My gf doesnt like sex...

Mar 18, 2006
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Yes, unexplained crying usually means that person has been traumatized.

Your title threw us off because it says "she DOESNT" like sex - that is not the issue at all.

Don't push her to do anything - I commend her principles and conviction and she sounds like marriage material - if things are fixed with her past.

When she said "I don't feel anything" I though maybe you had a two inch erect penis - but then you mentioned "Mr Showerhead" and it became clear to me.

She is used to climaxing with a showerhead so anything else just doesn't give her that extreme sensation and if "Mr Shoerhead" is up against "Mr Penis" it seems that Mr Showerhead always wins.


You can attach a showerhead to your unit OR you can tell her to quit using that water thingy because you just cant compete against that and she is losing sensation due to this foreign object deadening her sensations with you and making you obsolete!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
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San Diego, CA
One word: THERAPY

Get this girl some counseling help. Sure it sounds hokey, but it works. And you have to make her stick with it too, for a good year or two. At first, the situation will get worse, but in the long run, things will turn out for the better. If you know she's not comfortable with it, don't push it, but get her into therapy.



Mar 19, 2006
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THanks A lot for the fast replys!

You are completely right Bible Belt, thanks for opening my eyes Im still going to enjoy my time with her as much as i can!

Thanks LMS, yeah im going to tell her to stop using the shower head your right, although she said i did almost get her to *** when i gave her head for a good 15 minutes or so.... but then it makes me wonder, ive fingered her a few times before we actually first had sex and we were both virgins and she enjoyed it a lot, or so i thought at least.. I remember multiple times where she always jumped on me, and wouldnt even give me a chance to put a condem on, and held me VERY tight to her chest with her arms wrapped around me, saying she wants it really bad, i told her NO because i didnt want to get her pregnant but the begging and pleading, well it was real hard to resist so i did, she was still really tight wasnt full penetrated but i only did this for about 20 seconds till i gained control of myself and made myself stop... but it hurt her because she was still really tight. But the night that finally came that was ALL to ourselves, where she could take it no problem without much hurting... i finally realized she wasnt crying after it because it hurt her. But didnt make sense to me why she would want it so bad to the point its pretty much "her way or the highway" with me having sex with her, and then her not even feeling it or enjoying it, and making her feel this way.... It does make me feel bad but it makes her feel worse. I know the next time this oppertunity comes up again, and know that we will prolly get back into it but i know i will remember what happened.. I want to just tell her no i dont want to, because i always know what ends up happening..... But i guess i should keep giving her what she wants even though what i expected happends, maybe one day she will finally enjoy it? But i will DEFINETLY tell her to get off the shower head.. I think this will help a bit..

But the fact is i dont know how to help her out on this, because whenever i even begin to talk about anything sexual she says i shouldnt talk about the things weve done, and it only makes me seem like thats all i care about....

Yeah damian we'll see...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
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San Diego, CA
Hey, man, if her masturbation habits are getting her to orgasm, use that to your advantage. Tell her to incorporate some of her own techniques when you're having sex. If she likes the showerhead, try doing it in the shower and have a little fun while you're at it. If anything, I want this girl to stay stable, so don't push it if she doesn't want it. It might start building resentment and the relationship might turn sour.



Jan 14, 2006
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wow looking at this post tells me exactly why ur havin all these problems with the girl - if the sex isnt good, then trust me she wont want u kissin her or touchin her, it'll disgust wonder after she said she doesnt feel anything, she doesnt act like she wants to be with u anymore


Jul 26, 2005
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DrBeard said:
2 words: "Doctor Beard".

Send her to me and I'll bone her! All the chica love sex when it is with me!

You are the sh1t, Beard. Don't let anybody tell you other wise....:up:


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
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It's not that she doesn't like sex; it’s that she doesn’t like sex with YOU.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Well she could be asexual.

Some people are like that naturally where they just don't enjoy or desire sex.


Don Juan
May 29, 2006
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Translation of your forum post:

"My Girlfriend doesn't like sex with me"

You need to get more experience


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
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well from what ive read , i would say shes not totally 100% comfertable with you , she clearly likes orgasmes , hence the shower head , wich could be cuz shes alone ....about the sexual abuse it could be the reason why she doesnt feel comfertable being with another person , but if u say she enjoys you fingering her and going down on her she could be imagening her alone , while having sex makes it more difficult to imagin her being alone.... well my advice is , to make her really comfertable ,you shouldnt rush having sex and making it a obligation rather then a act of plessure.

and foreplay is really imortant in your case , you have to get her ready for it , make her aroused as much as possible before you start going in , as someone said , do 4play even if shes ripping your hair out begging for it....
another thing know what your doing within 4play , i hear alot of women saying people dont really know how to turn a girl , they either just stikc to two spots like boobs and neck , but you gotta explore the hole body in fourplay aswell .... and dont treat her boobs like some knobs on a radio , you gotta start out gentally (?) read the dj bible sex section for some tips.....

another thing about the whole waiting with sex until marriage , well if u respect that and she really wants it , then i guess its oki , but if u dont want it you just need to make her feel comfertable having sex with you.... talk about it , tell her your both new at it , and everyone isent that good in the beginning , DO NOT RELY ON PORN , dont try to do the **** they do in porn , rather just explore eachother take it slow and dont make sex an obligation.....
if you do this i think youll be where you want to be....


Don Juan
Jun 1, 2006
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New guy here from over on asf!
From my experience a lot of girls don't care about sex until they have their first orgasm during sex. After that they are hooked! Disclaimer: some women, for whatever reason, NEVER have orgasms. I think it is like 10% of the female population can't have them. Not much hope for them. For a woman to have an orgasm, several things must happen:
She must be relaxed and turned on i.e. lots of foreplay
You must stimulate either the g-spot (inside the pvssy) or the c.lit (outside).
I really think you should get her to therapy, as that trauma could be keeping her from relaxing, which is key. Combine her taking therapy with these techniques you can learn and I think you will be gold. I will admit that I am great in bed, I have always made women have multiple orgasms. How do I do it? I studied! Just like I am studying seduction now. First, google for things like g-spot stimulation, going down on women, etc. Study the female anatomy, the stages of arousal in women, etc. There are all kinds of "sexing women manuals" that you can find. I will tell you right now that a lot of it depends on the individual woman. Some like to get their c.lit sucked, some like it licked slow, some fast, some like it hard, some soft. Just like seduction, try it and calibrate based on her reaction. Also, you need TONS of foreplay. Men are like a light switch, we get turned on instantly and are ready to go. Women are like a volume knob, they must be turned up to full blast slowly for maximum benefit. Women love soft kissing, touching, playful teasing, (this stuff drives 'em crazy!) You also do not want to *** after two minutes! I never had this problem, so if you do your bidness quick maybe one of these other guys can help. Sometimes I try to do complicated math problems in my head if I get there before she is ready. I don't think about how hot a girl is, I just try to find a rhythym. You have to rub it right for them to feel alright! Also, from my experience, if you can ever get yourself to *** right when she does, she will think it is amazing and that you and her are very close (seems to deepen rapport). I always approached the bedroom like this: yes I am good, but every woman is different so I must find out what *she* in particular needs. Often times I tell a girl that I will try different things and for her to tell me what feels best. It hasn't failed me yet ;)

Hope this helps,


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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bro...what im about to write here is gonna be really sad.

what she means is that she doesnt like having sex 'WITH YOU'

im sure she enjoys it with other guys:yes:

or you guys need more practice :rock:

The Truth

Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
chandidas said:
what she means is that she doesnt like having sex 'WITH YOU'
That is the truth!

Ive read your threads dude and it is no wonder she doesnt want sex with you because you are such a puppy dog! While you are kissing her ass and letting her control you she is dreaming of fvcking a real man who stands up for himself!