Elaborations on 'Secret Society'


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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He He for the longest time all i wanted was to see how many chicks I could lay too. If something ever happened to my LTR, I'd definitely not attempt to start another one for a long, long time.

First the Internet is bar none the fastest way to lay a crap ton of women in my opinion. I've laid strippers, single mommies, married gals, black gals, white gals. It isn't much fun to troll for chicks online though, and it can run up the gas bill but it really does work, I swear. You just have to hunt around for a good fishing spot for you. Sometimes I had **** luck for a whole week, then I'd be up to neck in women all of a sudden. I have complete faith that you can do this, but it's the time it consumes that sucks.

This is going to sound a little sleasy, but try to keep an open mind.. laying a hot ass chick is still laying a hot ass chic..... Another way is to find a bi-chic or girl who gets turned on by public sex (many do, IMHO). That's easy nowdays, and with her you can get into swinger clubs. They have these in most places I think. There is 3 near me (St. Louis). I've also been to one in Zaandijk, Netherlands by Amsterdam. Some of these clubs are filled with ugs, and others are almost all filled with hotties. For example, one I went to the women were either old, ugly, or a combination of the two. Another one I've been to twice was loaded with hotties. The one in Amsterdam had a 3-4of hotties and a lot of chicks that were either too skinny, too heavy, or too old for me. That one is big though, on a Sunday afternoon there was easily 50 people there.

I think approaching women on the street or on patios is fun. Some guys don't like sarging the club proper, so what I suggest is sarging the patios, hallways, and areas surrounding the clubs. It's so much easier to hear that way. I don't like sarging near the speakers in loud clubs. I've had better luck on the outskirts and in less noisy venues like bars.

I found South America was a good place to score hotties too, and it's cheap to stay down there. The door man was laughing his ass off, because of the rotating door of women coming and going. It was like a full-time job. Later, there was a door girl who gave me dirty looks though. I don't like the more native looking features, so I chose Buenos Aires as my base. It's not expensive, the food is better than anywhere in the states, it's very, very classy, and there is lots of European-looking women including natural blondes like my main gf was. the pizza there is just UNREAL, man I'd do anything for pizza that good in the states.. even the cheap looking places like Pizza Bum is awesome. One hell of a place!

I'm sure certain professions lend themselves to lays also. I don't doubt that musicians and bartenders and so on have great success with this. These just don't pay enough or require too much talent to make serious cash in for me to have experimented. Maybe someone else can comment on this? I thought about going into elementary education so I could travel in the summer and bang milfs during the school year... not a bad gig but I think I would've had to go into administration to generate enough cash flow or own another biz :(

I'll probably get flamed for this one, but look up Elvis Preston King. I supposed to do some advertising work for him a while back. This guy has a scheme in place to lay several women per day. If you want some wild oats sown in a hurry, however sleazy he may be, he is confirmed to lay 1-3 per day, every day of the freakin week. It's not for me, but I have nothing against other guys going there.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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atl, GA
I posted that article a week ago. Everyone took it so damn literally it was like TD was saying the tooth fairy existed.

Women are becoming more sexually open, so why are guys still struggling to get laid then?

Because women, knowing their sexual power on men, are now way more sexually selective than before.

Guys who are attractive, sexually confident and experienced are the first pick for a girl who only cares about f*cking. And these same guys are often f*cking a lot of girls because they (the guys) are a rare sexual commodity.

I would say less than 1 out of 10 guys have that kind of "access" on a consistent basis

The rest of us will either settle with a LTR or an occasional FB followed by dry spells


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
sstype said:
Guys who are attractive, sexually confident and experienced are the first pick for a girl who only cares about f*cking. And these same guys are often f*cking a lot of girls because they (the guys) are a rare sexual commodity.
Also picked first by girls who care about MORE than f*cking. It's easier to train a stud to look good in front of mom and dad than to train a guy who looks good in front of mom and dad to be a stud.

You can tell when you're "on". You can tell when you're projecting the right vibe. You can tell before you go out when you look in the mirror, you can tell when you walk through the club...you KNOW what makes you look good and what works.

A guy I know asked me last night whether he should wear a nice T-shirt or a polo shirt to a date. I told him, "Whichever makes you look good." I'm pretty sure by his IMs this morning that he got laid...and he's an ugly motherf**ker. :D


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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atl, GA
squirrels said:
Also picked first by girls who care about MORE than f*cking. It's easier to train a stud to look good in front of mom and dad than to train a guy who looks good in front of mom and dad to be a stud.

You can tell when you're "on". You can tell when you're projecting the right vibe. You can tell before you go out when you look in the mirror, you can tell when you walk through the club...you KNOW what makes you look good and what works.

A guy I know asked me last night whether he should wear a nice T-shirt or a polo shirt to a date. I told him, "Whichever makes you look good." I'm pretty sure by his IMs this morning that he got laid...and he's an ugly motherf**ker. :D
You're right, ive seen it happen too many times. The LTR girls will still lust over the sexual stud, and more often than not, lower their inhibitions to have a one-time fling with him


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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The Castle Fox
Talk about having delusions of grandeur, how egomaniacal is it to just come out and announce to the world that you are part of a secret society?! Especially an imaginary secret society that not even it's members talk about or acknowledge the existance of... even amongst themselves!

Yeah, yeah, uh, I started this club, right, and the members all form a huge circle on the 5th night of spring and perform oral sex on the person on their left... yeah. Oh, and since the huge circle represents the sign of the serpent, after everyone has an orgasm, Satan himself apears in the middle. Yeah, and he pulls out his 500 foot schlong and we all suck it until he blows his molten-magma load all over the crowd. It's great fun, but only if you're cool enough to be brought into the club by the pet of a member.

Come on, already. I've had chicks run their mouth to their friends before, and consequently screw a chick's friends, her friends, and her friend's friends. Whoop-dee-doo. Does that mean I'm in this secret society? No. It means women can't help but to run their mouths to their friends about how well you can sling it, provided you can sling it well.

Most accurately, this secret society is merely the percentage of the population who enjoy sex and are proficient at pleasing those whom they have it with. That's all. When you have skills, word spreads - not "welcome to the club, John Holmes".

By the way, you can dress like a bum: If you rock women's worlds, it doesn't matter - your clothes will be off when it's game time anyway.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
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Vulpine said:
Talk about having delusions of grandeur, how egomaniacal is it to just come out and announce to the world that you are part of a secret society?! Especially an imaginary secret society that not even it's members talk about or acknowledge the existance of... even amongst themselves!

Yeah, yeah, uh, I started this club, right, and the members all form a huge circle on the 5th night of spring and perform oral sex on the person on their left... yeah. Oh, and since the huge circle represents the sign of the serpent, after everyone has an orgasm, Satan himself apears in the middle. Yeah, and he pulls out his 500 foot schlong and we all suck it until he blows his molten-magma load all over the crowd. It's great fun, but only if you're cool enough to be brought into the club by the pet of a member.

Come on, already. I've had chicks run their mouth to their friends before, and consequently screw a chick's friends, her friends, and her friend's friends. Whoop-dee-doo. Does that mean I'm in this secret society? No. It means women can't help but to run their mouths to their friends about how well you can sling it, provided you can sling it well.

Most accurately, this secret society is merely the percentage of the population who enjoy sex and are proficient at pleasing those whom they have it with. That's all. When you have skills, word spreads - not "welcome to the club, John Holmes".

By the way, you can dress like a bum: If you rock women's worlds, it doesn't matter - your clothes will be off when it's game time anyway.
Yup...what he said:yes:


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
Reaction score
Vulpine said:
Yeah, yeah, uh, I started this club, right, and the members all form a huge circle on the 5th night of spring and perform oral sex on the person on their left... yeah. Oh, and since the huge circle represents the sign of the serpent, after everyone has an orgasm, Satan himself apears in the middle. Yeah, and he pulls out his 500 foot schlong and we all suck it until he blows his molten-magma load all over the crowd. It's great fun, but only if you're cool enough to be brought into the club by the pet of a member.
I think I've been to that concert... LOL! :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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Latinoman said:
What I find amazing is people that can get a woman interested in him for SEVERAL months or even years. Do you know why? Because women have lot of options, all they need is to make themselves available. And choosing ONE man...for several months tells me a LOT about that man. Especially if that woman has LOT of options.

That kind of man is the one that tends to really understand woman. That kind of man is typically good in keeping a woman loyal to him. That kind of man if also good in understanding the woman body. Those are the things that get lost in the "sleeping with several women in one-night-stands". Not saying there is anything wrong with that...just saying one is easier than the other.
I agree, I think it may be harder to keep one woman interested for 10 years than 10 women interested for 10 nights.

Which is where I believe pacing may be one of the keys. Longer to get in, longer to get out...


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2005
Reaction score
sstype said:
Women are becoming more sexually open, so why are guys still struggling to get laid then? Because women, knowing their sexual power on men, are now way more sexually selective than before. Guys who are attractive, sexually confident and experienced are the first pick for a girl who only cares about f*cking. And these same guys are often f*cking a lot of girls because they (the guys) are a rare sexual commodity. I would say less than 1 out of 10 guys have that kind of "access" on a consistent basis
I'd tend to agree with you there... problem is, I'd not hesitiate to put myself firmly in that 10%... though while 'attractive', 'confident', and 'experenced' are probably good baseline requisites, the key word here is 'access'. Finding sound social situations (i.e., not cold) with a decent cross selction of suitable women is much easier said than done. :nono:


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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A little perscpective here is helpful.

You have to make the transition to the non-cold approaches. I've many times met women off hotornot that would take me to parties. All of the people there assumed I was some friend of hers when really I barely knew the women. Then I'd play off that.

In bars women expect to meet guys she doesn't know. Her social circle can get pretty stale. Same for malls, etc.. Internet is the easiest way to get started because you can close some directly and use others for leads. Augment that with 2 days of mall or pedestrian street approaches and 2 nights at a lounge/club/bar. Social proof doesn't have to be word of mouth, there is many ways to generate this.

As far as dressing like a bum, I don't recommend that nor does Swinggcat, Badboy, etc. I go for the girls I actually like. One of the things that got chicks approaching me was changing my clothing and hairstyle. I wish I could say looks don't matter to women, but the truth is looks just don't matter in the same way that they matter to most men. They still say a lot about who you are, how comfortable you are with yourself, whether you're adventerous, and whether or not her friends would likely approve.

I guess I don't think of this stuff as a chore. I like working out, I just joined an exercise group which is another good way to meet people. I like meeting cool chicks who help me find cool clothes. I like talking to people, and I'm especially interested in talking to people from different countries. Sometimes they give me gifts which women always ask about when they come over and see them. This is just stuff I'd like to do anyway.

One way to start getting better with women is during every conversation, every set, every girl who stops you, every interaction you have on the phone, every post you make, every thread you read, ask yourself who is giving value and who is just sucking it out of convos, threads, etc. That self talk becomes bigger and bigger, it grows like a muscle. It can hurt you or it can help you. Look at this thread, try to determine which guys offered to give value and which just tried to suck it out of the thread, that's the first step.

This is really important, more important than anything else that can be learned from this thread. Are you giving value and life to people, are you making their lives better and more vibrant?