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    We Fall In Love With The "IDEA"

    Re: Lefty n Crafty, this is also why love CANNOT set in for a time period so that the true image comes to fruition. At first glance, you ask WOW, she's hot. That triggers the emotional response to procreate and fvck like rabbits. However, what does she do for you!? Looks are nothing...
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    We Fall In Love With The "IDEA"

    When you fall into love or out of love with a person, it's not the person, but the "idea" of the person. Think about that. How many guys break up with a girl they've been with for YEARS, pine for her over several months, and after enough BAD treatment, they FINALLY get over her...
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    The Rules For Women

    Re: I've never read the book, but from what it's widespread readership appears to be, these "rules" are disseminated in more ways than just the book. Think about how us men impart our knowledge in various ways to friends until they 'specifically' ask for what our source is? If you...
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    I bet my life you cannot answer this

    Moving Parts. There's more moving parts to life than simply the explanation of logic. The basic formula created here is... Intend to PU Hot chicks = zero results/nervousness. Go with flow = tons of hot chicks/lack of preparation. Positive Intention and Mental Projection. I...
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    Ditch the date before you turn into a puppy

    Re: I have to agree with MetalFortress here. Live and learn. Have I personally walked out? No. Do I have friends that have? Yes. Maybe because I qualify the women enough to know what's going on and organize a dating situation that prevents such things. Perhaps its the women I...
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    You Need To Read This And Tell Me What You Think

    Re: I'll say a few things. **If you're confidence suks, no amount of tips matters. If you're confidence rocks, then you can CREATE all the tips, tactics and strategies you like.** Such things are a great crutch to lean on to just 'get out there', but fairly beneficial in the long-run...
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    could you ask a girl this?

    Re: If a woman responds to alphaness...and alphaness traits would be direct, unattached, and not care about the outcome...would it stand to be logical that a DIRECT question is better than beating around a bush? Just a thought. Something that has worked was to be ****y, ballsy, and...
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    Overcoming fear and your self-image (repost for Imperfect)

    Re: The beliefs you possess virtu are meaningless if they're holding you back. Why? Who gave those beliefs to you? Why do you have them? Do they support what you want in life? If not, why do you retain them? How do you know they are or are not true? What's to say other people knew...
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    You All Need To Read This Quote

    Re: **Question everything.** To escape the societal matrix of programmed crap, realize what programs are running and if they fit your goals and life. From there, build beliefs that support your goals, wants, and desires. For instance, many guys completely the notion of being...
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    Ditch the date before you turn into a puppy

    Re: As an example...I was invited to a gala event @ the museum of fine arts in Boston. It was a drinking shindig with lots of fine paintings and fine women. The gal I went with , aged 34, invited 2 other girls, but hadn't told me. When I arrived, she was attentive and interested. We bounced...
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    reason why there are so many AFCs.

    Re: Why do people worry about the circumstances around them and learn how to deal with them and bend them to their will? In a similar example...though quite extravagant, tom Hanks was stranded on an island in Castway and managed to survive, if we're using cliche movie examples. The man...
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    You All Need To Read This Quote

    Reframe. I liken much of what's in existence in our world to uncovering treasures. The knowledge of how to build pyramids, find gold, drill for oil, conduct surgery, fly a plane is all OUT THERE. It takes determination and belief to uncover it. Think of it as a paleontologist who is...
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    snoop doggy dog as stile for DJs.

    Missed the Part... ...Where he was married and had kids? Pretty good for a guy who is self-proclaimed to be a 'pimp' with game and style. Keep in mind a few things... *It's TV/Production. What you see is not all of Snoop. They only put entertaining, informative, or edgy material on...
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    The Disease of Idealism and the Manual to Life.

    Some Insight. The mind tends to find "reasons" then chop away at them. Many times, we'll find a big enough 'why' such as our bodies, and chop it down as to why we don't deserve it. If your self-image/self-worth is off, then you'll cut on 'why' you shouldn't be fit, or date girls you want, or...
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    A Bit of Reality and the High Road of Integrity.

    Re: Wow B e a v e r is a word we fliter? Whoda thunk it.
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    A Bit of Reality and the High Road of Integrity.

    Time and time again, I come back to this 'sticking point' in dating. Success is a numbers game, but more importantly...why? In much of my dating life, it's rare to have met women from 'normal Leave-it-to-******' homes. Many times, parents have split, ones has been distant, one has died, etc...
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    NFL Divsionial Playoffs Who wins?

    A Pat's Fan. OBviously. On top of my soap box... Because many of you do not follow the Pats nearly as heavily as I do, and can but rely on stats... Here's WHY the pats will reign supreme... They can score anyway, from anywhere, anyhow. Check their Defense: Thank You harrison. Check...
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    The Disease of Idealism and the Manual to Life.

    Virtu. At points in our lives, we feel complacency. After a long work week, after a long partying session, even after dating a particular and it goes wrong, we feel our energy levels seap a little bit, that's ok. There IS wisdom in insecurity. And when you consider, anytime we are secure...
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    "Attraction isn't a Choice" What it truly means.

    I like what you said here. Projecting traits, prizing, versus persuing. That's profound enough for guys to "get it" and summarizes alot of what I put forth. Working on yourself, "projects" traits of who you are. Since women can't know by your word, and only through actions, you are FORCED...
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    The Disease of Idealism and the Manual to Life.

    Analogy. A good analogy on the flow of life... To turn a motorcycle, you don't consciously "turn" the handle bars like you would going slow on a regular bike; you'd kill yourself, especially at high speeds. NO! You must give into the turn and force down with the bike. So if turning...