Funny, the girl I was talking to last night about this has a new bf named Kevin. She too was a power hungry gal. Refuted much of what I stated and said...
"i don't want to be thrown back into the kitchen. i don't want to be enslaved."
It's as if refuting feminism is doing just that. It goes to show how few women 'know' what feminism is and how families operate.
The structure is...
Feminism vs. men.
If you don't support it, you want women bare, foot, naked, and prego. Well, honestly, I do. Don't all men?
Some how American society has taught young girls it's better to be a bank manager, some azzhole CEO at Enron's secretary, some accountant, or other JOB to gain validation and value. It's as if:
JOB/Career = value
Mother/No Career = no value
Ask a girl why she's go to college. To get a job. Why do you want a job? To make money. Why do you want money? To buy things and be independent. Why do you want to be independent? DUH...Long pause.
It's called a VALUES HIERARCHY. If you follow it to its end, you realize most people have mishapen values or none at all. Most women just GO TO COLLEGE OR GET A JOB because it's WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO. And like acting all sexual, all flirthy, all slutty, they just do it, too.
When you go to college or any other skill, you're investing in your future, usually thousands of dollars, money that is probably better spent investing in real estate right now. (Facetious). Anyway, for a woman who's going to duck in and out of the career path, it's a valueless proposition.
Firstly because their prime childbirthing years coincide with their prime career building years. That time is when us men build our connections, experience, and fail; same with women.
Secondly, they, at least in my experience, don't invest as much time into improving their skills in a corporate environment. Most girls are reading romance novels, not business books. And that's ok.
But compare this...
What if us men were told:
Isn't that what feminism is doing to women and their idenitities now?
See the assumption is made in society that, women should be 100% like men.
They should fvck as much as we do. [enabled by bc].
They should attend college to get an education, yet NOT be the primary provider.
They should work jobs.
They should be allowed to play big boy sports. [Annika Sorenstam]
They should, they should, they should.
Fine open the doors. Let the women who choose to, do so, but DON'T make it some mandatory plan FOR ALL women. AND don't try to change society and have your cake and eat it, too.
If you're going to assume our positions, play our sports, and fight our front lines, then also accept the duty of providing primarily for the homes, taking us out on dates, pursuing us for numbers, pursuing us for sex, and so on. The major double standard is....
Do everything as boys do, but expect everything as if you're still a girl.
Ain't that a crock of shyt?
Ask any mother if a girl should pay for the date, pick the boy, pursue the sex, propose, provide for the home, etc, and she'd say no. THEN, ask her if she should do all the manly things and it's YES. Well, if women ask of us for one right, shouldn't we men ALSO get another right in return? IT IS CALLED EQUALITY, is it not?
Women aren't seeing this until you wake them up. They get slopping drunk at college, ***** themselves around, and THEN wonder why men yell shyt out car windows at them like we're yelling at our guy friends. THEY've taken on those traits and characteristics!
Guys are AFC because they're too weak or to naive to BLOCK all the social programming that exists. You have to tune it down ALL THE WAY. Drown out the noise.
Rollo made an awesome point before regarding being born with homosexuality and being trained to be gay. If males and females are gay from birth, then what are we if we're heterosexual? Confused?
I keep having the picture of the SouthPark episode where Metrosexuality invaded South Park and all men went gay. In yet another episode, the men staged a protest by having 1 massive gay orgy. It's like, society has attempted the same thing. People sell such casual relationships to us, and nobody questions it. I'm not saying, let's all be PRUDE and PURITANS, but honestly, consistent hookups degrades the whole thing for everybody AND degrades it in your own eyes. Orgasms aren't as great to come by now, and now we're evaluating sexual ability, instead of a person. SEXUAL ability is learned, not born. Great sex is a sporadic act. It might happen one night over drinks, or during a movie, or after a family event. It's not something you "nail" right away. Capice?
Women, won't however see themselves as feminists. Why? They're brainwashed to believe that the while make is the devil, because he's oppressed everyother race, he must have oppressed his own flesh and blood as well. If that ain't a conspiracy I don't know what is. And you know it's a conspiracy when you're guilty until proven innocent.
When you understand there are forces out there trying to control you, that WANT YOU TO BE AN AFC for someone else's agenda, I hope it springs you into action so you realize you don't NEED skills, tactics, etc to be the man. YOU ARE THE MAN, groups want to take that away for their own right. By being an AFC, in a sense, you're supporting some person's other agenda, enabling them power at your expense.
Case in point...a girl i'm dating just called me to see why the lights in her won't shut off. Her words...
"i don't have a man in my life, so you're it, come take care of me"
Need we say more?