Why men are losing interest in women

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
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Originally posted by TillTheEndOfTime
There is a conspiracy theory that it is in fact lesbians who are behind it in order to corrupt heterosexual relations. I'm not 100% sure about this, but there is some evidence that points to this possiblity....because yes, infact some of the more prominent feminists were lesbian.....this is why feminism CANNOT work. The majority of females are not lesbians. Gays are 10-15, MAYBE 20% tops of the population.
The former leader of the national womens association who stepped down like 2 years ago (forget the exact name) the biggest womens group in america, SHE WAS A LESBIAN! Im talking about a real lesbian, not the women that play them in porn movies and happen to be hot but arent really lesbian. Real lesbians is what you see in cities everywhere, women that cut their hair like men, dress like men, many have mullets, they want to look like men even though they hate men!

btw you talk of a conspiracy, here is an article you should read. You might not agree with everything but it has some good points
heterosexual society is under siege
here are some great quotes from it
Gay activists pretend they are seeking "tolerance" and "equality." But privately they admit that their hidden agenda is to reshape society in their own image. They don't care how much harm they do.

"The end goal of the feminist revolution is the elimination of the sex distinction itself," says Shulamith Firestone (The Dialectic of Sex, 1972, p.11)

"Heterosexual hegemony is being eroded," writes Gary Kinsman. "The forms of sexuality considered natural have been socially created and can be socially transformed." (The Regulation of Desire: Sexuality in Canada, 1987, p.219)

"In a free society, everyone will be gay," says Allen Young, a pioneer of the Gay Liberation Movement. (John D'Emilio, Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America, p.322)

"In one sense the right is right." says gay historian Jonathan Katz: if gay and lesbian liberationists ever achieve full equality, they will do away with the social need for the hetero/homo division. The secret of the most moderate, mainstream gay and lesbian civil rights movement is its radically transformative promise (or threat, depending on your values). (The Invention of Heterosexuality, 1995, p.188.) Emphasis mine.
Scary? YOU BET. I don't know about you people but I have had first hand experience with this brainwashing. In my college english class we spent several days talking about feminism and the teacher tried to brainwash us with this same crap! basically telling us that 'gender roles' are created by society even though it is scientific fact that men/women are different (men are agressive, women are passive).

It was disgusting seing my fellow students fall for this propaganda. I wanted to skip class all those days. Trust me on this you will end up experiencing this brainwashing yourself sooner or later in school My only advice is not to be scared and question it! debate your teacher, do what I didn't do because of fear of getting a bad grade/being hated by the teacher/being outnumbered by the feminists in the room. I sat quietly like the rest of the guys/girls in the class and just listened to this crap and I suffered! Now i think about it and I wish I had raised my hand and debated the teacher and exposed all this crap he was brainwashing us with! whocares if my fellow students looked at me and thought I was dumb for going against the stablishment, who cares what they think!

The only thing that saved me from being brainwashed is that I had read Makows site for a long time, and I had read of reports of colleges from accross the U.S teaching students this crap! I was prepared and I knew what was coming/what they were trying to do to me.

It was even worse when I discovered that there was a class in my college dedicated to nothing but feminism talk! this class happened to be in the same room as my math class, the class just before it. So one day I waited till the feminism class ended and the students starting come out of the room, I went in the room while there were still lots of students from the feminist class there, so I sit down and wait for my math class but really to try and see what they were doing there and talking about after class was over. The teacher (feminist looking lezbo looking woman) had on the projector screen all this propaganda about men/women being the same! and how men should be re-educated to be more feminine to 'make the world a better place.'

It sickened me knowing that guys and girls took this class, and they were being brainwashed without knowing it!

THEY ARE TRYING TO FEMINIZE MEN! they want men and women to be the same! act, dress, look the same!

These people are responsible for turning men into sissies. A man that shows his masculine side is considered a threat.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Joe The Homophobe
The former leader of the national womens association who stepped down like 2 years ago (forget the exact name) the biggest womens group in america, SHE WAS A LESBIAN! Im talking about a real lesbian, not the women that play them in porn movies and happen to be hot but arent really lesbian. Real lesbians is what you see in cities everywhere, women that cut their hair like men, dress like men, many have mullets, they want to look like men even though they hate men!

btw you talk of a conspiracy, here is an article you should read. You might not agree with everything but it has some good points
heterosexual society is under siege
here are some great quotes from it

Scary? YOU BET. I don't know about you people but I have had first hand experience with this brainwashing. In my college english class we spent several days talking about feminism and the teacher tried to brainwash us with this same crap! basically telling us that 'gender roles' are created by society even though it is scientific fact that men/women are different (men are agressive, women are passive).

It was disgusting seing my fellow students fall for this propaganda. I wanted to skip class all those days. Trust me on this you will end up experiencing this brainwashing yourself sooner or later in school My only advice is not to be scared and question it! debate your teacher, do what I didn't do because of fear of getting a bad grade/being hated by the teacher/being outnumbered by the feminists in the room. I sat quietly like the rest of the guys/girls in the class and just listened to this crap and I suffered! Now i think about it and I wish I had raised my hand and debated the teacher and exposed all this crap he was brainwashing us with! whocares if my fellow students looked at me and thought I was dumb for going against the stablishment, who cares what they think!

The only thing that saved me from being brainwashed is that I had read Makows site for a long time, and I had read of reports of colleges from accross the U.S teaching students this crap! I was prepared and I knew what was coming/what they were trying to do to me.

It was even worse when I discovered that there was a class in my college dedicated to nothing but feminism talk! this class happened to be in the same room as my math class, the class just before it. So one day I waited till the feminism class ended and the students starting come out of the room, I went in the room while there were still lots of students from the feminist class there, so I sit down and wait for my math class but really to try and see what they were doing there and talking about after class was over. The teacher (feminist looking lezbo looking woman) had on the projector screen all this propaganda about men/women being the same! and how men should be re-educated to be more feminine to 'make the world a better place.'

It sickened me knowing that guys and girls took this class, and they were being brainwashed without knowing it!

THEY ARE TRYING TO FEMINIZE MEN! they want men and women to be the same! act, dress, look the same!

These people are responsible for turning men into sissies. A man that shows his masculine side is considered a threat.
Damn just reading what you wrote about what's going on in your school is making my blood boil....almost literally. It's sh1t like that which is contributing to the downfall of modern society. Men are men, women are women. That is how it is. If you look at every culture in the world that has prospered, you will see there are definite gender roles that are not compromised within those cultures. They may not be the same as in North America, but they are there and they exist for a reason. It's this structure that allowed them to reach the greatness that they did. It's all about team work between the genders.

This stupid BS about "no such thing" as gendre is fundamentally flawed. I don't care if some prof with a PHD says this. He/she should have his/her degree revoked for such teachings. The fact is that statistics are completely denying these suggestions. What does the prof say? The idea of men being the providers and protects is only a "culturally" driven notion?

I think not. Look anywhere in the animal kingdom, and you'll see this male role being repeated over and over again with other primates and animals. And about statistics? For one thing look at the divorce rate. It's higher than every before. Look at birth rates. They're lower than ever before. In Canada I think there is a true stat that if it wasn't for immigration, we would have a NEGATIVE growth factor (i.e. we're dying out).

Women have decided it is "sexist" (thanks feminism) to be expected to raise children (God forbid they do what nature intended). Now what did we get from this? Columbine, several other related shootings. Kids basically out of control. No strong parental figure to guide them and support them. This was practically unheard of 30-40 years ago before feminism went mainstream.

Remember the baby boom?....yeah that was before the mass feminazi movement. It's no coincidence that all these stats came about after feminism did.

Oh and can't forget marrying up. Yes, an overwhelming majority of women marry up...even with social conditioning. This is yet another sign that there is an engraved genetic distinction which is distinguishes men and women. When will these morons learn. There is a reason there are both men and women. There is a reason we have ****s and women have vaginas. If we were meant to be the same there would not be two sexes with two different sets of genitalia.

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by TillTheEndOfTime
There is a conspiracy theory that it is in fact lesbians who are behind it in order to corrupt heterosexual relations. I'm not 100% sure about this, but there is some evidence that points to this possiblity....because yes, infact some of the more prominent feminists were lesbian.....this is why feminism CANNOT work. The majority of females are not lesbians. Gays are 10-15, MAYBE 20% tops of the population.

First of all we cannot have a mass movement like this being led by a clear minority. Second of all we cannot have this movement at all because it goes against your natural genetic wiring. Gays are a whole different breed and are not representative of the general population.

The main problem is that modern straight women ate this bullsh1t up with a spoon. "Oh yeah! More power to us!" Little did they know that they were helping in opening Pandora's Box.
The feminist Lesbians want to create a world where woman go around and sleep with each other regardless of their true sexual nature - young teenage girls are experimenting more than ever.

The male homos also have an agenda - to create a gay utopia where men, although they may be married to women and have children with these women, will also go around sleeping with other men.

This is evident in secret societies such this 'down-low' thing, this is also evident in the sheer amount of gay men who have kids with women, yet lead the gay lifestyle.

Gays represent 1.1% of the population, yet they get an inordinate amount of the say in our society through the gay rights movement and the mass media pandering to them with shows like Queer eye for the straight guy, Queer as Folk, Darma and Greg.

The first step is for them to slowly gain accetance - to become almost normal, by seeping their ideas into the psyche of society, then they hope to change and mold society through the schools.

This is no conspiracy.

We as straight men win this battle by acting like MEN. That's why a site like this is so important.

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by TillTheEndOfTime
Gays are 10-15, MAYBE 20% tops of the population.
Not to be rude but:

BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****


That is the gay rights movement and the mainstream media feeding that lie.

The reality is more like 1%.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Man, where do I begin? I've read Makow, I've read Dr. Farrell and I think I can offer a few insights here.

I can remember my last gender studies class, I took it for 2 reasons - First, because it was one of 2 classes offered on the entire campus that covered a capstone, a humanities and a diversity requirement for my degree; in other words I would have to take 3 individual classe (and pay for each separately) to cover the degree requirements that this single class would supply. The only other class that covers all three is holocaust studies. This should illustrate the severity that the university system places on feminist issues; on par with the Jewish holocaust.

Secondly, I wanted to put my money where my mouth was (so to speak). For a long time I've argued gender issues from a masculine viewpoint, but it wasn't until I learned their 'language' that I could argue the case and walk away with respect. I know the rationalizations and jargon now. I've read their books now. I was one of 2 men in a class of 45 and did the sh!t ever fly thick and furious in our 'discussion times'. All I did was apply a rational pragmatic approach in opposition to their points, I didn't wave the "male power" banner or get on any soap boxes - I didn't have to; the simple fact was that there was an unspoken expectation from both men and women to almost autonomously agree with these precepts. As if by attending the class you'd have to already understand them. I didn't. I called them out and in the most calm and respectful way I could muster, I presented that what they were espousing was only valid from a certain viewpoint.

I had the advantage of being a 'masculist' before I went into this class. What I came away with was an impression of feminism that most of you guys have stated here already, but it's more underneath the social skin than most people are willing to admit. Feminism hates anything that counters it, this is why new fields of psychology (such as evolutionary and social psych) are demeaned. Carl Jung is the messiah of feminists because his personality theories jive so well with the agenda. But put behaviorism infront of them and they'll tear their hair out finding ways to prop themselves back up.

You see feminism (and homosexuality) rely on the idea that gender is taught not innate. It's a classic nature vs. nurture paradox. And they'll use this conveniently and interchangably. To them, little girls are little girls because society defines their gender in their upbringing (play with this pink dolly), but ask them to explain why gays are gays and it has nothing to do with their behavior or their environment, now it's genetic - they can't help it they, were born that way. The problem is that this contradicts itself. If gender is learned, then homosexuality is all learned/reinforced behavior, but if gender is inherent then feminism is a sham as women are fighting against a psychobiological order. They can't help it they were born that way, right?

So what is it? Nature or nurture? We're still studying this and more & more it's leaning toward nature, but that's not to discount nurture. Our behaviors may be an expression of our own biology and this can filter down into our social structure. I can't answer this accurately, neither can many well versed biologist or psychologist, but don't let that stop feminists.

Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I like your screen name Joe. It takes a lot of guts to stand up and be counted as one who will not bow to the flow of society.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
I think it should be considerd that Makow's doctorate is in English Literature, not psychology. And while I do fundamentally agree with his observations about feminism, I can't help but break down his flowery emotionalism with regards to power and love and their trade off without reducing it to nuts and bolts a bit more. I'm sure the guy means well, and as a writer he says it well, and I think he is on the right track, but I think reading what Dr. Warren P. Farrell has written takes Makow a bit further.

Makow is on the right track by identifying root motivations of each gender, but Farrell would call these primary drives. Men are primarily motivated by sexual impulse, women are motivated by a need for security. This bears up against biological imperatives that exist in each sex as well - men carry the most testosterone, women carry estrogen and progesterone. Power (or status) is only a means to a sexual end, love is condition of security. Each intersexual behavior both sexes display can be traced to these drives.

He was correct in his estimation of traditional gender roles. Each sex is meant to be complimentary to the other, not adversarial. Modern feminism is not concerned with equality, it is concerned with retribution and compensation. This necessitates an adversarial conditon between the sexes.

Traditional gender roles balance different privileges and obligations for men and women. Modern women want all the benefits of "equality" without any of the responsibilities.

Traditional Western culture balanced special privileges for women with special obligations, and the same for men.

Equality states that no one get special privileges, and that responsibilities and rights should be equally shared.

Either system is balanced and fair. The problem with modern Western culture is that many women want only the positives from both systems:

They want special privileges from the traditional system (men paying, being "gentlemen" by using special deferential manners and language to women, being the main breadwinner, etc) but not the old-fashioned obligations (being modest and ladylike, being a housewife, etc).

They want the positives of equality (rights, equal access to work and education, etc) without the responsibilities (paying your own way financially a full 50% for life, taking risks with no safety net, and taking your lumps without complaint like men do...not expecting to be protected or sheltered from harsh reality, etc).

You can't take only the good from both systems...you have to take the bad with the good in any balance you strike. When women try to have their cake and eat it in this way, the bad doesn't disappear...it gets paid by men, and this is why the current culture is one of exploitation by selfish hypocritical women...and it's why men are tired of the inequity.

If American women chose one system or the other and took their full share of the bad with the good there would be no problem. But current American culture discourages women being looked at critically, instead projecting all blame unjustly onto men; and so the inequity is rationalized away.

This is why other cultures which haven't got this fvcked up as far as gender relations go, start to look attractive. The women there expect to give as well as get.

Alpha Male

Don Juan
Jan 30, 2005
Reaction score
Thank goodness I found the concept of masculinity before I turned into a total wussy boy.

I've tasted the true power that is man and I aint going back!

I found a cool book in my college library thats probably out of print now but is worth a flick through if any of you guys find it.

It's called Why Men Don't Iron and it outlines the differences in physiology between men and women.
It was a great read as it didn't pander to feminist propaganda.

It basically pointed out the whole pre-wiring that goes into us even before we're born.

Give a girl action man toys and she'll do their hair and dress them up.

Give a boy Barbie dolls and he'll play fight with them.

It's just so damn liberating to be able to say "I am a man!" In the world out there it's kinda unspoken but implied that we should be ashamed for being born men. Why?


Aug 17, 2002
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In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of l
Originally posted by Don Juanabbe
Not to be rude but:

BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****


That is the gay rights movement and the mainstream media feeding that lie.

The reality is more like 1%.
Then how do you explain Ancient Greece (during Plato's time) when it was NORMAL and EXPECTED for an older man to take a young boy as his lover? Hell, the dialogue of Plato (Symposium) that talks about this is one of the first sources from antiquity that describes romantic love as we understand it today. Except of course they were talking about guy on guy.

If only 1% is naturally gay then why did a society do it on such a large scale? Unless of course human beings are more open to bi-sexual tendancies then you would like to admit.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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Originally posted by ShortTimer
Then how do you explain Ancient Greece (during Plato's time) when it was NORMAL and EXPECTED for an older man to take a young boy as his lover? Hell, the dialogue of Plato (Symposium) that talks about this is one of the first sources from antiquity that describes romantic love as we understand it today. Except of course they were talking about guy on guy.

If only 1% is naturally gay then why did a society do it on such a large scale? Unless of course human beings are more open to bi-sexual tendancies then you would like to admit.
They did this to keep control of their officers and men in battle. They felt that women would weaking their abilities to fight.

It was similair to ancient eating of certain organs to obtain the power of that animal.

Officers and higher soldiers wouldn't be willing to fight to the death if they had a wife and children at home.

The greeks your thinking of were called the Spartans. The were a group of badassed sodiers and were one of the most feared of their day.

But were is the greek society now?

At this point you probably have a woman (or multiple women) chasing you around, calling you all the time, wanting to be with you. So let's talk about how to KEEP a woman interested in you once you have her. This is BIG! There is nothing worse than getting dumped by a woman that you really, really like.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
Plato's Symposium was an essay on love and it's various incarnations, not a gay specific discourse. Women are mentioned as often and love is also defined in terms of intersexual friendship and loyalty as well.

To be fair you'd also have to consider that homosexuality is more evident in cultures that have achieved a higher degree of socialization as well. The Greeks and Romans were far more tolerant of homosexuality and this was limited to male on male, women were property so no one cared or recorded anything about their sexual habits.. You don't hear much about homosexuality in Dynastic China or Ancient Egypt, nor is there much in Germanic, Gaul or even Native American cultures. Homosexuals love to justify their 'heritage' with Greco-Roman 'proof', but the lack of it in other cultures far outweighs this. And again, this solves nothing with regards to whether homosexuality is biological or behavioral, the notion that the Greeks encouraged homosexuality is only reinforcment for the behavioral thesis.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Juanabbe
Not to be rude but:

BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****, BULL****


That is the gay rights movement and the mainstream media feeding that lie.

The reality is more like 1%.
I was exaggerating because it depends on where you live. In some places there are concentrated gays, but yeah overall I think there is about 5%.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Rollo Tomassi
Plato's Symposium was an essay on love and it's various incarnations, not a gay specific discourse. Women are mentioned as often and love is also defined in terms of intersexual friendship and loyalty as well.

To be fair you'd also have to consider that homosexuality is more evident in cultures that have achieved a higher degree of socialization as well. The Greeks and Romans were far more tolerant of homosexuality and this was limited to male on male, women were property so no one cared or recorded anything about their sexual habits.. You don't hear much about homosexuality in Dynastic China or Ancient Egypt, nor is there much in Germanic, Gaul or even Native American cultures. Homosexuals love to justify their 'heritage' with Greco-Roman 'proof', but the lack of it in other cultures far outweighs this. And again, this solves nothing with regards to whether homosexuality is biological or behavioral, the notion that the Greeks encouraged homosexuality is only reinforcment for the behavioral thesis.
They can't compare themselves to ancient people. Acts of "homosexuality" served a completely different purpose back then.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
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south west, uk
Contraception hormones!

Estrogen in the water supply, we'll all be women by 2050

Apparently, when women pee who are on the pill they excrete high doses of estrogen, the dominant female hormone. This is not fully extracted at water treatment plants.

Fish populations in rivers are dwindling, they found the reason is there were fewer and fewer male fish due to the level of estrogens.

Can this explain the problem.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
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I'm by no means an expert on any of this, but from what i observe.... I think females could be wanting the power more these days as the article says, BUT not the responsibility that comes with it. They may act to gain the power in a relationship, but when it comes to responsibilities like decisive thinking, it gets palmed off to the male.

Whereas a male accept the responsibilities that come with the power, because it's nature for a man to want power (and it always comes with responsibilities).... yet, with females, it is not in their NATURE to want power, it's drilled into them, so when it comes to dealing with the associated responsibilities, they have no natural capability to accept those.

It's kind of like an example in one of those articles where the man was scared that the woman would be angry because he did everything but the dishes.... Clearly she has the power, but the man has the responsibility of doing all these things? I think that if a woman wants to be this powerful man-like creature, then she can go out into the heat and paint the house while i watch TV :p

I have no idea about any of this, just my worthless $0.02 lol

Just because a woman listens to you and acts interested in what you say doesn't mean she really is. She might just be acting polite, while silently wishing that the date would hurry up and end, or that you would go away... and never come back.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Alpha Male

I found a cool book in my college library thats probably out of print now but is worth a flick through if any of you guys find it.

It's called Why Men Don't Iron and it outlines the differences in physiology between men and women.
It was a great read as it didn't pander to feminist propaganda.
out of print? why not scan it and send us copies?

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Most people miss the boat on these articles. Everyone clearly agrees that it is in humans nature for men to be men and women to be women. Therefore the man woman relationship of power/relenting of power is natural also. So what does that mean? It means it is in a woman's nature to relent to a men no matter what her logical brain or Oprah tells her. This is why people like Pook and myself always stress evolving to be the best person you can be. A woman in love with a man will murder her mother or child for him. She will rob banks (bonnie and clyde), and kill anyone he tells her (the manson girls). When you become an excellent man (always striving to be better), her nature will kick in. Every article printed all said the same thing a Man and Womans relationship NATURALLY works with Him in power her submitting. Man you are the catalyst for her nature, not her. So for all those who try to skip self improving to get women you are talking the long route.
You put a fish in water it will swim, show a bird the sky it will fly, Be a Man and she will Be a Woman!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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That should be copied, printed, and handed out to every guy HERE and every woman in the world.

I had THIS very same conversation with my working mother who's a nurse. She went part-time when she had me and took some time off. She's a great motherly figure and has lasted with my hard-to-deal father over 25 years. She AGREED that the current system is flawed.

I painted it as such...

Girls are currently attendening college from age 18 to 22. They're incurring debt in the amounts of $10,000 all the way up to $100,000 [I have 2 cousins doing this RIGHT now]. IF they decide to marry, the DEBT becomes joint ownership, as it did when my aunt and uncle married over 15 years ago. My uncle ASSUMED the debt payments. SO, on top of HIS college loans, a mortgage because they got married, he now had HER debt. Low and behold, she gets pregnant, who has to take care of ALL the debt payments for the family? AND, just about the time THEIR old loans finish, loans for their kids start up. See the cycle that's been created?

If you can't see the real situation, don't hesitate to PM me as I will enlighten you, particularly from a financial advisor's standpoint.

I have several X's with over 50k in debt WANTING kids, to settle down, etc, but who would marry them? If you don't know it, then you might ACCIDENTLY do it...but big mistake...

Show of hands...

For those guys who've been in and out of relationships, how many of the failed ones were from women who were seemingly possessed by Feminism, had a bad family background, or were super power hungry?

I took a tally, once I found Makow's site and others, and it seems the girls I found most attractive and lasted the longest with, weren't necessarily always the most beautiful (though some were), they were the ones who desired to be married, had ok homes, and were more into the traditional gender roles.

Problems, for me, erupted with girls who came from divorced families or girls who BOUGHT into the new social order currently being pitched by feminist abroad.

Please, can you tell me Orpah couldn't be Gay? She's so unattractive its ridiculous. My posting "The Light at the End of The Tunnel" was created in part by the realization that there's more at work, and that by succumbing to the many seduction strategies out there, we're giving into the system.

Because MEN are accepting women who are so free spirited and promiscuous, the cycle continues with the underlying belief that it's OK. It isn't. If you impart all this freedom, all this belief that men are the enemy, then you achieve the end goal of some higher power. Look at the facts...divorce up, family strength, child birthing rates down, even feminine presence at college is up. What gives?

We bytch about social world order, and think its some cop out, but in reality, it isn't.



Call on Al Bundy.

In all seriousness, it's not that it worries me, because I'm awake to what's happening, and the more people I broach on this topic, either male or female, the more people agree who never realized it. And it's a rare day when my mother and father see what i"m saying. But it's true.

And that's a great point made as well Rollo...

You can't have both equality of power, yet remain in a demure status. If that were so, if feminism was true and worked, women should by the notion of paying for dates, asking men out, making the moves, buying the condomns, picking us up, etc. And when they have kids, we'll stay at home. Let's bring this to the logical-worst case scenario, just Ayn Rand did when all the world's greatest minds left the place. Let's pain the picture of a world where gender roles DON'T EXIST. Where men are women and women are men...where no roles are specific. Where women join the NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL...where they join the front lines and defend the country. If having a baby isn't signal enough that we're not only chemically, hormonally, psychologically, and spiritually different, I don't know what will.


Alpha Male

Don Juan
Jan 30, 2005
Reaction score
That is one awesome post A-Unit. The more you say, the more I agree with you.

On some level we know that women being so masculine (for want of a better word) is just plain wrong.
It's unattractive, it's offensive on some primal level, it leads to a lot of unfulfilled women but it's so widespread most people can't see it.
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Peace and Quiet

If you currently have too many women chasing you, calling you, harassing you, knocking on your door at 2 o'clock in the morning... then I have the simple solution for you.

Just read my free ebook 22 Rules for Massive Success With Women and do the opposite of what I recommend.

This will quickly drive all women away from you.

And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.
