need help....what do you think?? (calling all Experienced Dj's)


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
Well there's this one chick in my college algebra class who sat infront of me...she's Easily a Hb7 hb8 on a good day cute face n all with a great smile and personality. Well she started talking to me finally and honestly i didn't even notice her until she started talking to me. I sit next to an Alpha MaLe (not neccesarily in size) but in looks and style. Well one day she descided to talk to me next day she comes to school HOT as hell!!! Then she decided to sit right next to me now. she keeps talking to me...more and more everyday she finally asked me "So do you have a number or something maybe you can help with this math i'm terrible at it" Now i'm starting to think maybe she's liking me now...the AMOG i cool with and he's also hitting on her everyday in class and at 1st she wasn't messing with him but lately she's responding to him so that's a problem...she has my number but it's been like 2 weeks and she hasn't called me... Last time we where in class i talk to her and walked with her to her car talking about school and what kinda guys she like then she said "ok i'm going to call you"'s been 3 days and she still hasn't called me...

so the problems...

1.The Amog he def has the ability to pull her and i know if i don't move quickly she's all his..but at the same time she can sense that he's a player so she may not

2. She hasn't called me...I'm thinking she's just leading me on and AWing my A$$.

3.If we end up screwing around then i have to be in class with her...but i'm willing to take this risk..

Yea i'ma RAFC i kind of have an idea of what i'm plan on doing but i wanna know what some of you guys would do in this situation...And i'll be sure to keep you guys updated.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2006
Reaction score
1. Girls are attracted to players sometimes, so his identity in that regard is not necessarily the personality defect you make it out to be. I can't count how many times a girl makes it known that she finds a particular player "disgusting," and then hooks up with him anyway. The player should be YOU, not the other guy.

2. She probably won't call you unless she needs something anyway.

3. Haha I'm sure you are.

Sorry to say, you probably blew it already. Part of being a "DJ" is not caring what the girls think or do, really, because ideally you should have a whole harem of women to pick from. I'm guessing you were very eager to help her with her math; that's a problem, because you're supplicating yourself to her. There's probably a whole slew of things you didn't even notice you were doing that may have shaped your relationship (or lack thereof) with said girl.

Sometimes, the AMOG wins. Usually, actually, if they're good looking, athletic, and somewhat personable. I would chalk it up as good experience and move on. If you're not already, get into shape, and get more "alpha" (I really hate the word) so that the discrepancy between you and your competition isn't so pronounced.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
Originally posted by Vampire

Sorry to say, you probably blew it already. Part of being a "DJ" is not caring what the girls think or do, really, because ideally you should have a whole harem of women to pick from. I'm guessing you were very eager to help her with her math; that's a problem, because you're supplicating yourself to her. There's probably a whole slew of things you didn't even notice you were doing that may have shaped your relationship (or lack thereof) with said girl.

ending it already i believe not...she seems very interesting it hasn't hit the LJBF'd situation quite yet....When talking to her i act pretty non-chalant...she doesn't know what i'm thinking...i haven't ever been eager around her


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
thanx shezz...I plan on asking for her number...

the next time we have class is on the day be4 valentine's day does anyone know how to game a girl who's got a Strong personality....

This is one of those "i can get anyguy i want when i want" girls... but somehow i've caught her radar.. + i'm not gonna catch the ONS i'm sarging other girls.


Apr 19, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Badmannaz
thanx shezz...I plan on asking for her number...

the next time we have class is on the day be4 valentine's day does anyone know how to game a girl who's got a Strong personality....

This is one of those "i can get anyguy i want when i want" girls... but somehow i've caught her radar.. + i'm not gonna catch the ONS i'm sarging other girls.
Dont fukk around anymore, or beat around the bush, get her to go out with you on a date, one on one, to an establishment that serves liquor, buy yourself cranberry juice, and get as many shots in her as possible, and wherever the night goes.