Lower My Standards?


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2013
Reaction score
Okay so Ive been working myself lately and even released my own video game!

Oh well lets talk about girls. I go for tutions and even there I find no one super hot but just 7 at max. At school max rating I would give would be 6... Whomever I find hotter than that are always older and I find them at places where I cant flirt as I dont know cold approaching..and almost every girl already has boyfriend.

And thats why I ask if I should lower my standards or not?

Also can someone tell me why girls show so much attitude when you talk to them...?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
For your 2nd question, because their self entitled biatches.
For your first question, I wouldn't lower my standards, depends on what you want though, a relationship or a Bj/se*. For me, it depends on what I want.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah girls are really weird...
Anyways, in my city nothing happens without being in a rrlationship, so even for a kiss that I wish to have..and then eventually sex isnt going to happen without getting in relationship.


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
if you don't want to be single and no one meets your standards then you'll need to lower them


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
Also can someone tell me why girls show so much attitude when you talk to them...?
I'd have to see how you're approaching these girls. If you're getting constant attitude, then you're probably doing something wrong. Typical advice would say don't stand for it, laugh it off, joke it off, and let them know you're not going to be pushed around. This is basic human interaction. Attractive girls are hit on all day and night. If you're just like every other guy and a little bit weird, you will get attitude most of the time. It is their natural response, especially when in groups.

But more than likely you're a little bit awkward and probably don't know how to interract with women. And that's fine. You'll learn. You're young and have plenty of time - this is how you figure it all out.

Always work on yourself. Learn to be critical. It's not that you need to 'lower' your standards, but you need to look at yourself, and have a real think about how you are being perceived by the girls you are attracted to. If it doesn't quite 'fit', then you have work to do. It's tough in school. The attractive girls have a lot of options. Just focus on working on yourself - hitting the gym, becoming a really solid individual. This is your time to spin your wheels, the girls will come, believe me.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2013
Reaction score
CrispyG said:
I'd have to see how you're approaching these girls. If you're getting constant attitude, then you're probably doing something wrong. Typical advice would say don't stand for it, laugh it off, joke it off, and let them know you're not going to be pushed around. This is basic human interaction. Attractive girls are hit on all day and night. If you're just like every other guy and a little bit weird, you will get attitude most of the time. It is their natural response, especially when in groups.

But more than likely you're a little bit awkward and probably don't know how to interract with women. And that's fine. You'll learn. You're young and have plenty of time - this is how you figure it all out.

Always work on yourself. Learn to be critical. It's not that you need to 'lower' your standards, but you need to look at yourself, and have a real think about how you are being perceived by the girls you are attracted to. If it doesn't quite 'fit', then you have work to do. It's tough in school. The attractive girls have a lot of options. Just focus on working on yourself - hitting the gym, becoming a really solid individual. This is your time to spin your wheels, the girls will come, believe me.
Oho! Dont mind but its nothing like you are thinking. My life doesnt revolve around girls, I believe in money. Money and adventures in life is what my life shall revolve around and thatsehy I had stopped writing my daily journal because I didnt have much to tell about girls but only the things I was working on. I posted this journal because I thought I should have this experience in my life as well but as side task and money and graphics being the main. I really dont want to leave high school without having a kiss... And its jolly hard to have in my city or at least the part where I live.

And me being awkward, I dont know... Whenever I show my interest in a girl they show attitude which annoyes me and I just stop giving even a bit of attention to them. Although iy moght be true that I might be weird because I start conversations in a weird manner. Like a while ago I started convo with a girl I thought looked okay:
Me: oh you stole my specs!
She smiled and said something like spectacles arent nothing and she just steals hearts and looke away. That reply made me laugh but her body language just made me angry.

Whereas when I am friends with a girl they dont show attitude and I just keep making fun of them infront of them. So just chill :p

I really dont have many girls as friends because I believe in talking to only those girls that I like.

I am weird, I know


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Maybe you should learn to cold approach before lowering your standards


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
AlexLefty said:
Maybe you should learn to cold approach before lowering your standards
Yes, and don't lower your standards. When I was in middle school the one girl that liked me was maybe a 6. Everyone told me to ask her out, and I didn't and everyone thought I was crazy.

3 years later I ****ed Miss Teen Delaware. Story over.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2013
Reaction score
Great then! I shall learn cold approaching! However you guys have to help me. I always wonder what to say, should I just compliment? If so, about what? I dont think complimenting her top would really make sense... So yeah what to start with? Where shall I go to approach and how to act? Chill and be normal?


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
Reaction score
West Coast
Aastikya said:
Okay so Ive been working myself lately and even released my own video game!

Oh well lets talk about girls. I go for tutions and even there I find no one super hot but just 7 at max. At school max rating I would give would be 6... Whomever I find hotter than that are always older and I find them at places where I cant flirt as I dont know cold approaching..and almost every girl already has boyfriend.

And thats why I ask if I should lower my standards or not?

Also can someone tell me why girls show so much attitude when you talk to them...?
Are you kidding me? NEVER lower your standards. Always go for the best because we as DJ's deserve the best. :trouble:
If the best girl there is a 6-7 then go for her. If the best girl there is a 5 or lower then PRACTICE on her. Who knows, they might actually be able to knock your socks off.

The simple fact that you are trying to "Pick up women" is probably what's turning them off. Pick up Artists pick up women, DJ's INTERACT with them. Striking up a conversation just to be social will wield more success than trying to "Flirt" or "Pick up women."

Unless she flirts first, and even then it should be minimal on your part, men don't just flirt.


Don Juan
Jul 5, 2013
Reaction score
BPH said:
Yes, and don't lower your standards. When I was in middle school the one girl that liked me was maybe a 6. Everyone told me to ask her out, and I didn't and everyone thought I was crazy.

3 years later I ****ed Miss Teen Delaware. Story over.
The one who made the porn haha?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Aastikya said:
Great then! I shall learn cold approaching! However you guys have to help me. I always wonder what to say, should I just compliment? If so, about what? I dont think complimenting her top would really make sense... So yeah what to start with? Where shall I go to approach and how to act? Chill and be normal?
We have a lot of work to do...

Do a few hours of research online, hell even try approaching, and then come back with questions