Im going to dump my GF tomorrow.


Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score

Guys im not lying. I promise you that, i come here for help so i tell you guys everything okay.

Anyways yeah she didnt use to like sex, seh was traumatized, i got her through it though..

Anyways i didnt dump her today. i was VERY close though. i was talking to her about how she treated me and all that, she kept saying if i dont like it then i can leave, and i kept going on and on and she told me i was annoying her and to go away, i called her out on it and told her if she truely loved me seh would care about the way i was feeling and would listen. well anyways, hmm why didnt i break up with her? i was so close.. let me try to remember.. i cant think of it. but anyways i walked away from her and i was goin home but she caught up with me and we made up.. holy fck. i told ehr i didnt deserve to be treated this way. well i already explained everything to her.

anyways, no sex today, all i got was some boobs for like 5 seconds. then the rest of the period we just fought.

But guys i need some advice,, okay she got her year book stolen, shes been wanting me to do somethin about it and steal someone elses year book.

Anyways today i went into the room they were selling year books to buy one, i had the moey and everything, but the lady wasnt there so i stole 2 year books.

So heres my question, when i give it to her tomorrow, do i make her earn it? if so how? i cant be like yeah, i ll give it to you if u have sex with me or suck my c0ck. then she'll be like ok then forget it! and she'll mean it.

So whats the romantic way in giving it to her? like do i tell her i stole it for her, or tell her i paid for it with my moms money/? she knows idont have a job. so she would figure i got the money from parents which might turn her off i dunno. so would it be best to tell the truth? but then again perhaps me stealing it loses its value. let me know?


Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
shes not pregnant. i told myself id dump her if she wasnt.. but some how i just cant let her go, i know i may be wrong, but a feeling inside of me tells me the only reason she shows no affection is beacuse WE;VE BEN AT SCHOOL. but i think if i ever went to her house again (if her damn parents ever left out of town, but wont for another year since her bother is staying with them), i know for sure it would be different, i think so at least.. i always get some when her parents arent home. ... . .. well. we're going out next week, we'll be in the movies, i dunno whether to not land moves on her or not, but i think not, i hope it works, i want to reverse psychollogy her a55. but then again what if it didnt work and i just got nothing. hmm. so many questions to ponder. i hope she doesnt ditch me for some guy next year. if it happends i will always believe this sites advice again, no matter how much i believe i am in love with a woman.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2006
Reaction score
She is either cheating on you. Or she is testing how far your love for her goes. She may be testing you to see if you can still "Love" her without getting any ass.



Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
if this is real, dasani is really pathetic.

if this is fake, dasani is really pathetic.


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
I think Dasani and Thugo bust each other's booty. Their posts are about each other. Fukkin faggets....


Don Juan
Nov 2, 2005
Reaction score
Porky said:
if this is real, dasani is really pathetic.

if this is fake, dasani is really pathetic.
Well, it really sounds like he's suffering from 100 % manipulation by a girl, without even knowing it.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2005
Reaction score
Seems to me that this chick has you wrapped around her finger and knows it. She has all of the power in the relationship, no doubt about that. Her actions are consistent with the fact that she is willing to lose you, but you are not willing to lose her. If the tables were turned, you would be a much happier bottle of water. I think you know what you need to do, you're just unwilling to follow through with it for whatever reason(s).


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Wake Up Man!!


Manipulation is a byatch isn't it!! While you have heavy, invested feelings in this scumb of a girl, she has little, if any attachment towards you. In otherwords your on verge of getting kicked to the curb and you seem to inherently realize this at some level beneath the surface, however every time you talk to your gf she seems to give you a false sense of hope with her hollow promises.


As many others have said, your getting played like a fool right now! When you get angry and frustrated she acts a little nicer(lets you play with her boobs), JUST ENOUGH TO KEEP YOU HOOKED. Once your put back into your place, she's right back to being the manipulative little ***** that she truely is. That is exactly why you keep on flip-flopping between breaking up with her and then second guessing yourself. She's got you tangled in her web of deceit. This girl has issues man, deep issues! Issues that you didn't create and you could neve fix. The longer you stay with her and her twisted reality, the longer you get suxed in to her black hole and damage your own happiness.

Think back for a moment and aside from the honeymoon period of your relationship, I want you to think about the last time you were happy with this girl.....cuz it sure seems like its been a few months of fun, followed by many more months of misery.

I also want you to sit and think about why your so scared to break-up with her. Because whether you know it or not, that's the reason you won't break up with her, your SCARED to be alone, your scared to be single and you feel like no one can make you happy like she can. But that's the whole fallacy in this relationship!! She DOESN'T make you happy she makes you sad, angry, frustrated and most of all she makes you less of a man!! Make a stand for yourself and leave this controlling, no-sex for you wrecking crew of a girl!! If you finally do break-up with her she will call non-stop and beg for you to take her back and that's where you earn your man-hood by blocking her calls and deleting every form of contact you have with her.

PS: She's definitely cheating on you, whether you want to admit it, realize it or find out, she's suxing someone else's junk and you NEED to find your dignity and self-respect and walk away from this slvt.



Master Don Juan
May 9, 2005
Reaction score
On The Road to Self-Improvement
DasaniWater said:
So whats the romantic way in giving it to her?

I'll get to this in a second.

I won't repeat myself here, so you already know why she is acting "hard to get". If not re-read your other thread. She is being even more of a b1tch at this point because you are leaving soon. She wants to play games with you to make sure that you won't leave her once you are gone to college.

However, I don't think she is mature for a LTR. She keeps following the "rules" thinking that that is how you handle a LTR. The rules are different in a LTR. Check out the LTR section in the DJ Bible.

She is making you AFC, or should I say, YOU LET HER turn you into an AFC.
"I get lucky...I'll get some from her..." Those are the type of things you would say. That shows that you are needy and that you want something from HER. It should be the other way around.

She should be WONDERING if she'll get some from YOU! YOU should be wondering if she'd be LUCKY ENOUGH tonight to get some from YOU! YOU ARE THE PRIZE!

She is not mature for a LTR and definately not a LD/LTR. The only way for her to PERHAPS change and mature is to get rid of her.

Now, back to the quoted part. Here is what you do:

You write a note in the yearbook. You write it somewhere were she will see it. Either on the FRONT page or the LAST page.

Write the following:

It's over.

Then just walk away...



Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
dasani man......after all that crap you were saying to me last night how your "the prize" and how your so much better than me, youre still taking all this crap from this woman....this little immature girl. if your not gonna dump this girl for your own reasons then just do it to spite me, cuz i know that you wont. you just straight up dont have the balls. youre missing the point of this website, its not to offer you solutions to your relationships, its to turn that little B*tch inside of you into a man, so you never have to experience these types of situations start now, go to school tomorrow and just say two simple words


and leave, dont listen to any of her "i love yous" or w/e she says, cuz its now clear she aint gonna change for you. She doesnt mean any of it. Its not gonna get any better, so forget her and move on.


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Out of the spirit of helping a fellow aspiring dj, I will give you the same advice everyone else has been giving- next her.

You are in high school, right? You have your whole life ahead of you, there is no reason to put up with a girl that plays these games or is a headcase- she is obviously got emotional baggage. You stole a couple of yearbooks for her? You jumped through her hoop like a f*cking monkey. Dance monkey dance! You have to make yourself happy, and if you come to a website complaining about her EVERY DAY you obviously aren't happy. You should feel it in your gut. I know you may think that this girl is "the one" or "one in a million" but she isn't. I have never met a woman that was *so* special that she couldn't be replaced. This emotional roller coster sh!t will drain you and make you depressed and miserable. Be a man.

And if all of these posts don't help I say you are a troll and should be banned.

And that's all FaithHealer's gonna say!
Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
The Cold North.
Is this the same random chick that you claim to be your girl?

The same random chick that you almost got pregnant twice?

The same random chick that you said ALREADY dumped you and she had been cheating on you?

The same random chick who.....

You get the idea.


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Thats is dasani, do EVERYONE a favor and go shoot yourself, please.

Either dump this ****ing broad or go kill yourself because you are a failure. Have you not learned anything on this website? You are quite possibly the most pathetic person on sosuave.

"steal me a yearbook" AND YOU STOLE ONE FOR HER?! HOLY ****. How much more a chump can you be? she is playing you like a flute man. I say when you try to give her the yearbook, drop it on the floor instead. then say "bye".

But everyone else is probably right, your either just a stupid troll or you have a vagina where your balls should be.

I will bet 100$ that Dasani's "girlfriend' will dump him first. I'm serious, I have a paypal account any takers? :crackup: