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  1. V

    Got a little **** im in trouble

    Well if you don't want to be a virgin, go for it. Are you afraid of success? Come on man, grow some balls... it might be awkward but fortunately the learning curve is super steep and you'll be a natural only after a few times. I mean, it takes a LOT of sex to get really good (at least for...
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    Four Girls Stare, But Won't Talk To Me!!

    There are a number of circumstantial factors involved in any PU attempt that are outside of your control. PUA Gurus would have you believe that there is a remedy for each one of these, but it's not true. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't.. So this could have been the case you know...
  3. V

    Elaborations on 'Secret Society'

    Fashion often trickles down from the hollywood actors, so I don't know why you're arguing to the contrary. I'm not saying that we should be worshipping these actors, but if you want to appeal to the masses of women then it would be a good start to take some notes. And I did explain it...
  4. V

    Elaborations on 'Secret Society'

    Don't take those concepts so literally. It's not something that can be described. Just look at Hollywood "hunks" for all the details you'll need. You can imitate dress easily, but attitude is far harder...
  5. V

    Agility, Endurance, Stretching help me out

    First of all... Bulking and cutting are most largely dependant on your diet. You could essentially perform the same weightlifting routine, and either bulk or cut depending on how many calories you consume. That said, continue with the bodyweight exercises. These are not the most...
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    Martial Arts

    There is a lot of horrible information being spread here. First of all, there is more to wrestling and BJJ than just takedowns and submissions, respectively. A good wrestler can avoid being taken to the ground. Pretty useful in this common perception that every streetfight is 5-on-1...
  7. V

    girl gives IOIs then mentiones BF

    Regardless of whether or not she wanted you, she couldn't be seen cheating on her bf in front of all those people. So the situation was pretty doomed from the start. I would imagine that if you were a little more slick you could have isolated her and gotten somewhere... but who knows... people...
  8. V

    DJ Hobbies and lifestyles

    I do Muay Thai and Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, and I compete in MMA events every 2-3 months or so. I also play guitar, and try to go out dancing every once in awhile just to stay on top of that game. But these days I have a gf so I spend a lot of time with her. When I'm single, I just work and...
  9. V

    Date with a 9.5

    At the same time... don't interrogate her either. Good luck.
  10. V

    New Town...No Friends

    ^^^ Join a club or something, you will eventually make friends. Most of my best friends are also fellow fighters as well.
  11. V

    Girlfriend asks "What's your biggest insecurity"

    It's your girlfriend, man. No need to play games at this point (I hope). That seems like a pretty solid answer. As to why she asked, maybe she just wants to know you better. Vulnerability creates intimacy and bonding.
  12. V

    kiss close perfect moment?

    Like anything, don't force it. If you both seem to be having a great time together, then it should just sort of happen. There's nothing wrong with waiting until the end of the date to kiss her. The part you should worry about more is being a fun and cool date. The kissing is just a foregone...
  13. V

    disarm this neghit.

    ^^^^ Yeah I would probably say something like "I'm lucky I have somebody so big and threatening to protect me, thanks for being there for me." But it's only a neghit if it affects you that way. If you are feeling "small and cute," go lift weights or something to help yourself get over...
  14. V

    Field Report: Sarged a two set in the middle of my date, Part I

    Sounds pretty awesome... Just one thing, sometimes we think that a girl is #$*-testing us, when in fact you may have made HER feel uncomfortable with your body-language (or lack thereof). I see this a lot...
  15. V

    Yo Can Someone Post The Video Of Cortez From Badboylife Walking Look An Alpha Male

    He looks affected... I mean, we can all see through his act. And women are so much more shrewd about these things...
  16. V

    What should I do SERIOUSLY!!??

    Your status as "visitor" puts you in a good position to get some action this weekend. 1) You will not be around for a long period of time, so making you wait for sex is pointless. 2) It can be kept on the DL, so she does not have to worry about being labeled a "slut." This is why...
  17. V

    what did i get myself into

    Don't rub one off before you see her. Why? Because you might get nervous when you're about to have sex, and not getting it up is so much worse than not being able to last. I've been in both situations. Lots of guys bust early. Don't worry about it too much. Just relax and enjoy it. A...
  18. V

    How much you weight and how tall are you?

    6', 170lbs, about 6-7% bf tho....
  19. V

    DJing for weightlifters?

    It's been my experience that modesty goes a long way. I am an athlete, and one pretty awesome side-effect of my training has been a very lean, "ripped" body. Last night some girl I was talking to kept grabbing my chest. Instead of the typical "hands off the merchandise" line (which I think is...
  20. V

    want to cut bodyfat% in half need advice

    30-40 minutes of cardio can be offset by a cupcake, keep that in mind. I can't give you a realistic idea of how quickly you can cut your bf% in half because it's all relative to how much you weigh. If you weigh 200 pounds with 20% bodyfat, you're going to have to lose roughly 20 pounds to...