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  1. C

    Parties aren't working so well...

    Okay so now we see the real issue - you have some self esteem issues, and confidence issues, and probably a lot of other issues. And this is why you are failing. Look most people are only average at best in terms of appearance. The ones that stick out are either the few genetically blessed, or...
  2. C

    Parties aren't working so well...

    I know this is an approach that some guys will turn away from, but personally I go to a party with one thing in mind - to have a good time and meet new people. If you go with expectations of meeting or getting with women, you will look desperate, or at the very least you will look a little lost...
  3. C

    When you don't talk.

    Stop thinking about what you're going to say next. You do not need to say stuff all of the time. If you were in line with your buddies, would you fill the air all of the time? This is essentially why you avoid dates like the movies - until you're comfortable with that person. Because if you're...
  4. C

    Isolating Asian girls?

    First of all, you have to realize that a lot of asian women, Japanese women in particular are eager to meet anybody who speaks english - so don't think for a minute that your positive early encounters are anything much to go by, other than the fact that it gives you a number. Do you go to this...
  5. C

    Your definition of a Nice Guy?

    You have to be careful with the term 'Nice guy'. People who are new to this whole thing, the world of self improvement, meeting women, etc etc - are easily fooled into PUA material and all kinds of 'anti nice guy' stuff - some of which they are misinterpreting. Nice guys get laid. You don't...
  6. C

    guys is she giving me enough signs? how should i continue this

    Haha. Please. She probably runs this scenario every time she goes into town, her boyfriend is probably sick of it, her last boyfriend was probably sick of it, and you want to be the next one?
  7. C

    The Gay Agenda and PUA's: Astonishing Similarities

    What kind of weird twisted BS is this? Who gives a flying **** if two men can't create a baby. I'm a straight male and I never plan on having kids. I don't want kids. You wanna talk about unnatural? We do "un natural" things every day. Look at modern medicine. Modern science. The things we...
  8. C

    Lower My Standards?

    I'd have to see how you're approaching these girls. If you're getting constant attitude, then you're probably doing something wrong. Typical advice would say don't stand for it, laugh it off, joke it off, and let them know you're not going to be pushed around. This is basic human interaction...
  9. C

    Got a # yesterday. game plan?

    And this right here is your problem. Look. There's no 'game' here. There are no tricks. The real 'game' is improving yourself so you're not a little ***** who's afraid to state what's on his mind. You did well in the fact that you got a number, and you did well if you've been working on...
  10. C

    a girl i like...

    Hey, these guys are only here to help you. You're young and naive - and that's fine, but we've seen this kind of **** repeat itself so many times it's ridiculous. You may be the one exception to the rule. Sure. So what. She might crack once. It doesn't mean you have any real future there. It...
  11. C

    How do you stopping be mean if rejected?

    What are you doing? Don't waste your time getting mad because some girl doesn't want to get with you. Maybe she went out with your coworker because you seem insecure and butthurt. Being more handsome means nothing if you have no backbone, no charisma. You don't need to worry about her. Smile...
  12. C

    Girl shows low interest, but will go on dates if I offer..

    Good luck, let us know how it goes.
  13. C

    Girl shows low interest, but will go on dates if I offer..

    I've been there a few times. Tread carefully. I know that girls often let the guys do all the initiation, and that's expected to a point -- but once you've been a bit physical and been out a few times you generally get at least something in the way of initiating from my experience. The times...
  14. C

    First Date (Urgent)

    This is not a date. This is you inviting her with your friends, to be another friend, while you watch a movie (also a mistake). Do not do this. Movies are a huge waste of time unless you've already made out with her, or been on at least one or two successful SOLO dates. You don't invite girls...
  15. C

    flakey girl -

    She can show a reasonable amount of interest, and then still flake out. Happens all the time. She may be curious about you and nothing more. Or maybe she just likes the attention. Maybe it's both. Maybe she's texting five or six guys right now. All you can do is be cool, don't worry too much...
  16. C

    Compensating Men vs. Women

    Yeah, I've always found this to be hilarious. It is especially true with the gym - though I've often found it's women who are kind of out of shape and just kind of disgusting making these comments. You just gotta call out the BS when you hear it. No I'm not compensating. I just like to be...
  17. C

    Best Places to Meet Women?

    That's it? Man you can meet women everywhere. The supermarket. The street. A concert. A bar. A comedy club. The taco place. Personally I make an effort to meet new guys too, because the amount of new women I've met through them is crazy, and so much more useful socially than going out and cold...
  18. C

    Sense of humour

    Yeah, true - but that doesn't mean you have to be stand up funny, or even funny enough to make a group laugh. You have to work with your strengths. Not everybody has what it takes to walk in a room and be the center of the table in 10 minutes spinning crazy stories and making every woman within...
  19. C

    Sense of humour

    I think the best thing you can do here is become well read, and learn to use your words. I agree with what has been said already here, you can't force being funny, it won't work, and you also probably won't gain a lot from watching stand up (although you will be able to see some things, such as...
  20. C

    I'm sick of women

    You start being a big bad fake a-hole and you see how far that takes you. No. You say you're the one doing all the talking? Maybe you're not saying anything interesting and there's nothing for them to get inspired by. Nobody really cares what you say on a 'date'. It's all about how you interact...