Rushing Dude's 100 Approach diary

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alright guys i am taking my first steps to become a don juan, but i have a huge way to go. Because i see some of the posts that are dating and calling women adive, but this wouldn't apply to me because i am not at that stage yet seeing i am still at the hi stages lol, but with this i will finally get there.

I have actually done the dj Boot camp up to week 3 and the task is to have a 2-10min convo with 10 women u find attractive within 1 week. I failed miserably the first time and got like 1. Next time i attempeted i could say i completed it, but i would say i got 6, because i am not including a girls friend who didn't talk much or women i didn't find attractive when i first approach and i want to do it the right way. Although i am bad in this area, boot camp has made me able to say hi to strangers and i now have some social skills rather than sitting in a dark in a little dark corner in the room avoiding everybody else. Overall my social skills need to be worked on, especially in long convosations.

Talking to attractive women is my weakness, so will have to work on this area a lot, meaning i won't stop till i get 100 approaches. The rules will b:

1. I have to find them attractive when i first approach.
2. They have to be people i have never spoke to before.
3. the convosation has to last for 2 minutes or more.

I feel i am still somewhat socially backward and starting up this post is the first step to becoming the man i want to be.

Guys has always any tips or advice will be well apreciated.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score

I got one cold approach today and well its still 2 pm, but i will list this one. I was getting something to eat at BHS and i saw these two guys in front of me and i started chatting to them and then a HB 6.5 was behind me and i started chatting to her and she had a black eye i asked her how she got it and she said at a night club when someone threw a bottle of water (This would of been kino time to pull her hair out of eye and slide it behind ear). Then i asked how old she was and she said why, i said because i was wondering if u r old enough to be in a night club she said she was 24. I then said huh girls usually look older than they r and she smiled and said what did u think i was 13 and i said maybe (then should of really said well just take it has a compliment women like to look younger). anyways talked to her about how much food she was going to have and sat at my table. Then she came my way and looked, so i said the hell with it and asked her she could sit down if she wanted, but she just smiled and walked away. Ugh think i should of played it kool and asked her the same thing, but on a serious note, if i was smiling to much i guess i may have came across desperate and that me asking her was a joke.

Anyways 1/100.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
25/09/07 Later on

Alright i missed a lot of approaches today, i saw a girl swimming and i waited for the right moment when she looked my way, but she never did. Then in my leg, bum, abs class i saw a HB 6, She was getting all her stuff and i waited for the right moment and she left. I guess i learned that the right moment will more than often never come and i would now have to make it happen.

Anyway later on i was deciding to walk home or get a bus and i saw a HB 6 waiting at a bus stop, so i asked her if she saw the 381 go past she said i am waiting for the same bus. I asked how long was she waiting she said 10 minutes, i said hm well ur bad luck may be my good luck she smiled and i asked her about her accent and where she is from and she said germany and i said o its a really nice accent. Anyway i teased her about working in a coal plant thing with jus random stuff i knew and also how she is a bus jinx seeing we were there for another 10 minutes. Now my mistake was when we got on the bus i did not sit next to her, but tried to play it cool....ugh yeh that was stupid... :rolleyes: even if it wasn't the right move to sit next to her i should of tried it to see if it was.

and thanks phoenixpua


rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score

Hm one approach in five days that is pretty poor, but i will tell u this one and it didn't go to well. I got on a bus and i said hey alright mate to bus driver and gave him money, but he said don't worry about it u greeted me. There was loads of people shouting down stairs so i went upstairs and sat behind a girl and said wow its pretty loud she smiled and said yeh. I then said is that why u lot come up here has well (noticing she had some friends on opposite side, a guy and girl) anyways i then asked the girl for her opinion on something, which is how to shake a girls hand seeing my friends always argue about it. She said idk and i then said i won't bite and she did it. Then she said i think they are alright and guy said that wasn't any real help was it (should of said yeh women....) i said not really. Anyway i joked a bit with them, but then he asked so was that a excuse to shake a pretty womans hand, i couldn't think of anythink and looked her up and down and said maybe. anyway after i said this everyone stopped talking.I think i should of said something like nah jus wanted some feedback to proof to my mate i was right, but she didn't really help. I said goodbye to them after i got off with a bit of tease, i should of focused more on teasing and put more effort to not cause convosation to stop.

Lack of approaches have been due to getting up like 1pm and not doing much but going to friends and not training and mostly me being a stupid AFC. For me to do better this would have to change.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score

I think i should of been doing more approaches, but well i got 1 today and i will list it anyway, this was whilst i was aiming for 10 rejections for a girls phone number.

I went to a shopping centre and i was seeing women everywhere, i was bottling it left and right and then i was thinking what a ***** i was has i sat on the bench and that if i didn't do this, i will never move from this spot. Just at that moment i saw a HB 7 and she was eating a bananna on another bench. I thought to myself to be an alpha male i would have to approach her, if not i am just another beta male. I got up and said to her you look pretty cute whats ur number, whilst handing her pen and paper. Then to my suprise she took it immediately and wrote her number and then asked my name. Then i was feeling momentum saw another girl HB 7 (she had bit of a faint moustache lol, so i knocked her to HB 6) I said you look cute whats ur number, she said why, i said oh have have u never done this before, she said yes but u r not has cute has me. I said wow someones pretty confident and then i said how cute am i, she said pretty cute. Then i said well, write ur number and you can see what u think...she did so. These were not over 2 mins and i should of talked after for 2 mins but i didn't, so they r not included has approach.

Anyways got two numbers so i was looking for a rejection lol, I saw a muslim girl with all the head gear on, but she looked cute so i did same approach. She not to my suprise said why and i said what is this the first time someone has asked this and she said no. Then i said well is it a religous thing and she explained it was. I then mentioned that i read about muhammid ali (muslim-boxer) and then i sat and talked for about 3 mins and she told me her name and then i left.

After these i approached two pretty old attractive women, i got the sorry mate and the look up and down and then ignored. Anyways i am going to try to approach another 8 girls by thursday seeing i need to work on my long term convos with women seeing its my biggest weakness.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score

I have been approaching, but not as much has i would like and they were some serious crash and burns. Anyways i will update thread and write the 2 approaches i did today.

I was waiting on a gym class and saw a HB 6 also come early, so i said to her ur pretty early and she had the times mixed up and i then touched her arm lightly and said no its 7 pm and lead her to the time table on wall. Then we started chatting and i found out it was her first time to class has well. I then said i thought u girls liked the more cardio stuff instead of the weights and she said yeh, i then grabbed her arm and felt it and said so u trying to get these arms all tonk huh with a smile, she seemed to like it. I kino'ed her a bit more and got her name, she then said whats ur name i said it begins with a j and its a famous basketball players last name, a river and a country. She couldn't get it and i said the basketball players first name is michael and she then got it. I tapped her arm again and said see ur good and she smiled, then i went back to warming up before the class.

Then after i warmed up saw another HB 6 was waiting, so i asked her about the class and what weight she uses and then i was pointing at some weights that were very small and said did u use those one she smiled and said no heavier. Anyways she was next to me during class and she stopped lifting and i said giving up r we, she made a poor excuse and i said alright (should of kept argument going and teased her more). Anyway that was it.

I think these went ok and i should actually talk to more women at gym after and before class, they r usually pretty friendly and i should not make excuses anymore.

Anyways 6/100

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
I am dissapointed that i only got 2 approaches when i was aiming to get 8 in 3days, this was because i met some serious social retards and **** blockers, which put me off. Even if this was the case i should of kept going at the intensity i was aiming for. i was reading fallen33's diary and made me realise that u r going to get hit some times, but it shouldn't stop u. There r a lot of *****es out there, but there r some nice ones 2 and i shouldn't let the *****es get to me. Because if they want to b social retards it does not mean i should go down that road with them, but just NEXT them. Well anyways the Goals r:

1. Look for more opporutnitys and take them, i will never see this person again so who cares if i look stupid and it would help me have a better game on the next one.

2.Tease a bit at first, before u start getting personal and if they do put a shield up b smart like if i ask whats ur name and they reply why, i should say something like it is the code to disarm a nucleur strike to save the world or is it a really bad name?

3.If **** blocking appears, haha i don't know how to stop this, but maybe do a good behaviour scheme and bad behaviour scheme so the one whos being nice compliment her like wow ur totally kicking her ass in this game is that why shes mad?

4. Get up early!!!!!!!!!!!! very important if i get up like 2pm today it totally f's up the day.

5. Try new stuff out and c where it gets me.

6. Go for more confident moves.

7. If i fail, think what could of i done right, so i would know what to do next time it happens.

8. Be positive and C & f, important qualitys in a alpha male

9. Limit time with friends.

10. Have Fun!!!!!!!!.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
It seemed like your interaction went well with the first gym girl. Why didn't you ask for her number?

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
To b honest it didn't even cross my mind, my initial goal was jus to get my convo skills working again and i was jus trying some new ways to kino, like today i thought the feeling biceps in a jokey way would b quite a neat way to start some kino. I did notice these things however after, which is why i put my first goal to notice opportunitys. Its kind of like before u met this site u wud sit on a bus and walk on a street and wudn't even notice any girls and now everytime u look round u c a hot girl lol.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score

I got two approaches in today, but i didn't approach some that i should have, due to waiting for the perfect moment, which in all honesty never has and never will come. I also tried my convo skills with strangers again, but i realised i talked about myself a bit to much instead of focusing convosation on them, so I will work on that. Anyway here r my 2 approaches, which i did both in swimming pool:

1. I was swimming and saw a HB 6 and i noticed she was always doing breast stroke, so when we were both at deep end resting i said to her is that the only stroke u know and she was saying that she dosn't breath in water i gave her some advice and argued a bit with her, but i felt i should of argued more, so i saw her again and i said hey breast stroke girl and just started talking to her and said maybe u shud give the underwater breathing a go on ur last stroke with a smile and she laughed. Anyway i went for argument, but i feel it needed to b more stronger and then we went back to swimming. I know this one kind of sucked, but the lesson would b to tease more and never ever give up on an argument, there is always loop holes to every argument and my job is to expose them.

2. I was swimming again and i saw a HB 7 who couldn't swim for **** and she was doing a front crawl kick then breast stroke kick TOGETHER and she was sinking to the bottom. I also noticed she said hello to a guy who jus popped his head in out of the locker room with clothes on, i am guessing her Bf. I didn't care and just approached her anyway and i was jus chatting to her and gave her bit of advice and then asked her name she said in response to that i don't speack much english (that was the best way to not giving a guy her name i seen lmao and yes guys i did know she understood the question). I then said where ur from she said poland and i started saying o the reception is polish how u say hello in poland i will tell her next time, she tells me, i then stayed in shallow end and gave her some advice and guys i couldn't think of a better time to try out my kino. I was teaching her new strokes and of course helping her to straighten her stance :D. I was teasing her and kinoing a hell lot and she was very smiley and we was having a lot of fun (mostly to her unique swimming style) , the kino in my opinion saved my game from no interest to interest in my opinion. When i did a length she was approaching me and then when i left she called me and waved goodbye.

Anyways guys i got out from swimming pool stretched and got dressed whilst chatting to few guys there. Then i saw a guy looking at me has i enter through the little gate to get to reception and i say r u being served he says nah, i go alright, so why u waiting here then? he replys i am waiting for my wife and i realise it is the guy who i thought was her bf and i see her coming out :crackup: . Anyways i don't go for wifes so i jus start chatting to the receptionist.

Alright things i also did wrong today was was get up a bit late even though i got like 12 hours sleep..... and i would say is not listening to my gutt enough.


rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score

Alright from what i have noticed my actual skills to keep a girl talking for over 2 mins has improved, which was my inital problem, but now i am having problems approaching seeing i am not doing it has often. Anyway heres my two approaches i did.

The first approach was when i arrived early and saw a HB 6 sitting down and these girls arrive early and totally suck, they don't warm up jus sit down doing nothing, so i teased her on that. Then i don't know convo went to her being a mother to pregnancy then to yoga and i asked her name and she told me and then she asked mine and she eventually got it. Then i ended the convo and saw a HB 7(second approach) whilst i was stretching. She was next to me, so i just asked her who was teaching the class and me and her got on pretty well, her body language was great she was squating on the floor facing me, whilst i was stretching and smiling a lot. I asked her what her name was she told me and she asked mine and i said it. She then said o thats my sons name, which is when i thought that would b a turn off and she was a mother and not interested and probably not single. I look back on that and realise how wrong i was, i should of judged by actions not words, because she was wearing a belt with bite me in big letters in it and she came over and said bye to me plus she smiles when i c her.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score

ok i guess it is a month since i started the thread and i have only got 11 approaches, which is pretty bad. I will list this one i got a few days ago though, I was going for a job interview (thank u sosuave i wud of totally sucked at that interview if it wasn't for u) and on my way i saw a girl with luggage at train station, she was a HB 7 and i stalled a bit at first and it naturally came out and i asked her how long do these trains take per stop. I know not great opener, but my follow up was pretty good and i then made a comment about her luggage and said r u leaving here it is not that bad, with a smile. She replyed and we hit it off from there, i was talking to her for like 10 mins about stuff and she explained she was visiting her dutch friend for 5 days here before she goes back to holland, i thought number close wud of been bad here and i guess it was just a stupid excuse, but i went for email or msn close and got it. She was smiling a lot, but i feel i was slowly edging towards friend zone due to lack of kino and i actually said, o now u have a friend in england, do u have any in australia......

Quality is good on my approaches, but quantity is bad, so i need both of these with more practice.


rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
jeez can't remember date

I was in a gym class and at the end i saw a HB 6/7 talk to the fitnss trainer and then i approached and said where ur from (she had a accent and i have noticed that these r pretty easy approaches and usually go well), she said i am italian, she wasn't completly good on english, but we had a good 2 min+ convo and at end she asked me if i was training upstairrs afterwards because she wanted to train with me. I had other things to do and for some reason i didn't want to follow her lead and i said maybe another time we can train together.

Now what i should of done was to do exactly what i did there, but one exception......GET HER DAM NUMBER!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHH lol. I should of said i kinda got to go now, but do u like swimming or cycling?, then if she says yes i jus hand pen and paper tell her to write her number and we cud go on a training date maybe sometime when i am less busy.


rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score

hm today i got a approach when i went in swimming pool, i was laying on wall next to shallow end and i feel i should of approached sooner, but i waited. I then thought that if i waited longer she would just leave and i jus said "u take swim classes here right", she said "yeh" and then i teased a bit and took it from there. She was scared of the deep end and just started swimming so the convo was on that. I had to go for my class so i ended convo and asked name and then jus shook her hand and left.

I feel i should of used more kino, but can't think of anythink else i did wrong at the time being.



Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Denver, CO
good job man youve made more progress than most....keep it up

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score

Hm got another 2 approaches at work, i thought the convo went pretty well and i wasn't trying to hard, but i made one vital mistake, didn't close!!!!!. I should of just said "i got some things to do, but do you have an email" and i am pretty sure i would of got the closes. At the time i guess i jus cudn't think of how to make the close.


rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score

alright today got two approaches, all of these approaches were done natural, no special techniques and were genuine. I started convo with a girl on bus whilst standing by jus saying how many stops to london bridge she said, then i explained that i had to get to a place in a hour for a dance class and then directed convo to her. I found out she takes lessons herself when we reached london bride i said do u have email, she wrote down....done.

second one i was lost on way to dance place and i saw a girl with suitcase turning her head round a lot, so i say "do u know where this road is or r u lost urself" with a smile anyway got talking to her she came from china so i asked some questions like if she talk martial arts classes and teased her because she didn't. i then asked guy for directions to my place and hers asked for her email and she gave me her business card.....done.

There was a girl at dance class who showed quite lot interest, but at end i screwed up. i was getting paper and pen for her number, then she talked to someone else and then finished and said bye. Should of just stopped her and got it....

what i realise is everyone is a dj in there own way, u can get a 100% interest with a girl, but u will never get her until u ask her number. What i use to do and others is just keep trying to raise a girls interest till she asked u out....just like ur approach u got to make the move. What seperates the chumps and dj's is the close. chumps jus talk and talk waiting for her to make the move or the perfect moment, which is what i use to do, whilst djs get the interest and make the move with close.


Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
hey RD wats up. Thanks for the feedback on my journal and since I looked at yours the day before yesterday anyways imma drop some on yours.
Well, to be honest it is hard to say what you are doing right/wrong because the details you give us are so sparse and segmented. Maybe you could go into more detail in future reports on approaches? One thing I would recommend is going for the # as opposed to the email. I remember a close I got years ago where I eventually got around to being the girl's 'quasi-boyfriend' and she actually said how unmanly it was for me to try and skirt around with an email address as opposed to a #. Nothing beats face to face conversing, but in terms of other means of communication, i think the scale is something like

Phone Conversation then
Facebook then
Texting then
Instant Messaging conversations finally followed by

It's no use pvssy-footing around, trying to delay rejection or searching for a way in, especially if you are going after 100 approaches anyways. # closes are more direct and allow for you to verbalize your intentions in a way while email says we can be casual pen pals imo. Anyways keep up the journal and good luck sarging man.