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  1. H

    Girl doesnt call me...

    Last text said "are you awake?" at 11pm....she was studying for exam, waited 10 minutes and texted her again "guess not, nite, gluck on exam" I think i blew it man **** that girl was interesting too How could i b in friend zone with a kiss like that? Christ! Ya i definately get the vibe...
  2. H

    3 dates so far...

    i agree...cut contact.....girls play these games all the time
  3. H

    Girl doesnt call me...

    I asked this cute girl to hang out a couple days ago and we talked, went out to lunch, and cuddled. I kino progressed from cuddling to hugging and she kissed me passionately the day after, but she doesnt respond to texts at all and she doesnt respond to calls in a timely manner (over 12 hours...
  4. H

    I don't get it.

    why would expect a female to operate on logic?
  5. H

    HOw do you get rid of the hint of desperation?

    Hey man i feel your pain and I feel like many guys go throught his....the only advice i can think of right now is that in order to show sexuality without looking like a creeper you have to use kino from the moment you meet (handshake). Keep progressing the kino at a pace that is good for you...
  6. H

    Cant believe the whole dj thing works?

    thanks guys, now i got a problem....i wanna bang this chick some more...but she wont call me. Heres the situation: the virgin that i banged called me the next day and we talked...then she texted me "goodnight baby" she must have some interest right? so i texted her the next day ."you...
  7. H

    selfish ppl

    This only happens because you are not strong enough to lead... or it could be the woman. I read an article yesterday about women that are that way, they lost their feminine nature, and are not willing to submit to man. You should steer clear of these women because they wont change....if...
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    How important is experience really?

    come on man....everybodys got free time....unless you sleep 15 hours a day or work 3 jobs.... we can only show you the door, your the one who has to walk through it
  9. H

    Dude, why can't I stop

    ahhh yes the horrible disease....oneitis... fortunately there is a cure... take 3 steps to cure oneitis 1. pursue other women 2. pursue other women 3. pursue other women thatll do ya
  10. H

    Jayer's 100 Approach Journal (Will Finish 100 approaches no matter what)

    Jayer ive been reading your thread you have a count on the #of approaches? Id like to know how many youve got in almost 3 many are you doing every week?
  11. H

    100 Approach commitment

    gj man....this is a start of a new life for you...
  12. H

    I lost my ability to open chicks...WHY?

    Good stuff here as well... Something that worked wonders for me was just hanging around ANY women....your sister, cousin, friends, old ladies at the mall, and asking them questions. Just talking to any girl gets your mind off the "i cant do it" and then appoaching seems to come without ANY...
  13. H

    interesting situation

    make sure she is 18...ask her for her number, call her a 4=5 days later, hang ut with her, escalate using kino, and if you can **** her....DO IT... and while your at on other girls! almost sounds like your getting oneitis.
  14. H

    f/r: Brought home two chicks

    good work stand, you are inspiration to the afcs everywhere
  15. H

    How do YOU suck a nipple?

    i heard some advise somewhere not to touch her nipples. and i tried just lightly touch around the breast and it seems to get her more turned on....and ready for sex
  16. H

    Cant believe the whole dj thing works?

    thanks man...i guess she had never met a dj lol and sex it really hurts virgins the first couple times...but she didnt bleed cause she had been fingered before....
  17. H

    Cant believe the whole dj thing works?

    lol, im starting to believe in this whole lifestyle... and now i honestly think if you believe you can do something you can do it
  18. H

    Lay Report.

    hey man give useful details on the convo
  19. H

    Cant believe the whole dj thing works?

    trust me man from now on i will carry a condom.....i honestly didnt think i would bang a chick that night
  20. H

    boot camp

    I think its over....maybe try joining one thats on the forums