3 dates so far...


New Member
Feb 22, 2009
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I met this girl and i really like her, she is incredibly attractive and an interesting girl.

Only thing is she is 4 years younger than me. She is 20 im 24.

Anyway we have had 3 dates, First was dinner and a walk in the park. Then we went out to a nightclub together. then the other day we just went to the beach together with the dog.

I dont think she likes to talk over the phone, but prefers to txt. Only thing is whenever i get a msg i reply within a few minutes, but whenever i txt her she takes almost 20-40mins to reply sometimes. WHats with this?

Also those 3 times we went out, after dropping her off at home i would send her a message like...thanks for the night, really enjoyed it, hope to see you soon x... And i only got a reply the first night, but not the other 2?

And the other day we were supposed to go out and i msgd her in the morning to confirm we still were, she replied 40minss later with a short msg saying...sory cant do anything. have a good we...??

I sent back..ok no probs, have i done something wrong.... and 40mins later i get a msg...Look im sorry i have to drop my mum somwhere. Mayb another day...??

I kind of feel like games are being played. If anyone can decode this, i would appreciate it....

cheers guys


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2008
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brns2 said:
I met this girl and i really like her, she is incredibly attractive and an interesting girl.

Only thing is she is 4 years younger than me. She is 20 im 24.

Anyway we have had 3 dates, First was dinner and a walk in the park. Then we went out to a nightclub together. then the other day we just went to the beach together with the dog.

I dont think she likes to talk over the phone, but prefers to txt. Only thing is whenever i get a msg i reply within a few minutes, but whenever i txt her she takes almost 20-40mins to reply sometimes. WHats with this?

Most women like to talk over the phone, have you tried calling her? As for the texting..one of the first things you learn is not to reply with a paragraph long text within the first few miniutes she sends one.. It sounds like low interest

Also those 3 times we went out, after dropping her off at home i would send her a message like...thanks for the night, really enjoyed it, hope to see you soon x... And i only got a reply the first night, but not the other 2?

Again sounds like low interest..

And the other day we were supposed to go out and i msgd her in the morning to confirm we still were, she replied 40minss later with a short msg saying...sory cant do anything. have a good we...??

Confirmed low interest.
I sent back..ok no probs, have i done something wrong.... and 40mins later i get a msg...Look im sorry i have to drop my mum somwhere. Mayb another day...??

Dont ask questions like that, man-up and call her and see why she flaked. Now that she's flaking, im sorry to say but it seems like you could have been friendzoned, or lost interest.

I kind of feel like games are being played. If anyone can decode this, i would appreciate it....

cheers guys
Have you kissed her yet? You should probally cut contact. I really just seems like its over for you two.


New Member
Feb 22, 2009
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Thanks for your advice,

yeh i have kissed her everytime since the first date, and i really felt i could have gone a lot further with her, but i didnt as i wanted to wait till maybe the 5th time i was with her.

i got a msg from her today, it was my birthday. all i ggot was "happy birthday!" i waited an hour and just replied "thanks. have a good week"

should i ask her if she wants to do something again, like go out, or should i wait for her to ask?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
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brns2 said:
I dont think she likes to talk over the phone, but prefers to txt. Only thing is whenever i get a msg i reply within a few minutes, but whenever i txt her she takes almost 20-40mins to reply sometimes. WHats with this?

Text is more informal, its a great way to get in touch with someone, but not really the best way to set up plans. However, most women nowdays prefer text. Rule of thumb though....if a girl your dating won't talk to you on the phone, that's not a good sign.

Also those 3 times we went out, after dropping her off at home i would send her a message like...thanks for the night, really enjoyed it, hope to see you soon x... And i only got a reply the first night, but not the other 2?

Let me ask you a question. How do you know you really like this girl? You don't even know her yet? Your putting her on a pedestal due to her looks... she hasn't showed you any substance or value yet, but your already kissing her @ss by sending her weak messages like that after your date....don't do that anymore!

If she's THAT attractive, just think of all the chumps who kiss her @ss all day and compliment her looks.... well guess what? Your acting like those guys when you do stuff like that..

And the other day we were supposed to go out and i msgd her in the morning to confirm we still were, she replied 40minss later with a short msg saying...sory cant do anything. have a good we...??

Why confirm? If you set plans with a chick, you have plans. If she called and canceled that's one thing, but calling to confirm reeks of insecurity. Also don't set plans too far in advance when your dating a new chick, 1-2 days max in general. Also the fact that you called to confirm, she canceled and didn't offer an alternative shows her interest is dropping.

I sent back..ok no probs, have i done something wrong.... and 40mins later i get a msg...Look im sorry i have to drop my mum somwhere. Mayb another day...??

Wow.....NEVER NEVER respond like that again when a chick cancels on you. You asking if "youv'e done something wrong" is decoded as "you own my ballz, please please like me more.." Never good!!

I kind of feel like games are being played. If anyone can decode this, i would appreciate it....

She's not playing games, she's losing interest in you and your headed towards the friend zone FAST. Best thing you can do now, is be distant for a few days. Try setting up another date and see how she responds. If she tells you she can't and again doesn't offer another time, get rid of her. If she does agree, STOP KISSING HER @SS!!!! Focus on having fun, tease her, make her IMPRESS YOU![/QUOTE]



New Member
Feb 22, 2009
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Thanks a lot mate, i have a lot to learn

So the last time i made contact was yesterday. She sent me a txt an i replied. SO How long should i wait to ask her for another date?


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Portland, OR
brns2 said:
Thanks a lot mate, i have a lot to learn

So the last time i made contact was yesterday. She sent me a txt an i replied. SO How long should i wait to ask her for another date?
Start by doing your own thing; pursue other women for a while and see if she initiates any contact. It doesn't sound like she's all that interested.


New Member
Feb 22, 2009
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She has been very distant lately and not getting back to me.

So i called her today and she was hesitant to say what was happening, but i ended up getting her to spill.

She basically said everything was really bad timing, and something happened on the weekend with another guy. It was someone she knows very closely, she has been in a relationship before with him i think, how serious i dont know.

So i really wanted to send her a msg or something to thank her for being straight with me. WHat should i wright?

I really like this girl, is there anything i can do to improve my chances?


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
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Denver, CO
i agree...cut contact.....girls play these games all the time


New Member
Feb 22, 2009
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I thought you guys might say that

It just seems like doing nothing is the wrong thing to do

but i suppose i will have to give it a try

thanks a lot guys