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  1. V

    help fighting beng eating

    Binge eating is closely related to the availability of bad food. You cannot fight binge eating without first purging your house of junk food. So basically, start eating healthy. In a few weeks you will go through all your bad food and only have healthy stuff stocked up. This way you don't...
  2. V

    What percentage of bodyfat do I need to look like this?

    Good luck man. It takes a lifestyle change but you can easily lose about 2-3 pounds a week in a healthy way if you stay super active. The best weight loss I've experienced was through my muay thai and mma classes. I probably lost about 5-6 pounds this summer (I'm slender as it is, but it...
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    problems in the club! kind of a paradox

    If it's a date you brought, you better do something about it. Confront the guy, tell him in a non-confrontational way that he needs to apologize because she is with YOU. If he doesn't... then you're gonna get yourself kicked out of a club for dealing with the situation. Otherwise you look...
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    Bulk or Cut first?

    As a bodybuilding "noob" you don't need to be as concerned with bulking and cutting cycles. Lift heavy, do some cardio, and have an ultra clean diet. You will lose fat AND gain muscle at the same time, I promise. Have your caloric intake be only slightly lower than your caloric output...
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    Top Ten Tips to Don Juanism.

    Failure is a part of success. You have to crash and burn before you can fly. You need to be able to risk everything to get anything. Vague language, yes, but true nonetheless.
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    need help....what do you think?? (calling all Experienced Dj's)

    1. Girls are attracted to players sometimes, so his identity in that regard is not necessarily the personality defect you make it out to be. I can't count how many times a girl makes it known that she finds a particular player "disgusting," and then hooks up with him anyway. The player should...
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    Ok, I finally have 1 fvcking female friend

    Having a female friend has its benefits. Banging her friends usually isn't one of them, because she won't let you just hook up with them and then not call them back. You understand? She will look out for them. If you're looking for a girlfriend, then maybe you are on the right track and...
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    Got a number! Need advice

    All good advice. Personally, if you show up on Saturday, I think that you'd be letting her set the pace. That's a hoop she wants you to jump through. Don't do it. Also, don't get drunk and call her, or come crawling back into that bar saturday night all smashed because you couldn't pick...
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    Got no TV, how to avoid ASD

    You need to build more comfort with her first. I have the same situation---the TV is in my bedroom, and I only have a futon. I don't make a big deal out of it... girls can smell fear. If they sense that you have ulterior motives, then they're going to act on that. If you're cool and natural...
  10. V

    At what point do you step in when another guy keeps hitting on your GF?

    You guys are ridiculous. This other guy has clearly and intentionally crossed a line, and it's your duty to tell him to stop. He's not fooling anybody. I'm not saying you have to go and beat him up, but show up at his house and tell him he needs to back off. He is wrong for 2 reasons: #1...
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    wine - what kind?

    Ecco Domani makes an excellent pinot grigio, and it is moderately priced. Pinot grigio is a very safe white wine that is very accessible to most palates. It seems to have become popular as of late as well.
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    How to avoid dating & get to FB

    Because I "suck" at life :) Nah, I dunno... I guess I associate with vampires. I mean... they're at the top of the food chain, right? Shouldn't a "pick up artist" be at the top of the food chain too?
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    What is going to happen here? Need advice, or just thoughts.

    Basically, treat her like any other girl. Like one of the dude's said, have a kickass time. Don't "talk" about anything relating to your feelings, etc. Just take her out, be buddy-buddy and flirty, and make your move if she shows interest. No talk... all action. Understand? If you...
  14. V

    Transitioning into sex-talk..

    I usually set it up in the way that brings it out of the girl. Once you sort of "get her" (establish your value, get some IOIs, whatever), you can start joking about stuff you could do together. I think Mystery calls this "conspiring" or something (I don't really use the jargon much so forgive...
  15. V

    How to avoid dating & get to FB

    There are few "true" FB relationships where it's mutually casual on both sides. Usually, the girl thinks that by sleeping with the man, she can eventually win him over. The man knows this, and takes advantage of it. That said... you will have to lead her on a *little*. The trick is to stay...