How long do you wait to next a girl if she doesn't respond to your calls

May 23, 2006
Reaction score
I think that it was not necessary to attempt to reach her 3 times within 2 days. A simple phone call with a message would have been sufficient -- maybe you want to share what you left as a message if anything?

A follow-up phone call could be made a few days later (if you really like her) asking her if she got the previous message, or whatever (i.e. suggest some idea to meet again).

Personally, it's more fun if you are with a girl with a high-interest level to start with, so best to just next her now like everyone said especially as you tried three times and got nowhere. Waiting, guessing and speculating is not fun.

I have worked on my 'inner game' and better control myself where I can just leave one message, and somehow content myself not to worry if she'll call back or not, and just do ANYTHING else rather than worrying about her (i.e. ask another girl out, read a nice book, etc... whatever) -- just discipline your mind not to care -- all you need is to leave one message, take a deep breath and just say that it wont bother you if she calls back or not and get your mind off of it. Leave a follow up message if you wish to but that's it. See if you can just meet her in person or some other way you can connect with her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Hmm, she's now added me to facebook. She hasn't messaged me yet though she has been checking out my profile and commenting on some things (which isn't too surprising, when she added me I checked her profile). It would be nice if this is a good sign, but I won't get my hopes up.


Oct 3, 2006
Reaction score
Kal0051 said:
Hmm, she's now added me to facebook. She hasn't messaged me yet though she has been checking out my profile and commenting on some things (which isn't too surprising, when she added me I checked her profile). It would be nice if this is a good sign, but I won't get my hopes up.
hope for nothing.

Do not call her after a few days like luke said. let her initiate the u reciprocate ok


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
we've talked a (well, texted) a bit since yesterday. Her interest lvl is definitely lower, not really sure how to raise it, but I'll try to do what I was doing when I first met her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
yeah, right now I'm taking it light, mainly just texting her funny stuff and seeing her response. I'll probably go out again with her this weekend (well, maybe).


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
verysuave said:
few weeks? no no , its her turn now.. she has to to call back. Trust me, she got your missed calls and or texts.

I have a story. Story A:
U know, there was this girl at work one time who had a crush on me. Cuz her friend told me.. This girl who had a crush on me, got my number somehow.
She initiated the text, bla bla bla. But she played alot of games with me

Okay, it finally got to the point where OKAy, im gona ask her to hang out after work. I did i ask her

me: "do she wants to go grab some burgers to eat later after work at IN n OUt?"
chick: "burgers this late? who eats burgers this late"
me: "I do"

I forgot why we ended up not going.. but anyway.

fast forward 3 weeks, I called her up on a monday

me: "hey whats up"
chick: "who is this? " (sh1t testing me as if she had deleted my number from her phone
me: "its verysuave, whats up?"
chick: "bla bla bal"
me: "are u free this saturday
chick: "well, i got to see my kids, bla bla"
me: "okay, let me by wednesday if you can or cannot"
(then she said some smart ass comment about planning ahead
me: "yeah, just planning ahead so i know whats happenign to this weekend"
chick" yeah, i know i know..
me: "okay got to run"
chick : okay bye

2 days later wednesday came by and no calls from her, as result? I didnt call her cause i really didnt give a hoot whether she calls or not

then 3 weeks later, she texts me and it went from there.

Story B:
I asked this chick out from work. SO i call her and made arrangements for next wednesday. She agreed on the phone.

Wednesday came (day of the date). I actually was not going to show up at this date because some crap happened that day and didn't even worry about this "DATE". (note that I didnt text her or call her that day because i got occupied with something else)

and wuddya know? she texts me later that night apologzing that she had school projects and stuff going on and tells me "maybe some other time"

then i tell her via text "okay you will have to make up for it =)"

about 1 - 2 weeks later, she texted me back and wants to hang out!

so there u go, they will text u back if they were really that interested EVEN if they were supper busy. They do rain checks =).

So, don't even call her,text EVER again from now on. Its her turn

This is about right-pretty much if my post didnt get through to you, his should-bottom line is dont sweat these chicks-its so many out there.