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  1. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    Alright heres the situation. I approached a 7 at the mall and she texted me 2 hours later....we text for a while every night and EVERY night for the next 3 days I have to break the conversation to go to sleep. So i ask her on a date saturday and we go to chipotle and a party and then at the...
  2. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    Thanks for the advise man, but how do i let the girl know im interested later after ive talked to the whole group?
  3. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    How do you show your confidence besides getting drunk lol? I walk tall and try to be smooth but sometimes im so nervous i know they can tell.....i think the only was to get over it is PRACTICE what do you think?
  4. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    Thanks for the advise bro i probably wont go with him even know he is a good friend. I will probably wait a couple months and then help him out
  5. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    Hard Approach This was the hardest approach ive EVER had. 6 girls sitting at a table talking: All are 7's and above I got up and talk to the hottest girl a 9. ( my first 9 approach) Me: Hi Her: Hi Me: I think your really pretty *mess up here i think Her: thanks Me: whats your name...
  6. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    November 9th approaches today wasn't the greatest approach as i went with a new wingman who is a downer. This guy makes fun of every approach i do. But he is so insecure about himself he never approaches. Im giving up on him. Heres how it went for me: I approached two girls about 6 and 5...
  7. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    Lol, thanks anyways i went to some party with the 7 and it went horribly bro. The girl wouldnt talk to me because i told her she wouldnt look good with a nose piercing. So, I F#*KED that up. Anyways thanks for the help, I wouldnt have got her at the party w/o you.
  8. H

    Rushing Dude's 100 Approach diary

    good job man youve made more progress than most....keep it up
  9. H

    My first SS post–read cause.. I love u guys!

    Welcome my friend and good luck!:wave:
  10. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    J0N024....YOUR A thanks man heres the convo on myspace: Her: yah im free saturday afternoon :] would you wanna hang out? Me: not that bad at all....ya im 19. i dont know where ******** is, but im sure i could find it. So are you free Saturday afternoon or saturday night? Her...
  11. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    ya man ill definately try going for the 9's lol although its rare i see one.....your right man, why would i practice hitting beachballs with a bat if i want to end up in the major leagues? gotta practice with those hardballs.... good advice.
  12. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    lol man i agree, they have no clue how to converse from what ive seems hb's are the way to go. Thanks for the tips and btw.....i wear contacts but some of these girls look like 7's and i get closer and they turn into 4's.....
  13. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    Hey thanks bro! Seriously needed that encouragement. I will try your method man and ill let you know how it goes...
  14. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    update thanks for all the advise guys, im going to try to approach more hb7s and up but its hard to find girls that attractive sometimes. Anyways, I need advise on something. One of the girls that i number closed with today texted me and we have been talking for a while. I dont want to over...
  15. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    Soi means statement of let the girl know your not there to just be friends, the numbers are what i think they look like from a scale of 1 to 10, but a ten doesnt exist on my scale and a one looks like a man. But i approach girls that i think are cute from far away, but sometimes...
  16. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    Thanks a lot man, i didnt think i was doing so hot at one approach per day....a lot of guys on here do 10 per day, i hope to achieve that level sometime. You will change man. where there is a will there is a way. My only advise it to follow the dj boot camp like its your duty to change.
  17. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    Another approach Hey guys, just made another 3 approaches today after thinking about it for half an hour! here it goes.... first approach: I went up to two girls sitting down they were a 4 and a HB7. SO this is the convo... Me: Hi Her:hi Me: Pause...i think your really pretty...
  18. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    November 6th I just got back from the mall and I made one approach. These two Asian girls were eating and i went up to one and said "hey i think your really pretty" she smiled and i asked her name and she asked mine blah blah blah.....turns out shes 30!!!! whoa and I thought she was an...
  19. H

    HarlequinMan's Approach Journal

    Hey everyone, im new to the board but ive been following Jayers 100 approach journal for a year now and I feel like I need to start my own because Ive been an AFC forever and just got out of a nasty 11 month relationship. Ive been around the board searching for answers but i know ill never make...