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  1. H

    I messed up....bad

    This girl said she wanted to be exclusive, and i agreed (regretfully) and i soon learned she wont be sexual at all (barring making out). So, i called my ex-girlfriend (dont ask me why) and she came over and we had sex....:cry: Man now i feel like ****, my ex thinks we are together, and the other...
  2. H

    Dont know what to do need help

    assault should be reported....tell her your going to report him if she doesnt man....that ****er needs to learn his lesson
  3. H

    Girl not into dating scene

    good advice man, never thought of it that my game plan will be to continue making out and progressing by taking her clothes off, not by touching the "forbidden areas". GENIUS!
  4. H

    Don't underestimate the power of the haircut...

    your unconscious mind was telling you to look out for unusual things to "gauge" how your haircut unconsciously you became more confident and thus more attractive not because of this style change, but because your attitude changed. KEEP IT UP!
  5. H

    Learning/wising up about women?

    AGREED X10 this diary is crap man....this girl is what we like to call an "attention *****"...the worst breed of female....common signs of an attention ***** include: girl who flirts a lot just to get guys to like her, girl who goes to parties just to be picked up (but not put out), and girls...
  6. H

    Girl not into dating scene

    Yeah man i mean she is phenomenal, smart, funny, etc. however her problem is she wont let me close....i thought i did everything well, kino, rub her bare back, etc. then i went for grabbing her butt and she freaked! LOL man im going to have to take it REALLY slow if i want to persue her!
  7. H

    Girl not into dating scene

    Hey i met this cute girl and hung out with her several times progressing to make out sessions. However, this girl is obviously a virgin. She told me she has never french kissed a guy and never had a boyfriend. The girl is beautiful so her never having a boyfriend was shocking to me, and i told...
  8. H

    another noob question

    WOW man u need to look up overcoming last minute resistance, wtf is the point of all that seduction if ur ****ing clueless about how to seal the deal?
  9. H

    How long do you wait to next a girl if she doesn't respond to your calls

    "seems interested" is pretty subjective man she could have no interest or high interest and be busy....we need more information to help u
  10. H

    I've got numbers out the ying yang. Now what?

    inviting them to your place might be a bit much for some girls on the first sounds better
  11. H

    how would you guys response?

    ya turn #2 around on her after she says "you wish" respond with something that would say she wants you like: "slow down tiger we just met!" or "maybe if your lucky"
  12. H

    Using humor "correctly"

    exactly....humor is a good tool but cant be your only one...use it sparingly or youll turn into court jester like above poster said...remember your ultimate goal isnt to make girls laugh, its to build attraction
  13. H


    Some drugs can be beneficial. For example: caffeine to boost energy after a long night or pro-hormones to help with bodybuilding....its the drugs that are conscious altering (like alcohol and acid) that are more dangerous (addiction and overdosing) that imo should be avoided
  14. H

    Girl doesnt call me...

    Ok,ill just let things flow
  15. H

    How do you get isolation

    i had success telling girl to come outside because it was too loud inside was cold outside so i grabbed her and kissed her ;) also, another time i tryed to get girl alone she got mad so i guess it depends on attraction level...girls like you to be social with everyone
  16. H

    Girl doesnt call me...

    Alright thanks for the advice sounds like my thread got hijacked by facebook rants... Anyways here is the update: last class i basically treated her like a friend (tuesday) I called her 1 time per day since late post (like a chump) she returned calls like 15 hours later but i...
  17. H

    How to introduce yourself

    If you are confident any of those would work....girls seem to be comfortable with whatever you are comfortable with I stick with handshake on first encounter....ALWAYS KINO (touch) it helps girls feel comfortable
  18. H

    How would you play this?

    Heres ur problem....u called her too much it cool DONT GIVE HER POWER OVER YOUR TIME Also, if you were **** buddies in the past that is probably all you will ever be
  19. H

    Girl doesnt call me...

    Alright thanks man....i thought my game was tight, im ignoring her till tomorrow in class, hopefully shes as into me as i think she is....ill let you know how it goes