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  1. F

    Do you hate sluts?

    The problem with sluts is not the sluts themselves. It's that the guys don't realize what's going on and get their heart broken. It has happened to me before, until I wised up. The last sl,ut I f,ucked just ran away to Louisiana to shack up with a bisexual couple. And guess what she is doing...
  2. F

    Whats my attraction level?

    Sorry bro, but this ain't so. If that's the case, women who are already thin wouldn't become anorexic or bulemic. It is easy to see someone and think they are good looking, but people often have a skewed perception of themselves. It has to do with self image. Just because you are good...
  3. F

    Looks aren't THAT important!

    Saying that looks are so important is an excuse for you to fail if you aren't super good looking. And if you are super good looking, it is a reason for you to look down on guys who get blown out all the time. Different girls have different tastes. Some girls actually like guys that are husky...
  4. F

    Girls get approached all the time: myth?

    Girls are rarely single for very long from my experience. They are crafty in that they usually have another guy lined up before they cut the current one loose. Most girls I know met guys through either work, mutual friends, or clubs/parties.
  5. F

    Girls get approached all the time: myth?

    I agree that you never see a hottie alone at parties/clubs/social functions etc. But also notice alcohol is involved there. I meant places like supermarkets, bookstores, etc. And I meant actual approaches, not just hi or hey baby. I don't recall ever seeing a girl approached in these...
  6. F

    Whats my attraction level?

    Honestly guys, you obsess over looks way too much. I have never met a guy I thought was SO ugly that he couldn't get puzzy. It never hurts to get a better haircut, work out, get new threads, etc. The problem is guy's attitudes. That's what makes you repel girls. If you aren't confident in...
  7. F

    Girls get approached all the time: myth?

    We always hear that women get approached all the time. Now in bars or clubs on a Friday/Saturday night, this is very true, especially when guys get "liquid courage". But the rest of the time is this true? I spoke today with a 34 year old woman today, who is quite attractive. She has been...
  8. F

    likely losing virginity tonight, need help

    Just remember lots of foreplay. Men are like a light switch, we get turned on easily while women are like a volume knob that has to be turned up slowly. You want her wanting you so bad she begs you to do her. I hope you know where her c,lit is too, because that is the most sensitive spot for...
  9. F

    so i got played.. yup

    If a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass on the ground when he hopped. How long have you been gamin' this girl? If she hasn't given it up in months for you, and you have never gone past kissing her, and she ain't a virgin that's not sure, then she ain't that into you. Now I see you are...
  10. F

    Another man is fvcking the doman of your dreams...

    All right I admit it. It was me who fvckd the woman of your dreams.
  11. F


    How hard are you actually trying to meet new women?
  12. F

    I have a question for you older gents.

    Your only possible solution is this: find a nice cooking virgin fat pretty girl and chain her to the treadmill. Next question?
  13. F

    cant get off from head/errection issues

    I can't have orgasms from oral sex, but I can go so long that most women are more than happy to let me bang them all night. I think I naturally have decreased sensitivity or something.
  14. F

    Serous question could mean someones life

    When you let a girl's problem become your problem like this, you are setting yourself up for heartache and trouble. Don't let it consume you to the point that she drags you down with her. The only person whose problems you can really fix are your own.
  15. F

    Changing an AFC into a DJ

    Trying to help other guys will only get you shat on. You can show them the door, but only they can walk through. Better for them to find out on their own. Not everyone can be a dj, just like not everyone can be a CEO of a major corporation. There still has to be guys that scrub toilets.
  16. F

    My oneitis keeps surprising me...

    :woo: Great post! You guys gotta realize that not everyone's goals are the same in this game. Some guys want to put notches in their bedposts, while some are just tired of attention *****s and want to find a good woman to be with. Don't build her up in your mind and put her on a pedestal...
  17. F

    Slut or Not?!

    Well I said he would have to decide, but I am not talking out of my ass. Some girls are freaks. They want sex and that's all that matters. Let me give you an example here: I started fcking this girl, and I really gave it to her. 11 orgasms in one session. So she tells me how awesome I am and...
  18. F

    Slut or Not?!

    She is probably a freak since she was gettin on your nuts so early. You will have to decide for yourself, but remember this: Never give your heart to a freak. Only good girls deserve your love. Freaks exist for your humping pleasure!
  19. F

    area codes - catching a cheater

    I have been to spain before. If she comes back and doesn't have a lot to tell you about it, like the places she went to, the cultural differences between here and over there, etc. then she probably is lying. It is very different there the people are very laid back and some of the palaces and...
  20. F

    she says she wants to be friends first??

    I'm not exactly sure what the prob was here. This girl sounded like a classic "good girl". If she would not let you touch her at all (and I don't mean any forbidden love zones lol) then that's not a good sign. There are girls in this world that are shy/religious/old fashioned/been hurt in the...