HOw do you get rid of the hint of desperation?


Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys. i officially suck at getting women.

I'm not just saying this to be a pvssy, but i've been analyzing my progress lately and i come to the realization of the many hangups that i have that stop me from being where i want to be. After all the first start to getting rid of a problem is admitting you have it, so there for i suck with women. I'm no expert at all, but i do know alot, and have learned, but I still yearn to improve

anyway, Lately i have been going through a dry spell and it sucks. I approach girls alot, often using the Gunwitch method.

I think mine might be alittle awkward though. I'm a very sexual guy, But i feel that sometimes i scare girls away with it.

I feel like i give them the horny creep vibe instead of the sexy horny guy vibe. I think this is due to desperation

I've resently been pondering whether or not i should try to ACF method so to say. Befriending a chick first, feeling her out, then trying to take it further. Afterall, a chick will know why you approached her in the first place, and the hint of mystery might be good.

I don't like this however. i think it takes too much work, and might more often than not put me in the friend zone.

how do you go about showing a chick your sexual side without coming off like a male elephant in heat?

the problem is that i'm only looking for some fun right now, no relationship BS. but i need a more effective way of weeding out the Girls who don't want the same thing. I want to have some fun with chicks without using them

Just looking for some tips :cool:


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Hey man i feel your pain and I feel like many guys go throught his....the only advice i can think of right now is that in order to show sexuality without looking like a creeper you have to use kino from the moment you meet (handshake). Keep progressing the kino at a pace that is good for you. ex; when you talk to her push her a bit or hug her when she is sad...then move on to hugging her every time you see her...etc.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
ok, please re-read your post and see if anything in there is creepy? Dude, if the love of your life, the one your destined to be with forever walks by you and introduces herself and you get all the feelings of love and an absolute sureness about her; woild you tell her that "I am sorry I am just wanting to fcuk other girls right now? HELL NO. So dont give this excuse, you are protecting yourself from all the pain that comes with love and relationships, and if your not willing to take that chance then no girl will.

If your ok fcuking girls that are attention *****s, with problems, etc then yes go out there and meet the drunk ass girls that have all the diseases.

Man the best sex with women are when you are in relationships because then you get to know what turns both of you on.

Now if you really just want to play the field then all the power to you, but it gets old very quick.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
trd323 said:
ok, please re-read your post and see if anything in there is creepy? Dude, if the love of your life, the one your destined to be with forever walks by you and introduces herself and you get all the feelings of love and an absolute sureness about her; woild you tell her that "I am sorry I am just wanting to fcuk other girls right now? HELL NO. So dont give this excuse, you are protecting yourself from all the pain that comes with love and relationships, and if your not willing to take that chance then no girl will.

If your ok fcuking girls that are attention *****s, with problems, etc then yes go out there and meet the drunk ass girls that have all the diseases.

Man the best sex with women are when you are in relationships because then you get to know what turns both of you on.

Now if you really just want to play the field then all the power to you, but it gets old very quick.
what the **** is this ****? Who let my mom in here?


Oct 22, 2006
Reaction score
trd323 said:
ok, please re-read your post and see if anything in there is creepy? Dude, if the love of your life, the one your destined to be with forever walks by you and introduces herself and you get all the feelings of love and an absolute sureness about her; woild you tell her that "I am sorry I am just wanting to fcuk other girls right now? HELL NO. So dont give this excuse, you are protecting yourself from all the pain that comes with love and relationships, and if your not willing to take that chance then no girl will.

If your ok fcuking girls that are attention *****s, with problems, etc then yes go out there and meet the drunk ass girls that have all the diseases.

Man the best sex with women are when you are in relationships because then you get to know what turns both of you on.

Now if you really just want to play the field then all the power to you, but it gets old very quick.

Lol I agree man, but i'm not scared of a relationship at all. infact, i already know the girl i wanna marry. And yes, the feeling is mutual, but we are not together

I just want some fun. In a sense i want to improve myself. I want to prove that i can get results if i try hard enough, that i can be so confident in myself so that i can go for what i want.

that being said, if i want a chick, i want to go up to her and let her know that i want her.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
When you get stuck start at the beginning.

This weekend go out and try to get rejected.

Right now you're too worried about being succesful that you're outgaming your game.