care for someone because they’ll hurt you. Don’t you realize you’re hurting yourself more by doing so? You masochist. You. “I.”


shazbot man

Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
It'd make a nice poem.

So anyway, a friend of mine got into a fight and busted this guy's nose. :box: Turns out, he broke his own hand when he hit him!

After getting it set(and some stitches), my friend and I joked about it. Looking back, it was funny! :crackup:


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
yea just stop going on aim too. i have really found aim to be the ultimate culprit of killing someones attraction


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
-"If in death we shall become stronger; Strike me down now, so that I may be reborn."

Life is only futile, Time wasted, Opportunities lost
If YOU allow them to be.



Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
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Keesler AFB, Mississippi
I picture this guy sitting at a pipe organ inside a lighthouse, wearing a tuxedo and talking in a funny accent, surrounded by a 2-story-tall wraparound bookshelf loaded with thousands of books, playing songs that sound like they are ushering in the end of the world. Occasionally, he picks up his quill, dips it in ink, and writes in all cursive in a book containing random thoughts written poetically.


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2005
Reaction score
That's some fu<ked up ****. Time to go bake a cake.

I wonderhow many people here post when they're stoned?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
Hello. The weird thing is, I just read something this morning that was exactly in line with your post. I don't know if maybe you read the same thing (do you read Nietzsche???), or if it's just some coincidence :), or maybe it's just more merit to your message. I don't know...judging by the replies, people either just shut up and accept what they're told, they're too lazy to even think for themselves, they're too caught up in their own self-righteousness, or they're too caught up in materialism, ego, and the immediate and constant hedonism that is our society.

Basically, what I read was that God is dead (okay, you didn't actually say that), because we have been worshipping false morals and false ideals...there is no heaven or hell, which makes this world and what we do in our lives all the more significant, it’s all we’ve got...nothing is more important that the self; you should create your own morals and create yourself rather than adhere to the “slave morality” that you are conditioned to believe...is this what you're saying?

The futility of life troubles me. We were presented with an empty canvas with which to paint our most beautiful picture, with the most beautiful and delicate array of color. Only to have it rain and rain and wash away everything, leaving it as if it never were in the first place, as if you never achieved, never gained, never succeeded and never existed. This is because you never achieved, never gained, never succeeded and you do not exist. There is nothing because there can be nothing.

Everyone I love is going to die and leave me. But “everyone” is such a grandiose word with such wide connotations. There are but so few I appreciate and value and can even tolerate at all. What of me when they are gone? I am nothing. An ice-sculpture before the sun rises. I am nothing.

If time heals all wounds, then everything we do is washed away, and nothing that we do matters or has any sort of meaning. Washed away by time. You can’t stop time...there’s nothing you can do about it.

We can kill ourselves…but why? Life is too great of an opportunity to throw away. Life is too…remarkable...and it's all we've got.

The lies everyone believes are so grand and far-reaching that I mostly find it impossible to communicate with them anymore. The institutions of government and religion have established their doctrines in the communities, so deeply engraved that I am speaking from a different plain, a different plateau, a different reality.

Quote from "Waking Life":
You can't fight city hall, death and taxes. Don't talk about politics or religion. This is all the equivalent of enemy propaganda rolling across the picket line. "Lay down, G.I. Lay down, G.I." We saw it all through the 20th Century. And now in the 21st Century, it's time to stand up and realize that we should not allow ourselves to be crammed into this rat maze. We should not submit to dehumanization. I don't know about you, but I'm concerned with what's happening in this world. I'm concerned with the structure. I'm concerned with the systems of control, those that control my life and those that seek to control it even more! I want freedom! That's what I want! And that's what you should want!

It's up to each and every one of us to turn loose and show them the greed, the hatred, the envy, and yes, the insecurities because that is the central mode of control - make us feel pathetic, small so we'll willingly give up our sovereignty, our liberty, our destiny. We have got to realize that we're being conditioned on a mass scale. Start challenging this corporate slave state! The 21st Century is going to be a new century, not the century of slavery, not the century of lies and issues of no significance and classism and statism and all the rest of the modes of control! It's going to be the age of humankind standing up for something pure and something right!

What a bunch of garbage - liberal Democrat, conservative Republican. It's all there to control you. Two sides of the same coin. Two management teams bidding for control! The C.E.O. job of Slavery, Incorporated! The truth is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of lies. I'm sick of it, and I'm not going to take a bite out of it! Do you got me? Resistance is not futile. We're gonna win this thing. Humankind is too good! We're not a bunch of underachievers! We're gonna stand up and we're gonna be human beings! We're gonna get fired up about the real things, the things that matter: creativity and the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit! Well that's it! That's all I got to say! It's in your court.
Everything is subjective…objective truth exists, but beliefs, morals, logic…it’s all flawed, there are too many routes to take, too many contradictions, too many flaws in logic for there to be one set ideal. Even science…science is flawed in many ways. There is no law that states that everything should continue to obey the laws of science, Newton's laws were disproved by Einstein's relativity, science is a constant, unending revision, and much more. Even Stephen Hawking, in an article, says that we will probably never know or understand absolute truth, or "God".

I’ll be honest; I like the thought behind existentialism (that seems to be where you're headed). We have the freedom to decide who we are, to create meaning, to be whoever we want to be, and the responsibility is completely in our hands. The only choice we DON’T have is NOT to decide. But, to be purely philosophical for a second, I don’t believe in free will (I’m not just saying that, there's a thought process behind it), so does that make freedom just an illusion? I don't know.

Regardless of what other people say, I liked this post. I’ve read your posts and some of the discussions you had with BBB, Matrix, and Jester back in the day, man that was some ****ing good ****. Glad to see that you're still around.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2005
Reaction score
Pretty meaningful stuff,though if we follow everything that's said in your post,the world would have only self centered people.

Sometimes it's better to have blind faith.What our perception of 'I' is,no matter how wrong or right it is,its perception and its what we believe.It's better to believe in something that you're not sure about than not believing in anything at all.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
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Where I be at
any piece of sh!t can leave a mark

anyways...why in the first half do you paint a picture of death hopelessness and despari and then start the 2nd half talkin about believing in no boundaries? And while it may be true that helping oneselfs is all that is needed in life. It will not make life as valuable...If you have only the potential to truly love 3 people...well it sucks to be you.

As for abortion, i have not decided on that issue as of yet. Becoming a republican has nothing to do with liking abortion. I highly doubt that the teenage girl who just got accepted into Yale but got knocked up is going to not get an abortion because the republicans support it.

This post seems detached and desireless. Hmm, last time i read a post from you, it was different. How things change

kev me723

Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Sorry man, i don't think anybody really agrees with all of that, or even most of it, because a lot of it is proven false. As a side note, you'll find out about heaven and hell eventually, for your sake I hope it's before you die. I'm no accident, believe whatever you want though. I have faith and things I believe in which mean my existance IS meaningful, and if it's only meaningful to a certain few people, that's fine by me.

I don't ask for any more, I love those people and they love me, none of that is false or fake. It's something that should be part of everyone's life, love is a need of ours. Believe me or not, but the feeling of being loved is something that everyone needs in some way or another, even if it doesn't come from other people.

Aside from all that, why are you even thinking like this? Go have some fun.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Hey smooth, quit being a little b!tch.