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  1. C

    Asking a girl what is wrong with you so that you can improve?

    God, this just reeks of disaster. Just want to agree with the other posters here and make sure you never, under any circumstances do this. It's fine to ask girls their opinions about certain things, but this is just a weird creepy list that's asking for really weird specifics. You just become...
  2. C

    How can I kino in highschool?

    Eh. Learn to really read signals and faces. This could easily just be because the girl doesn't want to look like an idiot in front of her friends for not understanding a joke, or whatever. There's a difference in the way people laugh when you're really funny, or when they think you're funny...
  3. C

    Have you guys ever found the whole dating thing awkward?

    It's all machine spinning if you let it. It's your life, man. Part of it maybe comes down to the fact that this is all rehearsed - we look at ourselves, we analyse, we break it down, we think about the girl, we think about what we're going to do, in some manner or another, and we make it work...
  4. C

    skinny to muscles

    Just remember that there is a lot of BS giving skinny guys false hope about expectations when it comes to weight lifting. YES you can make huge transformations from skinny to muscle naturally, but it does take time to make clean gains, and it takes a lot of effort. Women can absolutely be a...