How long do you wait to next a girl if she doesn't respond to your calls


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
I'm talking about a girl I met a few weeks ago. She did seem interested until a few days ago. Since then she hasn't responded to my calls or texts (well, I've only tried to contact her 3 times in 2 days so it's not been too long yet). How long should I wait before I next her? And should I try to contact her again or just leave it? I'll do whatever you guys suggest.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Don't make a big deal about it, just stop trying to contact her and instead go out with a different girl. Sometimes the first girl will call back. Just act surprised to hear from her, like you forgot about her.


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
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Denver, CO
"seems interested" is pretty subjective man she could have no interest or high interest and be busy....we need more information to help u


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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lol, yeah, I don't care. I sent her off a joke text and just forgot about her. I'm not going to do any desperate reactive ****, maybe I'll hit her up in a few weeks time.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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well, by 'seemed interested' I meant that for 2 weeks we were texting each other pretty frequently and before the last time I saw her she was asking me when she's gonna see me next and seemed excited the day we met up. But after that day her contact died off. It's been 3 days since I've heard from her. It's possible that she's busy, that's why I want to wait before I write her off completely. But I don't really care, maybe I'll just downgrade her to someone I only contact once a month or 2. Hope that's enough info.


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2008
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Kal0051 said:
well, by 'seemed interested' I meant that for 2 weeks we were texting each other pretty frequently and before the last time I saw her she was asking me when she's gonna see me next and seemed excited the day we met up. But after that day her contact died off. It's been 3 days since I've heard from her. It's possible that she's busy, that's why I want to wait before I write her off completely. But I don't really care, maybe I'll just downgrade her to someone I only contact once a month or 2. Hope that's enough info.
i've been texting this girl semi-frequently for a few weeks now. i have no intentions of ever meeting her or hanging out with her.


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Kal0051 said:
I'm talking about a girl I met a few weeks ago. She did seem interested until a few days ago. Since then she hasn't responded to my calls or texts (well, I've only tried to contact her 3 times in 2 days so it's not been too long yet). How long should I wait before I next her? And should I try to contact her again or just leave it? I'll do whatever you guys suggest.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
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verysuave said:
Yeah, I've read your post. And I would agree that if a girl completely blew me off (ie. flakes) then I would do that. She hasn't done that yet, she just hasn't returned my call (and we're talking about a couple of days, not weeks). I was more looking for advice when I should write her off if she doesn't return my last call (like wait a week or whatever). The thing about your post that interested me is when you said that "
You have options = means you have other people you like.". What if you don't have any other ppl you like (though I'm not saying you develop oneitis)? I'm just interested in what you think about that, I know it's good advice to have more than one girl that your interested in but sometimes that doesn't happen. That last part is kinda off topic but it just something that caught my eye in the post you linked. Cheers


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
so according to your first post-"I've only tried to contact her 3 times in 2 days so it's not been too long yet"

Now first of all thats showing way too much interest on your side-I dont care how much you like her or how much you THINK she's likes you-dont be like that-One phone call-thats it-she knows your number-and she knows youre interested.Now given-things happen-but not often-look at it this way-flip the script--if a hot piece of tail you been trying to get at is calling you-wouldnt you do anything you could to try and get a hold of them?

Bottom line-its very easy to tell a chick whose interested and one thats not and that chick is not.


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
The time to next is now. If you thought this girl was interested then somehow her interest deteriorated. Find more women so you don't have to worry about petty sh*t like this.


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Kal0051 said:
Yeah, I've read your post. And I would agree that if a girl completely blew me off (ie. flakes) then I would do that. She hasn't done that yet, she just hasn't returned my call (and we're talking about a couple of days, not weeks). I was more looking for advice when I should write her off if she doesn't return my last call (like wait a week or whatever). The thing about your post that interested me is when you said that "
You have options = means you have other people you like.". What if you don't have any other ppl you like (though I'm not saying you develop oneitis)? I'm just interested in what you think about that, I know it's good advice to have more than one girl that your interested in but sometimes that doesn't happen. That last part is kinda off topic but it just something that caught my eye in the post you linked. Cheers

has she countered offer at all?

ive already stated that if you don't have options = oneitis = desperate chump (you will be treating women like you have no other options, and it will show)

symptoms are: u keep trying and trying.

But agian though, did she counter offer to a a different day?


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
verysuave said:
has she countered offer at all?

ive already stated that if you don't have options = oneitis = desperate chump (you will be treating women like you have no other options, and it will show)

symptoms are: u keep trying and trying.

But agian though, did she counter offer to a a different day?
I didn't even get a chance to talk to her (she didn't answer), so no she didn't counter to a different day. She hadn't got back to me yet (but like I said it's only been 2 days, who knows what's up with her). It would be different if I asked her out and she turned me down. Maybe I'll try her on the weekend, but whatever. I should add that she's wanted to do things with me before (she called to invite me out with her) so that's why I found it a bit strange. But at this point I don't care all that much.


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Kal0051 said:
I didn't even get a chance to talk to her (she didn't answer), so no she didn't counter to a different day. She hadn't got back to me yet (but like I said it's only been 2 days, who knows what's up with her). It would be different if I asked her out and she turned me down. Maybe I'll try her on the weekend, but whatever. I should add that she's wanted to do things with me before (she called to invite me out with her) so that's why I found it a bit strange. But at this point I don't care all that much.
does she know that was your number calling her??


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Kal0051 said:
I didn't even get a chance to talk to her (she didn't answer), so no she didn't counter to a different day. She hadn't got back to me yet (but like I said it's only been 2 days, who knows what's up with her). It would be different if I asked her out and she turned me down. Maybe I'll try her on the weekend, but whatever. I should add that she's wanted to do things with me before (she called to invite me out with her) so that's why I found it a bit strange. But at this point I don't care all that much.

are you sure that you dont care because youre on here asking people for advice and all-again interest level determines everything in an interpersonal relationship-there is no grey area-if youre interested you would call which you are doing-if she is interested she will call-simple as that-I dont know about you but if I know someone sees my phone call and they decide not to respond back to me in a timely fashion-that means that I'm not top-shelf priority to her-which isnt good-you want to be and remain top priority in her eyes-and as every guy whose been in the game for any length of time knows is that a woman's interest in you can literally change over night-for various of reasons, usually because she has another guy on the brain-it is a known fact that women need attention, some more than others, but they NEED and crave attention-if she aint craving it from you, somebody else is filling her with what she needs.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
yeah, probably. She does have my number, she made sure she had my number the night I met her. But I don't really know this girl really well, maybe there's stuff going on in her life where she didn't have a chance or didn't want to call me back. No way to really no for sure without asking her, and I don't want to show that I noticed that she didn't contact me.


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Kal0051 said:
yeah, probably. She does have my number, she made sure she had my number the night I met her. But I don't really know this girl really well, maybe there's stuff going on in her life where she didn't have a chance or didn't want to call me back. No way to really no for sure without asking her, and I don't want to show that I noticed that she didn't contact me.
okay, stop contacting.

When she does call u back, pick up the phone and say "whos calling"?.. Same with text,


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Freeman said:
are you sure that you dont care because youre on here asking people for advice and all-again interest level determines everything in an interpersonal relationship-there is no grey area-if youre interested you would call which you are doing-if she is interested she will call-simple as that-I dont know about you but if I know someone sees my phone call and they decide not to respond back to me in a timely fashion-that means that I'm not top-shelf priority to her-which isnt good-you want to be and remain top priority in her eyes-and as every guy whose been in the game for any length of time knows is that a woman's interest in you can literally change over night-for various of reasons, usually because she has another guy on the brain-it is a known fact that women need attention, some more than others, but they NEED and crave attention-if she aint craving it from you, somebody else is filling her with what she needs.
when I made this thread it did bug me, and because of that I was thinking about deleting her number. But I realized that would be too reactive, she hasn't done anything yet that deserves that. And the part about her needing attention, trust me she doesn't need to hang out with me to get attention, the other night when we went out she got tons of attention from this group of guys (mind you that doesn't mean she was interested in any of them, the opposite actually).


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
verysuave said:
okay, stop contacting.

When she does call u back, pick up the phone and say "whos calling"?.. Same with text,
yeah, this is what I'll probably do. If I do contact her it won't be for a few weeks, I doubt she'll see that as desperate.


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Kal0051 said:
yeah, this is what I'll probably do. If I do contact her it won't be for a few weeks, I doubt she'll see that as desperate.
few weeks? no no , its her turn now.. she has to to call back. Trust me, she got your missed calls and or texts.

I have a story. Story A:
U know, there was this girl at work one time who had a crush on me. Cuz her friend told me.. This girl who had a crush on me, got my number somehow.
She initiated the text, bla bla bla. But she played alot of games with me

Okay, it finally got to the point where OKAy, im gona ask her to hang out after work. I did i ask her

me: "do she wants to go grab some burgers to eat later after work at IN n OUt?"
chick: "burgers this late? who eats burgers this late"
me: "I do"

I forgot why we ended up not going.. but anyway.

fast forward 3 weeks, I called her up on a monday

me: "hey whats up"
chick: "who is this? " (sh1t testing me as if she had deleted my number from her phone
me: "its verysuave, whats up?"
chick: "bla bla bal"
me: "are u free this saturday
chick: "well, i got to see my kids, bla bla"
me: "okay, let me by wednesday if you can or cannot"
(then she said some smart ass comment about planning ahead
me: "yeah, just planning ahead so i know whats happenign to this weekend"
chick" yeah, i know i know..
me: "okay got to run"
chick : okay bye

2 days later wednesday came by and no calls from her, as result? I didnt call her cause i really didnt give a hoot whether she calls or not

then 3 weeks later, she texts me and it went from there.

Story B:
I asked this chick out from work. SO i call her and made arrangements for next wednesday. She agreed on the phone.

Wednesday came (day of the date). I actually was not going to show up at this date because some crap happened that day and didn't even worry about this "DATE". (note that I didnt text her or call her that day because i got occupied with something else)

and wuddya know? she texts me later that night apologzing that she had school projects and stuff going on and tells me "maybe some other time"

then i tell her via text "okay you will have to make up for it =)"

about 1 - 2 weeks later, she texted me back and wants to hang out!

so there u go, they will text u back if they were really that interested EVEN if they were supper busy. They do rain checks =).

So, don't even call her,text EVER again from now on. Its her turn


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Kal0051 said:
when I made this thread it did bug me, and because of that I was thinking about deleting her number. But I realized that would be too reactive, she hasn't done anything yet that deserves that. And the part about her needing attention, trust me she doesn't need to hang out with me to get attention, the other night when we went out she got tons of attention from this group of guys (mind you that doesn't mean she was interested in any of them, the opposite actually).
its showing that you CARE and have oneitis with this chick.. lets be honest, if you didnt, you wouldnt be writing essays about it here.

I wish for the best to you and thats why i want to help :)