Got a # yesterday. game plan?


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
so I'm in a new city for the summer and its been hard for me to meet girls here.

at bars its almost impossible, seriously. it's not a good place to meet new people, at least for me.

however I was in the student union yesterday and walked past a really cute girl studying who looked up to make eye contact. so I walked back a couple min later and took a seat next to her to do some work of my own. as she was getting up, she looked over and I smiled at her so she said hi which began a conversation. it didn't go great but I had her laugh a couple times.

interest level was not very high, or she was at least concealing it. she started getting up to go meet her friends so I said "so are you single?" and she laughed. then I said "so is that a here's my phone number laugh or an I'm going to meet my friends now laugh?". she thought for a sec then said "sure, i'll give you my phone number" and I said "Well, are you sure? the last thing I wanna do is go out on a date with a girl who doesn't wanna be there!" she laughed at that and said yes im sure. I gave her my phone and she put in her # w/ first and last name.

anyway so she just turned 21 and shes gonna be out with friends this weekend. I'm not quite sure how to play this. I think if I let too much time pass she'll forget...Im thinking maybe Ill meet up with her for a drink tomorrow so she has something to think about over the weekend?


Don Juan
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
dosquito said:
so I'm in a new city for the summer and its been hard for me to meet girls here.

at bars its almost impossible, seriously. it's not a good place to meet new people, at least for me.

however I was in the student union yesterday and walked past a really cute girl studying who looked up to make eye contact. so I walked back a couple min later and took a seat next to her to do some work of my own. as she was getting up, she looked over and I smiled at her so she said hi which began a conversation. it didn't go great but I had her laugh a couple times.

interest level was not very high, or she was at least concealing it. she started getting up to go meet her friends so I said "so are you single?" and she laughed. then I said "so is that a here's my phone number laugh or an I'm going to meet my friends now laugh?". she thought for a sec then said "sure, i'll give you my phone number" and I said "Well, are you sure? the last thing I wanna do is go out on a date with a girl who doesn't wanna be there!" she laughed at that and said yes im sure. I gave her my phone and she put in her # w/ first and last name.

anyway so she just turned 21 and shes gonna be out with friends this weekend. I'm not quite sure how to play this. I think if I let too much time pass she'll forget...Im thinking maybe Ill meet up with her for a drink tomorrow so she has something to think about over the weekend?
if you captured her interest even for a moment and you number closed her she won't forget you. even if 4 days go by. hell even a week.

she'll wonder why you didn't call but that's about it. but she definitely won't forget you.

but nothing wrong with inviting her out for a drink though. i say do it and check her reaction see if she flakes that sorta thing. if she flakes out on you. no harm no foul just chalk it up and on to the next and it took you all of 1 day to come to a conclusion.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
lol well my DJ friend (model, total manipulator of people, genius, truly in it for the "game") who is settled down now with a girl told me he's gonna take over.

This is gonna be interesting.

Here's what he told me:

last night, he said to text her simply,

"hey whats up"

she replied this morning "um at work who is this?"

so far he's telling me to stay quiet. Lmao. I cant wait to see what tricks this guy has up his sleeve


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Gameplan? You text her, tell her who it is, maybe fluff once or twice, then ask if she wants to meet up. No trying to build attraction over text. No over-communication. Solid fundamental game.

Tricks? If the guy is good-looking he probably already had attraction when he first met a girl. He thought he was being all smooth over text when in reality the girl was already willing to go out with him.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2013
Reaction score
so far he's telling me to stay quiet. Lmao. I cant wait to see what tricks this guy has up his sleeve
And this right here is your problem. Look. There's no 'game' here. There are no tricks. The real 'game' is improving yourself so you're not a little ***** who's afraid to state what's on his mind. You did well in the fact that you got a number, and you did well if you've been working on yourself.

But as far as texting goes, you just set up a time to meet and that's it. There's no game. If she's interested, she'll show up to the date, and that'll be it. If you're not interesting or she's not attracted, then it's over. If she's interested, good on you, it doesn't really matter what you do as long as you don't get clingy or weird.

This whole thing about gaming on the phone is so ridiculous, and too many guys who don't know any better are buying into it. You're a man. Take your own phone, and organize your own plans, and don't think for a minute that it should go any other way.

As far as I can see it, the only 'game' as far as texting goes is not being one of those guys who asks one hundred questions about what she's doing every second of the day, but that's looking at it from the wrong angle, and that's where the confusion of 'game' comes from. It's not in the texting. It's the character of the person behind it. If you really work on yourself, then none of that stuff matters, because you're in control. If you're faking some kind of weird game, you're not in control, you're not 'alpha'.

This is simple stuff. You meet up. If you think waiting some time after 'um who is this' is going to win you points, you are sadly, sadly mistaken - and this is why PUA material (as an example) confuses a lot of inexperienced guys. Sure there is benifit to being elusive - if you actually are, and if there's enough interest there. But this? No.


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
No CrispyG, don't get me wrong, I am totally 100% with you. Actually your post is incredibly timely because I got a pretty low interest text from the girl. Game really is all about self improvement, and my approach was definintely weak. Good post.

keep in mind I have done very few cold approaches in my life especially in ordinary daily life and i'm in a new city