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  1. A

    text messages = afc?

    Shoving life into a confined box. I find "semantics" and "rules" to be funny topics. I was driving by the office of a girl I casually see whom I hadn't seen in several months with: "I want to see you this week." To which she replied: "Ok. Tell me when you want me." Done and...
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    Cheating: Pro's and Con's

    Views. Keep in mind, most guys here are basing their "cheating beliefs" on not having attained the true HB10 that dazzles their soul. No honest man would say they'd cheat on Carmen Electra with anybody other than say Lyndsay Lohan, or another hotty. So it is subjective. I wouldn't...
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    Cheating: Pro's and Con's

    Re: Francisco hit it right on the head. Cheating is what it is. Is cheating wrong if a woman has remained with a boyfriend oh-so-long that's verbally abusive and decides to make the leap one night with a guy? You mean you purported "Dj's" thoroughly cleanse and wash all girls to...
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    this baffles the crap out of me...

    Re: Much like the stock market, profit opportunities exist. The dating scene is not a "perfect equilibrium" of a dating world. There's no X =Y to formulate Logic behind why hot girls go for losers. SOME, I theorize, and have had support from people, is that over time, especially for women...
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    Are women more choosier than men?

    Re: The women might get to choose who gets sex, but the men choose who they decide to provide fatherly duties for. Which do you consider more important, both in the short and long-term? A-Unit
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    I can't stop acting AFC. this sucks :(

    unplayer. Man have I been there, in the EXACT same situation. My gf during college and I split. She had all single friends who had guys with more single guy friends. She'd proclaim "he's just a friend" all under the cover of it, yet still feel O.K. being on a date with him. It's her own...
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    The Light at the End of The Tunnel.

    Re: My post maintains clarity insomuch as life does. I believe I'll always be at a point where life lacks clarity, and for simplicity's sake, to keep it simple, I hope it will. It's that, we try to fit nice, neat, tight strategies into a world, much like my post, meanders are quite a bit...
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    Shallowness of women

    Sure. I dated a 34 year old recently. And have had a on/off relationship with a 18 and 20 year old. Can I explain it? Not really. You just go for it. I got tons of shyt for the 18 year old, b/c at the time she was 17. When she began seeing me, she reset her new age limit to...
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    Why men are losing interest in women

    Re: Absolutely. Funny, the girl I was talking to last night about this has a new bf named Kevin. She too was a power hungry gal. Refuted much of what I stated and said... "i don't want to be thrown back into the kitchen. i don't want to be enslaved." It's as if refuting feminism is...
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    The Light at the End of The Tunnel.

    Re: You need to have your own values and stick to your guns. I can't tell one person WHAT they should do, anymore than they can tell me. If you need to go out and bang tons of girls to find who you are or what you want, go for it. If you need to settle down with one girl because you're...
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    The Light at the End of The Tunnel.

    Re: This is a great attitude to have, too. You do what you do on your time. Sure, I used to hit up a club, like many, and scope as many broads to bring home, but is that the place you want to really meet someone? In any event, my post was meant to highlight the fact that, this is a...
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    Why men are losing interest in women

    Re: Rollo, AWESOME POSTS. That should be copied, printed, and handed out to every guy HERE and every woman in the world. I had THIS very same conversation with my working mother who's a nurse. She went part-time when she had me and took some time off. She's a great motherly figure...
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    The Light at the End of The Tunnel.

    I don't recall how I found SoSuave, specifically, what I do know is, such things are a significant portion of your journey, through seduction, women, and more importantly life. When I began dating, it just 'happened.' In HS, I pretty much did what all guys do, what I wanted. There was...
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    The Serious Look ?

    Re: Now we're worrying about what masks we wear in public when you use a certain tactic? I bet the guru Gods are laughing at this right now. A-Unit
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    What women really think of men today

    Re: Where do they get these impressions of men? If it weren't already planted there from friends or Oprah or lame dating shows, they wouldn't KNOW to label such things. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, as well. If a woman BELIEVES men are these things, they see ways to find men or situations...
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    pook's 15 lessons are MISLEADING... also why SELF IMPROVEMENT SHOULD NOT BE THE FOCUS

    Re: To a degree, I agree. In a post, you may or may not have read, I made mention to the "idealism" present on the site. It got knocked around a bit, but I stand by it wholeheartedly. And you can sense it day in and day out as guys' muse over "The essence of a DJ." "The traits of a...
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    Anti-Dump's Machine (Part I: Interest Level)

    Re: I agree very much so with Anti-Dump and believe it's about finding what you like. For one reason or another, perhaps TV, society, familial brainwashing, or just NEED, guys feel they have to maneveur and seduce. With that mindset, you do what it takes to get the END goal, while not enjoying...
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    We Fall In Love With The "IDEA"

    Brainwashing. It can't be both ways. Women can't take the lead role, but then expect men to be true men, head of households, and uphold their position. Likewise, a woman can't be a woman if she tries to usurp the man's role. As previously mentioned, the chemicals in our body (hormones,etc) make...
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    pook's 15 lessons are MISLEADING... also why SELF IMPROVEMENT SHOULD NOT BE THE FOCUS

    Re: It doesn't take anything "to get girls." It really doesn't. There's fat moo cow girls who are so desperate for a lay, she'd PAY You to go down on her. There's user women who want a guy who'd supply their druggy habit and Louie- V habit. There's beaten women, who need a guy to keep...
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    pook's 15 lessons are MISLEADING... also why SELF IMPROVEMENT SHOULD NOT BE THE FOCUS

    Re: I get it that, you desire to KNOW how to get chicks, and if that's the case, go, by some Ross Jeffries stuff, and some DYD. BUT...speak to them, and no matter what your CORE is, you can't throw anything on a wall that won't take. It's like putting additions on a home...