My first SS post–read cause.. I love u guys!


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
The Island
It is an honor and a pleasure to finally be able to write my first post.

Before starting, there is something very important to state: English is not my first language. I am from Venezuela. You guys will have to excuse my spelling or writing. Also, it is very probable that my posts don’t get too hilarious or clever. I am going to make an effort to be funny or use “modern” phrases.
I have read many great and funny, even dramatic posts (Like the guy who made like 25-30 mistakes and actually counts them in the post) and I enjoy them.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this (or in the worst case: try to read entirely) this post.
Also, I’m all ears to receive any opinion, comment or critic. Good or bad, ill take it.
Here we go.


I’m from Venezuela, maybe here some things related to girls, dating, self-confidence or behaving in front of others might be a little different. But I believe that only occurs at some shallow social level, because in the end, we are all made of the same feelings, brain, etc.

I think my parents were never to good at “DJ-ing”, specially my father. To be honest, we never talked about girls or how to pick em up or stuff like that.
My father was a great man. Very good in aspects like self-confidence and people management. But we never talked about that.

Maybe all this had to do with my developing AFC condition by the time I had to start being a man.

There was a time when I had between 10 and 16 years old (yeah, critical!) when I couldn’t stop entering the friend zone with girls. In fact there was this girl who I was so attracted to, that I bought her gifts, do all kinds of favors and generally I behaved like a premium AFC-LJBF-guy.
I will definitely post about that soon.

I was kind of lost. Nothing could tell me exactly how to come to kiss a girl or just have fun with them in a romantic way.
I had many friends who were like me at that time. We used to hang and talk about anything except about girls.
I knew there where guys who talked a lot about how to trick them or make fun of them. They were the bad guys at that time.
I remember I had this weir “old fashioned-gentleman-knight-respect” code with the girls.
I used to apply it so roughly that I’d never show any signs of interest or romance.
In fact I had a lot of girl-friends, not girlfriends.
When I was jealous of guys with girls, I usually tried to convince myself that my “code of honor” was right and that anyway is better to have a girl-friend but not to loose her forever.

I was, socially speaking, an average kid. Not to popular, not too pretty. Not too outgoing and not too friendly.
I though I was kind of happy. I wouldn’t take risks. I wasn’t too adventurous either.


Here comes 4th grade in high school. I was like 15 or 16.
I met a girl who barely liked me. She wasn’t exactly pretty. And she was kinda boring.
I remember that once we were talking in a park. After a few hours of talking about love and friends and wewewewe.. she tried to hold my hand.
I was so nervous I couldn’t even hold her. Then she smiled, gave me a kiss in the cheek and proposed me to be her boyfriend.

Weeks latter I was so far from being a boyfriend. My own girl frightens me. I was so scared to even hold her hand that I rather not see her.

I got so worried and sad about this happening to me that I started to avoid talking to people. In fact, once I got caught crying by a couple of guys.
I had a friend who even told me once that people people was starting to think I was gay. (Dudes GAY ! … Sh!+)


4th year in high school ended
I was very concerned about what happened that year. “I really should stop being such a girl”, I said to myself. “What the hell is wrong here? Ill change”
So when 5th year in high school (last in Venezuela) started, I decided that I was going to stop complaining, I was gonna stop being jealous and that I was going to start working on me.
That was a nice year. I was friendly, I used to make jokes all the time. I used to relax (at least a bit) when I was talking to a girl. It seemed that everybody liked me. I used to hang out with everybody and that felt pretty cool.


I wish all this evolution had continued to grow by the time I entered college. But didn’t.
It kinda stopped because my university is hard. I had to study a lot, I was away from home. And, well. College here is really different compared to for example US.

Fast forward here…

I met this great girl, she was so different to any other girl (Mistake here!). She enjoyed photographs and dancing (Like if that’s hard to find in a girl).
So I decided “I’m gonna try to get this one. I haven’t liked any girl in a while. I haven’t met any girls in a while”

Frustration came up when I started dating this girl. If only I knew what KINO or C&F was.
Dudes, this girl actually told me she liked me, but that I was too “slow”.
She was so right. I don’t remember myself even trying to touch her or tease her or anything!


I figured out that I had a problem. (GOOD!)
I had to start working in this aspect of my life if I wanted to be... uhm… hum…

I knew I had to build up some confidence in order to relax in front of a date.
I had to stop being nervous and start touching. Because that’s what I want (Right?)

So I started surfing the web searching for info to help me out. and David the Angelo where words goggle continued to show
I started reading and learning so much about those good sites and books.

They were fantastic. It seemed that everything stated in those lines and paragraph were going to change my life forever.

Well folks. All that Info really helps.
But sosuave or de Angelo are not going to change any life unless one actually starts working to change life.

I knew that. But it was so hard to get things started.
I mean, c’mon: approaching a girl in less than 2 sec without looking sideways?. Impossible.
Fear of rejection was so huge that I didn’t wanted to start.
I continued to think “Dude, unite day and night” (I don’t remember who ever said/wrote that but its good)

At this point I’m not going to tell you how to overcome your fears. I’m no expert on that area.
I’m not going to detail how I managed to meet a random girl and then date.
And I’m not going to explain how I ended up knowing like 6 new great girls in like a month.


What I am going to tell you is:
HOW FREANKING FUN -was at that time but continues to be- talking to girls, trying to flirt, show a couple of romantic signs and then confuse her. Looking her eyes directly and making her blush and smile.
What I am saying is:
HOW GOOD you’ll start felling with yourself after you decided to actually start enjoying meting girls.
HOW COOL is to start a conversation with anybody while you and your listener are actually having fun (I don’t care if I’m talking to the old grocery store lady or a perfect 10 girl)

You DO have to practice, learn to be funny and unique.

That’s it people. I just decided that I was going to enjoy life!
I was going to start doing what’s fun for a single reason: becoming happier.
Yes, because guess what: flirting and meeting girls is very (VERY!) fun when you come to handle it a bit.

Unlock yourself!
Stop worrying about what they think
Stop thinking she likes you. (I’ve read this more than once) Dude SHE LIKES YOU!
Just go ahead and do it.

Not easy. But give it a try. Select a Test-day or something. I think that’s what I did.
Take the risks! If you don’t take chances there is 0 ZERO probability you’ll win.
Look at is as a win-win situation (I’ve taken this from a post too): if you get rejected you’ll gain the experience (I PROMES YOU THAT YOU WILL LEAR SOME XP), and if you don’t… well that’s what you wanted !

-- I know it sounds like a bunch of recomendations, but it’s just that it was the only way I managed to write it. Remember I don’t know English so well. I’m not trying to convince anybody--

In fact the only reason I’m writing this is because I thought I would be very fun!
I mean it. I’m not looking for your approval. I’m not expecting you guys to congratulate me.
I don’t even know if I’m still an AFC or not.

All I care is: I’m having so much fun now. I’m very happy and I will continue to grow happines, learn and evolve forever until the day I die (hum… sounds odd).
I will discus this entire fun-enjoy-happines-gilrz thing soon in another post. I’m quite sure all is somehow related.



Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
The Island

I want to thank everybody who made me start thinking this way.
I’m not sure if it’s right. But feels right!
I really hoped you read this line
And well…
It was fun to write all this. Really!
If you want to hear something cool continue reading…


So after all this fun-confidence-C&F-KINO something good had to come up to me.
And well it kind did.
I met this nice girl a couple of weeks ago. We dated a couple of times (not too much we are both very busy)
And last Sunday night it was telling her that it was so fun being with her, and touching her and joking with her.
I told her I’m ambitious and that I’m always looking for more in things.

-- BTW all this was kinda planned but I did it totally different conclusion: planing worked for me (this one time) only for confidence porpoises, I think…--

So she asked something like “oh yeah.. and what is it that you want?”
And suddenly (and this was way faster than 2 sec)
I reacted in the most suave-dj way I have ever reacted
I said: this is what I want: and kissed her. She kissed back and wewewe

Sorry to disappoint you hahaha !
It was only a kiss. But it was great.
It usually took me over 3 weeks, and over 3 hours of conversation and over 3984 signs from her to even start thinking of kissing. I mean…. I have taken girls to bed (uhm... well like twice hahaha) but never in such a fun-stylish-dj way !

I was so happy for doing that. I’m not even sure I thought I was going to do it. Maybe it was all the practice. Whatever.


So guys!That’s it.
The story of my life. Just that. Just a story.
Its not a “how I started being so suave story” or a “my transformation story”
A story I’m not telling to my friends, my girl or nobody else than
Because YOU GUYS teached me so much.

(Reply it will be fun!)


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Welcome. Your English writing skills are probably better than the average US citizen, fwiw.

Was that your first time kissing a girl? Are you a virgin? How old are you? There's no shame in admitting it, and even if you are still either a virgin or AFC, I can tell that you are on the right track to changing.


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
The Island
Hey Man !

Thankyou for replying!

I turned 21 on october 27th.
Ive slepped with a girl once (yeah had sex.. its just that here we say it like that). But that my friend, was a mess.
And I have kissed some girls before. Not an expert tho

I believe I really need practice kissing and cuddling and having sex.. well just like everyone else.. maybe i need a bit more..

My only.. uh.. concern.. is that ive been fighting some negative thoughts of "the old" maxfarsigth that came with this relation
- Conformism: since i got a girl why should I keep improving.

- Im also afraid of falling in the scenario the guy from the mistake-list-post fell. Dunno how to explain it. Its like leaving the poker table with the first money income.

Well.. its not thaaat dramatic i think that at one point i managed to atract 3 girls at the same time so i just decided which one i should advance with..
(BTW that was fun.. i mean.. to actually *select*)

This girl hasnt turned to be a psycho. That- i was worried about because my last girlfriend turned to be one..
And things have been pretty fun. Shes quite mature too..

Plus im sooo! not giving up on aproching or flirting or C&F or KINO with other girls: its fun !

I think a good final coment/phrase here could be:
ill just continue to improve everyday.

BTW: all this confidence/be the man stuff has really worked in areas like academics, job and bussines !
In fact, im being promoted because of my positive/confident/friendly attitude (thats close to what my boss said)

i was kinda expecting a bit more of feedback. but i just guess you pro's read this stuff everyday..

Well Ill continue to post any other event or question.
Ill also start replying people and giving my opinion because now i feel i can..

Hey! BTW--> thanx for the English writing comment ! (LOL)

(This is so much better that online video games forums hahahah)
C ya guys ! (K) hahaha

Grand Wizzard Alamar

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
My bed, your girl.
Well man your post is really really really really really really long... lol
But from that I can tell you're really analyzing yourself and your problems. The great part is you're not overanalyzing and you're explaning things right to the point (even though you make a pretty big point haha).

Looks like you've got the hang of things yourself though. I'll look for your future progress reports.
Good luck dude!

Oh yeah.. I'm flattered that you love me haha.


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Welcome my friend and good luck!:wave:


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
The Island
Now this is what i call feedback !

Well i think that the fact that the story is too long kills some interesting replys
but anyway: i wasnt looking too much for replys.. i was looking for posting that dam story cause
maybe i got the hole dj thing the wrong way
but i dindt, i think haha

well: you guys will see me reporting
dont know if i should report in this thread or another though..

Here's an update:

every piece of moment (so far) ive spent with this girls has been very fun, but i think im worring a bit when the kissing and making out (im not too familiar to the dj lenguaje o english slang yet) arrives.. in fact my mouth goes dry.
SO: we were kissing good bye and she very suddenly standed back, smiled, huged me and said "give me a smal kiss".

Im not worried about wat thats supposed to mean or wabawabawaba....
Im worrying about she being too much in control because of my lack of experience or a bit of akwardness (and lack of controll or akward is not something a dj would like, right?)
so.. any suggestions?

Ill try relaxing a bit more
And well the only way to get better at making out with her is making out with her !
Oh and finall question: would bring out (as in conersation) this in controll/making-out situation to her?

Thankyou and c ya ! oh and sorry the gramar, spelling wewewewew