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  1. F

    "Sarging" is For LOSERS

    I think playersupreme has a point. There is nothing wrong with sarging, but I think that you will get more flakes etc. You can get girls interested and/or attracted, but how many of them flake out on you? (By the way, if you are just looking for a quick f*ck, then obviously it doesn't matter if...
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    Crazy blind date

    ^^^^^^^Agree. If she seemed interested in the italian dude's girl, I would say get the lush drunk, find a single bi chick and let them gang up on you! :cool:
  3. F

    So You Wanna Be Alpha

    I think alpha has more to do with attitude than looks. Obviously it doesn't hurt to be built etc. But to me alpha means being comfortable and confident in who you are, having standards as a man and holding them. As I get older, I find myself putting up with peoples sh*t less and less. I...
  4. F

    Is it wrong to date single moms for the short term.

    If you absolutely feel like you must fool with a single mother, lay down some ground rules. Tell her that you do NOT want to involve her kids because why do that when you and her are just casually dating? I don't know why single moms always want to pull that sh*t. Tell her you can casually date...
  5. F

    The Aftermath of the LTR

    I can sympathize Just caught this thread and I can definately relate to it. My g/f of just under a year that had lived with me for about seven months left a couple of months ago. I came home, she was packing up and said she was unhappy. Never said a word to me about it. To me it was very...
  6. F

    best way to break up w cheating gf

    Dude, don't let your insecurity kill your relationship. If you get too worried that she is gonna leave, you will seem needy and insecure and she will leave anyway. (ask me how i know). Do you have any other reason to believe she would cheat on you other than the friend of a friend told...
  7. F

    Help me sosuave! I'm so depressed! URGENT

    I can understand feeling down, I was once there myself. First, I would forget about women for awhile. Men today depend on women way way too much IMO. Focus on you, like krassus said join a gym. Everytime you feel like sh!t go to the gym and take out your frustrations. That way, instead of...
  8. F

    Which would you rather choose: HB4 or celibacy?

    Post a pic and we can better determine what you can do to improve yourself. I think almost everyone can improve their looks some by doing stuff like working out, taking good care of their skin, getting a good haircut etc.
  9. F

    Im going to dump my GF tomorrow.

    Out of the spirit of helping a fellow aspiring dj, I will give you the same advice everyone else has been giving- next her. You are in high school, right? You have your whole life ahead of you, there is no reason to put up with a girl that plays these games or is a headcase- she is obviously...
  10. F

    Never Had a Girlfriend (Double fold question)

    First, let me give you props for making a positive change in your life. You are already making efforts that most guys are either too proud or too dumb to do. The dj bible has good info, also check out this other free guide: Remember the most important...
  11. F

    GF might be pregnant, need advice.

    I got a girl pregnant once, she cried and I just held her. In the end, she "supposedly" had a miscarriage but I am pretty sure that she had an abortion behind my back. No matter what you do, you must live with her and your decision for the rest of your life. And DO NOT have sex with her anymore...
  12. F

    Why not take advice from women?

    amen to that!
  13. F

    What A mess I am In

    Dude I feel your pain. My gf of almost a year just left me a couple of weeks ago. We were living together and I come home one day and she is packing her sh*t. Let me translate "Let's see other people"--"I want new di*k". There is nothing you can say/do to change her mind. Ask me how I know...
  14. F

    Why not take advice from women?

    I made the mistake of telling my brother in law and sister about asf and the mindset of pua's. They said that they didn't think I should follow pua/dj advice and that I should "just be myself". They said that, basically, the stuff manipulated women and wouldn't work in the long term because it...
  15. F

    Life Decisions?

    Ok guys, here's the deal. I live in a small town in Texas (like 30,000-40,000 population) going to a small junior college. I am 22, have changed my major a couple of times, and have finally settled on a degree in business. It's pretty much time for me to transfer to a four year college, they...
  16. F

    Responding to her email

    In that case, I would try something c&f, for example: You know how kindergarten teachers give little sticker stars to kids that do good? Tell her that you will give her stars when she does something good and take stars away when she does something bad. Tell her that she is losing stars and...
  17. F

    LOL We have problems approaching, they have problems approaching. Read on.....

    You know I was thinking about this yesterday. We as men often think (especially when we were AFC's) that women have all the power. I realized yesterday that we can do what women can't--decide who we want! Almost all girls WAIT to be approached, so they are dependent on the guy's initial...
  18. F

    Responding to her email

    My honest opinion: Forget sarging girls on the net! There are some women that are well-adjusted and normal, but most of the women you will talk to are either: a) Single moms b) lse (low self-esteem) chicks c) fatties *Ask me how I know this* Although I think you can develop rapport...
  19. F

    It must suck to be a single mom

    Single moms are usually more trouble than it's worth. I should know, I dated and lived with one with two kids for 2 years (AFC days). There comes a point when you get pushed into the "daddy" spot whether you want to or not. When the boy got old enough to understand a little bit of stuff, he...
  20. F

    My gf doesnt like sex...

    New guy here from over on asf! From my experience a lot of girls don't care about sex until they have their first orgasm during sex. After that they are hooked! Disclaimer: some women, for whatever reason, NEVER have orgasms. I think it is like 10% of the female population can't have them...