Asking a girl what is wrong with you so that you can improve?


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
Hi, guys. I have a problem, and I was wondering if you guys could help. Let me give you a bit of background information first. I never really was popular in school - I was always viewed as a socially awkward nerd. Now that I am going to be a junior in high school, I have gotten somewhat better socially(although I still have a lot of awkward moments.) I have never done anything with a girl yet, not even kiss. Pathetic, I know :( I am sick of that, and I have decided that it is time to change. Although I did have a girlfriend once, that relationship wasn't anything but a glorified friendzone, as we did
NOTHING. I am currently reading the DJ Bible, and doing several things to increase my confidence/looks(lifting weights,getting waves in my hair, getting a better fashion sense,etc.) However, I thought it would be helpful if I could ask girls why they won't go out with me, and then address the problems from there. Here are the questions I am planning to ask:
1.)In terms of being able to get girls, what is wrong with me? Tell me why I can't get girls.
2.)Am I naturally good-looking or not? On a scale of 1-10, how good looking am I? What could make me better looking?
3.) Am I weird? What do I do that makes me weird? Be honest.
4.)On a scale of 1-10, how awkward am I?
5.)What is my awkwardness? Define it. Not being able to hold a conversation? Give examples.
6.)In general, what is my reputation at school? What can I do to fix it? Will my reputation stop me from getting girls?

In general, I think that the girls will be honest to me. I plan to ask them on Facebook. Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Thanks.​


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
If you're prepared to forever be seen as a "nice guy" and NEVER be able to get any girls in your school, then go ahead and ask girls what's wrong with you? Best case scenario: you get sympathy, an "aw", and a "there's nothing wrong with you, any girl would be lucky to have a guy like you".

Worst case (and most likely): Same as best case, except they start talking to friends about it. Those friends talk to their friends about it, and word starts spreading around like the plague.

If you're going for social suicide, its best to do it in person. Doing it over facebook, or text for that matter, just makes them feel like you were too scared to ask in person.

My advice: DON'T EVER do something like this. I can answer all of your questions without even knowing you, watch:
1) What's wrong with you, is you. You can't get girls because you don't think you can. You have no confidence - no belief in yourself.

2) Guys in general aren't good-looking. We weren't made to be. Attractiveness in terms of physical appearance is NOT a masculine trait. If the ugliest of men can get woman, surely you can!

To look better, dress better. Shave, groom yourself, and keep in tip-top shape.

3) Absolutely no woman will care if you're weird. All weird means is different. And being different is good (in most cases). Would you really rather be another face in the crowd? No different from the guy next to you? And again, if even the weirdest of men can get woman, you can too!

4-6) Ok these 3 I can't answer. But you should get my point.

If you want to get girls, just practice. Embrace your fear. You WILL stumble along the way, but don't look back. The first thing I would recommend is learning to accept the fact that you may offend, or piss people off. Your 'awkwardness' probably stems from you trying to say the right things. Realize that no matter what you say, you may offend someone in some way.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
SirSaiz said:

1.)In terms of being able to get girls, what is wrong with me? Tell me why I can't get girls.
2.)Am I naturally good-looking or not? On a scale of 1-10, how good looking am I? What could make me better looking?
3.) Am I weird? What do I do that makes me weird? Be honest.
4.)On a scale of 1-10, how awkward am I?
5.)What is my awkwardness? Define it. Not being able to hold a conversation? Give examples.
6.)In general, what is my reputation at school? What can I do to fix it? Will my reputation stop me from getting girls?

In general, I think that the girls will be honest to me. I plan to ask them on Facebook. Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Thanks.​

I agree, asking anyone this is social suicide. Especially over Facebook.

Right now, you have a low self-esteem. Which means you lack confidence which means you have a big ego.

Continue to read the DJ Bible and it will teach you everything on becoming a better person overall.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
God, this just reeks of disaster. Just want to agree with the other posters here and make sure you never, under any circumstances do this. It's fine to ask girls their opinions about certain things, but this is just a weird creepy list that's asking for really weird specifics.

You just become that better person you can be, and forget about all the rest of the noise. Keep going to the gym. Eat right. Get good sleep. Make friends. Get busy. This will take some time. You will not transform your social status overnight because people have preconceived ideas about what you are and who you are. As you introduce new people into your social circle, and show real, gradual change, and really own your changes -- you will learn that all of this is a waste of time.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
dude if you ask any girl even in person what they think of you, they will lie to not hurt you to be polite, or will lie to amke fun of you later,

you want to know what you can be doing wrong? see what your friends do see what works and what don't, and fild test it, reading the material here also can bring you so ideas to improve


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Don't do this.

Work on becoming self-aware. You answer these questions through awareness and trial and error, not by asking girls why you're such a b1tch.

If you want to be critiqued on your looks, use the internet.
For example, post pics at
^Don't be a dumb **** about this obviously. Don't post your face.