Elaborations on 'Secret Society'


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Tyler Durden's famous post on secret society is really great reading, and a few months ago it's when I realized a concept Lance @ PU101 talks about sometimes is completely true.

There is a price of admission to the secret society. There is a sort of 666 mark on the heads of those who belong.

No, I don't mean anything evil, but even as a guy I can tell who belongs and who doesn't, so can girls. You can usually only get in by another female bringing you in, meaning you already have value.

For example, one the most successful guys I know isn't rich or famous. He's got an avg job that's almost a lil sleezy.. his sister taught him hoiw to be cool a long time ago. She taught him how to wear his hair and how to dress and act. She brought him up to a point were he has the 666 on his head so to speak, women instantely notice him as a member and he makes out with girls whenever he feels like it and ****s a high percentage of them. And they are really hot girls unless sometimes when he is really drunk, which isn't uncommon either.

For me, I had no one to introduce me. I had to go through tons of women before one would finally give me the signals through dress, hair, etc. Once that happened my life has never been the same. I am now identified as one of the guy cools who has the mark of the cool guy. That has made my life 10x easier in real life sarging... online it doesnt matter as much because if they come to your house they already pretty much decided to have sex with you unless you really do something dumb/gross or are a total bore.

The price of admission is finding someone who will give you the mark, and it isn't easy as it might seem. Girls in malls will help you easily, but you need a regular contact that can be trusted to get the full effect. Start with girls in malls though, they rarely refuse to help.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2006
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no sht ehhh? I read tylers post but believed it was an illusion with little fact behind it. I dont like your reference to the mark of the beast as a symbolism of the communtiy but understand what you are talking about. Are you talking about hanging out with friends that have slutty friends that hook you up? Can you elaborate how you are able to tell people from the communtiy as oppossed to people with NATURAL ability, and how people OUTSIDE of the communtiy can tell the difference between the 2?



Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Community not community doesn't matter. My friend I wrote about know almost nothing about the "community". It's about guys who get it and guys who don't. Guys they can sleep with and it's OK because lots of girls would do this, and those guys who are outside that circle.

when they spot me as a cool guy by my clothes, hair, etc it makes it OK to sleep with me. They can tell I have women in my life. Virtually All guys that look and act like me got that by women's hands, they know we know the score. I learned it by watching him and then finding women who could teach me how to be that way.

That's why most guys who read stuff online just never get that much better. Without being a cool guy you are limited. Hanging out in bars will give you parts of it after a very. very long time of seeing which guys are selected and which aren't. The excellerated path is to have women teach you how to dress/act which is thee equivilent if having a sign on your head that says its ok to sleep with you and you wont get desperate because tons of women are after you. Guys without that sign will have to work 10x harder for the same or worse results.

First I found someone to teach me how to dress and act. That made the most difference. Esp. hairstyles, jeans, shoes..

Then I got a female room mate to learn lil details of enhancing the seduction location and little things I could do/not do that signal I know women inside and out.

Then I actually had some women fine tune looks like eyebrows and stuff. If I had to learn this again, I would just pay someone professionally.

I had women critique movies with me to figure out which "movie moments" made them swoon the most. I actually recreate scenes similar to the scenes right out of movies sometimes. It's very powerful if done at the right moment and the right way. With one girl I would actually act out improv stuff just loosely based off the scenes and she would tell me what was good/bad, then I'd go field test for reassurance but i CAN tell you most trendy women are awesome at knowing what will work with the next 100 women you meet.

Without these things my success was more limited. I still had plenty of success, but it was much less likely that women would pursue me like happens more and more now.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
Hm whats the first rule of the secret society? Don't talk about it.

Need I say more


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2006
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But it was already talked about by tyler posting it....
dee dee deeeeeee


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
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everywomanshero said:
when they spot me as a cool guy by my clothes, hair, etc it makes it OK to sleep with me. They can tell I have women in my life. Virtually All guys that look and act like me got that by women's hands, they know we know the score. I learned it by watching him and then finding women who could teach me how to be that way.

That's why most guys who read stuff online just never get that much better. Without being a cool guy you are limited. Hanging out in bars will give you parts of it after a very. very long time of seeing which guys are selected and which aren't. The excellerated path is to have women teach you how to dress/act which is thee equivilent if having a sign on your head that says its ok to sleep with you and you wont get desperate because tons of women are after you. Guys without that sign will have to work 10x harder for the same or worse results.

First I found someone to teach me how to dress and act. That made the most difference. Esp. hairstyles, jeans, shoes..
Alright dude, so you F'n know the secret 'uniform' or 'sign' or whatever, so why are you wasting our time telling about the concept of it and not the details?! Spill it dude. :mad:


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2006
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Archaxis said:
Alright dude, so you F'n know the secret 'uniform' or 'sign' or whatever, so why are you wasting our time telling about the concept of it and not the details?! Spill it dude. :mad:
Don't take those concepts so literally. It's not something that can be described.

Just look at Hollywood "hunks" for all the details you'll need. You can imitate dress easily, but attitude is far harder...


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
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Vampire said:
Don't take those concepts so literally. It's not something that can be described.

Just look at Hollywood "hunks" for all the details you'll need. You can imitate dress easily, but attitude is far harder...
Please... spare me the "It's a _______ thing, you wouldn't understand it." If it exists in the confines of our universe, it can be reasonably defined and duplicated. Cut the mumbo jumbo talk.

As for defaulting to Hollywood for a point of refrence, you're kidding. There's as much diversity of fashion there as just about anywhere else... certianly middle-America.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2006
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Archaxis said:
Please... spare me the "It's a _______ thing, you wouldn't understand it." If it exists in the confines of our universe, it can be reasonably defined and duplicated. Cut the mumbo jumbo talk.

As for defaulting to Hollywood for a point of refrence, you're kidding. There's as much diversity of fashion there as just about anywhere else... certianly middle-America.
Fashion often trickles down from the hollywood actors, so I don't know why you're arguing to the contrary. I'm not saying that we should be worshipping these actors, but if you want to appeal to the masses of women then it would be a good start to take some notes.

And I did explain it... it's a certain style of dress and appearance (there are many styles, not just one). These can be easily researched and duplicated. For example, look at Colin Farrel. He is pretty much adored by women and has a simple, sharp style.

The attitude thing is an entirely different endeavor, most of which can only be realized once a certain level of comfort is learned within yourself in your dealings with women. Attitude and self-confidence go hand in hand, as we are not talking about "attitude" in the sense of being a bad-ass. Just a positive, confident attitude.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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See the thing is all these guys are thinking... if I just say XYZ, then that's the magical, hypnotic line that's going to generate a huge mass of attraction.

Online it's a lot more flexible. You'd have be really bad off to not find girls to lay you. but in bars and clubs, the success is more limited by looks and behavior.

That's why I see the same guys in bars and clubs that have made very little progress in over 6 months or longer. They think if they run around and say the same opener that 5 billionth time everything is suddenly going to start working.

If they would just get some Paxil, have a chic help them get some style, and get rid of those flat, boring hairstyles they could start having success with the same opener saying it the same way.

Paralanguage, facial gestures, hair, silence, clothes this stuff is up to 93% of the messages a woman receives from a man. Yet, a lot of guys focus all their energy exclusively on verbals.

Here's some basics:

Jeans that hang good and make your ass look good. Ask women.
Funny T-shirts can get attention.
Nice shirts like Calvin Klien and DKNY, I get them at higher-end second hand shops
Flip-flops instead of tennis shoes. Some guys can do the boot thing, I can't. In the winter, I wear nice black or brown dress shoes depending on the outfit. They go great with jeans.
Destroyed Jeans are good, esp. in heat of summer.
Hair: messy on top is the standard right now for white men. Ask women.
Start reading Cosmo. Some of the magazines for men don't give very good advice.

Those are the first steps.

Movies to watch:
Lord of the flies: Autocratic vs Laizee Faire/Democratic Leadership Styles. Power.
Ordinary People: What happens to non-assertive guys.
East of Eden: Notice how she reacts to the "too good" brother.
The SHiek: How the bad boy can be protective and alluring


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
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everywomanshero said:
See the thing is all these guys are thinking... if I just say XYZ, then that's the magical, hypnotic line that's going to generate a huge mass of attraction.

Online it's a lot more flexible. You'd have be really bad off to not find girls to lay you. but in bars and clubs, the success is more limited by looks and behavior.

That's why I see the same guys in bars and clubs that have made very little progress in over 6 months or longer. They think if they run around and say the same opener that 5 billionth time everything is suddenly going to start working.

If they would just get some Paxil, have a chic help them get some style, and get rid of those flat, boring hairstyles they could start having success with the same opener saying it the same way.

Paralanguage, facial gestures, hair, silence, clothes this stuff is up to 93% of the messages a woman receives from a man. Yet, a lot of guys focus all their energy exclusively on verbals.

Here's some basics:

Jeans that hang good and make your ass look good. Ask women.
Funny T-shirts can get attention.
Nice shirts like Calvin Klien and DKNY, I get them at higher-end second hand shops
Flip-flops instead of tennis shoes. Some guys can do the boot thing, I can't. In the winter, I wear nice black or brown dress shoes depending on the outfit. They go great with jeans.
Destroyed Jeans are good, esp. in heat of summer.
Hair: messy on top is the standard right now for white men. Ask women.
Start reading Cosmo. Some of the magazines for men don't give very good advice.

Those are the first steps.

Movies to watch:
Lord of the flies: Autocratic vs Laizee Faire/Democratic Leadership Styles. Power.
Ordinary People: What happens to non-assertive guys.
East of Eden: Notice how she reacts to the "too good" brother.
The SHiek: How the bad boy can be protective and alluring
Thanks, Vampire's abiguity was irratating. I'll have to check out some of the CK stuff and cop some of the styles. I'm not much of a jeans guy (prefer slacks) but I might give it a shot. I've already got the dress shoes thing down, and I'll try a funny tee as well. Dunno about the hair thing though, mine's long and geneally looks like sh1t messy... unless I just get out of the pool and have that 'surfer' messy thing going which is good until it dries all the way.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
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In a land called **** it.

Does anyone see what's happening?

You are all trapped in a damn loop.

Everytime you are "about" to go out, another reason stops you, fashion, a new technique, etc.

Have you ever noticed that everyone who is successful all have their own method? Tyler durden copied mystery's then tried to amke his own. It's all BULL****. All that techniques, negs, etc, ALL BS.

Think about it for just one simple second, guys who are naturally successful don't have "S and R value, Neg, group theory, the cube" all running through their head when they go to meet women, its NOT NECESSARY. THESE ARE CRUTCHES TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER FOR NOT HAVING AUTHENTIC CONFIDENCE, SO INSTEAD YOU MAKE YOURSELF FEEL COMPETENT. Even mystery said it, and this is where I starrted to question his methods, "You aren't looking for confidence, you are looking for competence. Would you rather have someone who doesn't know how to ride a motorcycle but isn't afraid of it to drive or would you prefer to have someone who knows what they aer doing with a healthy fear of it?".

Good example, BAD CONCEPT. You want to be confident in this area, you want to experience life, not treat women like some retarded science project. Stop doing so right now, you aren't in cavemen days, you don't need to know some secret society bull****, you don't need negs, etc, those should be NATURAL NATURAL. A perfect example? I watched a guy I knew neg hit a girl and I said, "Well ****, he never picked up a mystery method book, and I've pulled off negs way before reading any of this ****, this is NATURAL, trying to force it makes it more difficult". (He said something like, Yea, you've got a face kind of like tweety bird. And everyone laughed and then he was like, "Yea its cute though". Example of one of those perfect neg hits).




Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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everywomanshero said:
Tyler Durden's famous post on secret society is really great reading, and a few months ago it's when I realized a concept Lance @ PU101 talks about sometimes is completely true.


Here is one thing that I know based on my travels overseas and due to dealing with people from different backgrounds:

What a Latino woman from Dominican Republic or Puerto Rico might find attractive...a woman from Canada might not find attractive.

What a black woman from Atlanta, GA might find attractive...a white woman from Manhattan, NY might not find attractive.

What a middle class, highly educated woman from Tokyo, Japan might find attractive, a lower class, high school educated woman from La Paz, Bolivia is not going to find attractive.

The secret society is something that might be a trend among white girls of certain age and that hang around in certain venues. A trend. No secret society and nothing like that. In fact, a trend similar to the "bi-sexualism" trend we see today in white america among white women in their 20s.

online it doesnt matter as much because if they come to your house they already pretty much decided to have sex with you unless you really do something dumb/gross or are a total bore.
Very true. Very very true.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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It does not take skills to get a woman interested. It does not take skills to get laid. In fact, ANYONE can get laid.

What is an ART is to KEEP that woman interest JUST ON YOU.

That's why I have never been impressed with people that brag about sleeping with 50 women. ANYONE can do that.

What I find amazing is people that can get a woman interested in him for SEVERAL months or even years. Do you know why? Because women have lot of options, all they need is to make themselves available. And choosing ONE man...for several months tells me a LOT about that man. Especially if that woman has LOT of options.

That kind of man is the one that tends to really understand woman. That kind of man is typically good in keeping a woman loyal to him. That kind of man if also good in understanding the woman body. Those are the things that get lost in the "sleeping with several women in one-night-stands". Not saying there is anything wrong with that...just saying one is easier than the other.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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To the long haired guy, don't exactly what I said there. That was just some examples that worked for me. It might be totally at odds with who you are, but rather find a style that works for you. Those were juste xamples that work for my personality type.

As far as diff. women like diff guys is somewhat true I agree. There is a major cultural influence at work here. However, status, scarcity, and to some degree looks can transcend culture. For example, a man who is known to be a ladies man in Spain already has appealed to the scarcity mentality of N. American chicks if they know this, because he is in demand and a scarce resource to compete for. Just like Brad Pitt would be popular almost anywhere he goes.

In Costa Rica and Argentina , I know for a fact that many people watch america movies and listen to american music since I've staid in those places. In Europe I only watched one dutch movie and rarely ever watched TV, so no comment there. Globalization is slowly at work to reduce the cultural uniqueness and that's why you see traditionalist fighting so hard right now. They feel the changes taking place.

Finally, I agree that LTRs are harder to manage than fvcking a woman, esp. an Internet broad. The reason is that for an LTR to go past about 6-8 months happily, you need a range of skills. My current LTR has required this so far:

Group convo skills at weddings, outings, family and friends parties
Being able to show willingness to walk away
Being able to demonstrate both feelings and toughness (not putting up with ****)
Money Management Skills & making inexpensive things seem expensive (Yes Im cheap, and more oftern than not it helps me.. see my other posts on this)
Knowing when to yes and when to take a pass
Knowing when to stand up and when to back off
Knowing how to create romantic evenings and emotionally charged moments
Being generous and knowing when to be selfish
Spending time with her but also not giving up my friends
Havign friends of value that I can introduce her to (ie not just sarging guys)
If all your friends, every single one, are just PU buddies then that really sucks. Men tend to have diff. friends for diff activities, so I found a few generally good friends. I also let her know I have some lifelong friends, which all the chick books tell her is a DHV for me.
Managing sex.. what works on week doesn't work the next. It can be a little challenging.

Just to get sex all I need is some interesting convo, minimal group convo skills in just one or two settings which is always easier when your a new guy coming in anyway than when you're in an LTR and she drags you to her friend's parties, and to not be a total bore. Online a guy can get sex with even less skills, but the woman will lose interest fast. Same guys for having the right look. Yes, it greatly helps, in fact it helps a whole hell of a lot, but you have to have something to back it up with.


Mar 21, 2005
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amen pooparu, you know exactly what youre talkin about.

goin it all natural gets rid of the nervousness of "hmm what technique do i use now" and all that bs that goes along with it.

I think the best parts of the bible are the "uplifting material" and "attitude"

once your conifdent, happy, and in control of your own world, everythign falls into place

secret marks/societies of attracting women? Are we in a movie or something?

Get real.

Getting a girl to help you out with style is definitly a good thing, but everything else comes from within, all the otehr changes come from yourself.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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everywomanshero said:
To the long haired guy, don't exactly what I said there. That was just some examples that worked for me. It might be totally at odds with who you are, but rather find a style that works for you. Those were juste xamples that work for my personality type.

As far as diff. women like diff guys is somewhat true I agree. There is a major cultural influence at work here. However, status, scarcity, and to some degree looks can transcend culture. For example, a man who is known to be a ladies man in Spain already has appealed to the scarcity mentality of N. American chicks if they know this, because he is in demand and a scarce resource to compete for. Just like Brad Pitt would be popular almost anywhere he goes.

In Costa Rica and Argentina , I know for a fact that many people watch america movies and listen to american music since I've staid in those places. In Europe I only watched one dutch movie and rarely ever watched TV, so no comment there. Globalization is slowly at work to reduce the cultural uniqueness and that's why you see traditionalist fighting so hard right now. They feel the changes taking place.

Finally, I agree that LTRs are harder to manage than fvcking a woman, esp. an Internet broad. The reason is that for an LTR to go past about 6-8 months happily, you need a range of skills. My current LTR has required this so far:

Group convo skills at weddings, outings, family and friends parties
Being able to show willingness to walk away
Being able to demonstrate both feelings and toughness (not putting up with ****)
Money Management Skills & making inexpensive things seem expensive (Yes Im cheap, and more oftern than not it helps me.. see my other posts on this)
Knowing when to yes and when to take a pass
Knowing when to stand up and when to back off
Knowing how to create romantic evenings and emotionally charged moments
Being generous and knowing when to be selfish
Spending time with her but also not giving up my friends
Havign friends of value that I can introduce her to (ie not just sarging guys)
If all your friends, every single one, are just PU buddies then that really sucks. Men tend to have diff. friends for diff activities, so I found a few generally good friends. I also let her know I have some lifelong friends, which all the chick books tell her is a DHV for me.
Managing sex.. what works on week doesn't work the next. It can be a little challenging.

Just to get sex all I need is some interesting convo, minimal group convo skills in just one or two settings which is always easier when your a new guy coming in anyway than when you're in an LTR and she drags you to her friend's parties, and to not be a total bore. Online a guy can get sex with even less skills, but the woman will lose interest fast. Same guys for having the right look. Yes, it greatly helps, in fact it helps a whole hell of a lot, but you have to have something to back it up with.
Yeah, LTR takes a lot of work...and GAME.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Ha ha yea some people are so serious, man! That;s one of the biggest problems guys have these days, being too factually oriented and serious. You have to park that left-brain thinking to develop the corpus callosum that allows both right and left brain thinking in lagnuage. Secret society is not literally a secret society. There isn't this ONE SPECIFIC look that is it, it doesn't really exist, it is an idea that is useful for framing what's going on. I wouldn't have thought the need to point that out.

What it means (in the context of my post) is women can tell a lot about a guy just by looking at him and seeing how he has hair, dresses, and acts. To some degree even guys can do this. I can walk in a bar and tell you which guys will definitely be able to get chicks all over them without doing much, in essense they are part of the 'secret society' which most men just can't seem to break into. Women are at least 7 times more perceptive than men at detecting emotions, and tend to pay more attention to detail than men in any event. They are far more socially savy than the average male.

It doesn't have to be looks though. He could be the captian of the football team or a mPUA or some other aspect, but looks and behaviors are one of the easiest ways for a woman to tell, esp. in a big city where people don't always know the details of one another.

If someone really doesn't believe women validate their choices based off other women and their friends, then there is probably nothing I can do to change his mind. Only time will do that. I learned it one night when I showed up at a club with a hot black chic and the hot white chics all started opening me and one even pulled my arm half off trying to drag me onto the dance floor. Social proof and secret society go hand in hand. If you buy into one, the other is automatically the case.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
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To the long haired guy, don't exactly what I said there. That was just some examples that worked for me. It might be totally at odds with who you are, but rather find a style that works for you. Those were juste xamples that work for my personality type.
Wow... thanks. No revelations here but very good general observations to say the least. They're easier to overlook than many would think. I'm okay with the styles that you mentioned as I'm fairly dress-casual anyway, and one can always adapt a style to your own pretty easily if necessary. For instance, I'm fine with the California-prep casual sense of style like khaki cargos with a colored vintage tee, but no way I'd be caught dead with anything with the word 'Abercrombe' or the F'ing moose logo on it... so I opt for tees with a band on it, in a vintage motif if at all possible. My green 'In Flames' shirt is a personal favorite. http://arisemetal.net/a_images/53/shirt-in-flames-verde.jpg

As far as diff. women like diff guys is somewhat true I agree. There is a major cultural influence at work here. However, status, scarcity, and to some degree looks can transcend culture. For example, a man who is known to be a ladies man in Spain already has appealed to the scarcity mentality of N. American chicks if they know this, because he is in demand and a scarce resource to compete for. Just like Brad Pitt would be popular almost anywhere he goes.
My only digression here is that these guys that girls worship (Pitt, Depp, etc.) seem to reinvent themselves (image-wise) on a seemingly weekly basis. I have a suspicion that due to their fame (plus good looks), that they can pretty much pull of anything and still get away with it. Us un-famous Joes need to determine what does, in fact, enhance our respective personas, and what has some sort of staying power and identifibility in regular culture... and since I despise the whole celebrity obsession here in America, I avoid it like the plague.

Finally, I agree that LTRs are harder to manage than fvcking a woman, esp. an Internet broad. The reason is that for an LTR to go past about 6-8 months happily, you need a range of skills. My current LTR has required this so far:
Sorry man, this is where I'm not at all interested. I spent the better part of my 20's in LTRs (one over 6-years long!) and before I hook myself into another one, I'd like to fun it up a bit, party and generally live for the experence of things. I just never quite got what it took to convey to the ladies that I'm that guy that they're going to want to have a no-stings attached ONS with. :( Almost all girls are going to do it at least a few times, I want to be the target for such inhibitions! The LTRs have proven to be complete and utter cake... girls have fallen in love with me with ease, and I have no worries about being able to pull that off again in the future. I'm blessed so far as that goes. Right now I'm more about crazy sh1t like threesomes and F'ing a girl who wants to F'd, not "loved"... :p

Just to get sex all I need is some interesting convo, minimal group convo skills in just one or two settings which is always easier when your a new guy coming in anyway than when you're in an LTR and she drags you to her friend's parties, and to not be a total bore. Online a guy can get sex with even less skills, but the woman will lose interest fast. Same guys for having the right look. Yes, it greatly helps, in fact it helps a whole hell of a lot, but you have to have something to back it up with.
Dunno, I've had Sh1t luck on-line so I've given up there... my biggest problem is a lack of a good social circle or knowing really where to to and how to send off the right signals to make for a good variety of sexual experences. I'm pretty terrible at meeting people, and though I'm quite articulate and good at convo, I always feel a bit "satellite" and somewhat invisible in most social situations.