guys is she giving me enough signs? how should i continue this


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score

Went to this club tonight.

Saw a HB9, she danced good and I was like let's go for it went too her and whispered something silly in her ear. She responded amused: 'Ohh noo im not gonna do something with you and turned away' I replied: Ooh I ask you a normal question and u immediatley think about dirty things, your that kind of girl uhu.. She acted 'mad' and was like nooo im not blabla and we started a convo, constantly teasing her to keep it interesting.

Told me she was from some city i studied before so I knew where she lived and what student corps she was from, i teased her sayin they were nerds and she was like why blabla and we kept talking, I kino'ed a lot and kept dancing while teasing. Told her i liked it when she was mad at me and we had fun flirting.

Then I told her give me your number ill give u a call sometime. she said nooo i can't. I told her why not? you dont know what your missin believe me!

Teased her even more kino' en danced a bit. She told me she had a boyfriend and he was there too, it was true he was starring at us the whole time and he grabbed her 3-4 times and took her away from me too the bar. she turned her face too me and giving me the 'omg -.-' look and followed him..

After that she kept flirting with me and dancing horney in front of me. I told her go to the toilets ill follow like james bond and ill check u there, they wont notice. She said nooo I can't. Kept teasing her smelling her neck coz i told her i liked her parfume and she was enjoying it letting me do it the whole time and touching me.

Tho her boyfriend kept watching us and giving her the look like quit that.
She told me after go ask him if you can have my number, if he says ok ill give it too u. I said no idc not gonna ask him lmao and left for a bit. When i stood somewhere else in the club she looked at me sneaky and flirted. I went for the bait after 15mins of dancing with some friends and went back to where she was.

My friend told us when we were talking KISS and she whispered too him I cantt my boyfriend is here.

I asked her first and last name to add her on facebook and she gave it. She gave the good one coz i checked tho, i asked her spell it (Kinda AFC i know but i wanted to be sure..)

End of the night all her friends told her lets leave she stood 1 meter for me and didnt want to go kept dancing then she turned around laughed to me and i blow kissed her and she left.

guys, id like to know howlong i should wait to add her on facebook and whats the best way too persue her, i really like her, im even willing too wait and keep spinning plates, maybe i could date her in a couple of months or so.

I think i did very well but i was a bit too needy, asking her twice for her number and gave her some options how she could give it without her boyfriend noticin it. this is possibly kinda needy so my next steps are critical..

thanks !


Don Juan
Jan 6, 2013
Reaction score
Let me get this straight:

You meet a girl in a club and you both flirt with each other.
You find out she has a (probably LTR) boyfriend, who is also in the club and sees you two as she continues to flirt with you.
You really like her and want an LTR with her.

Not to sound too mean, but that's quite stupid. Moral issues aside, a girl that would sleep with you while she has a boyfriend at the time is never LTR worthy. Additionally, you cannot say that you want an LTR with a girl you just met in a club. You have no idea what she is actually like.

You put yourself in a no-win situation, if a happy LTR with her is your goal. Here's why:

a) You hit it off, and you lure her away from her boyfriend. Be it bang her behind his back, or make her break it off with him, but you get together. What makes you think she won't do the same thing to YOU once some other guy that catches her eye comes along? I guess it depends on your view, but I bet that If you could pick from two identical girls with the only difference being one of them is always loyal, while the other one keeps sleeping around, you'd pick the loyal one. Why are you willingly choosing a slut?

b) You try it for awhile, and she refuses your advances. Be it she blames flirting on alcohol, be it that she regrets it, be it that she simply blows you off with a "Sorry, can't do this, don't contact me". She remains loyal to her boyfriend. You find out she is the kind of girl that would be LTR worthy. And you don't get her, purely because of that reason.

Can you see where I am coming from?


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Haha. Please. She probably runs this scenario every time she goes into town, her boyfriend is probably sick of it, her last boyfriend was probably sick of it, and you want to be the next one?


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2013
Reaction score
You don't want this girl man she's obviously trouble.

Also her boyfriend seems like he has to put up with a lot of **** from her as it is so don't make it worse for him. Be fair on the guy.

When I go out girls in relationships are a no no. Not because I'd get beaten up but because it's just a **** move. I know how I'd feel if I was the boyfriend so just leave it be man, plenty of single and up for it girls out there...


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Ah yes, the club freak. You want to know how to get a chick like this who most likely has laundry list of f-ed up behavior? Do the the opposite of what her chump boyfriends are doing now.

That means IF you can meet her out, you flirt with her, then at the last minute take her sister or best friend home and fvck them. Then you fvck her. Then you ignore her.

The worse you treat her the more hooked she will become. The better you treat her the more she will put your soul through the woodchipper. See the current boyfriend? That would be you. Sick right? These types can never have healthy relationships, usually because of some sort of messed up childhood. I would stay away, its probably a little bit above your pay grade right now.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Ok thanks for the feedback
Id like to know howlong you guys would wait to add her on Facebook not sayin i want a ltr! Just adding her and forgetting bout her.