not sure if this is a dead thread or not, but after reading the first few pages, I have to agree on what's been said.
after reading this, I kinda noticed something in a differance between my grandparents and my parents that really illustrates this. My grandparents seem to be very into the specefic gender roles, my grandfather is a farmer, goes out and works all day while my grandmother stays home and cooks, cleans, raises the kids, etc. ( well she used to raise the kids, now they are all grown up. I could just see this in the way things worked when they were taking care of us for a week). My grandmother took care of all the housework, and she was the one that helped my sisters get ready for bed, do their homework, etc. She never had any complaints or anything about any of this.
My parents are slightly differant though in my opinion. Although this may not be femenism at work, even though my mom does do all the cooking, or most of it anyway, we still have to clean it up, as well as other things. Now that I think about it, I think this was just part of how my mom was raised, although it's not a major thing. Alot of the stuff is similar with the grandparents, there just seems like a few things are differant, slightly less gender specific. Although my dad is still the one with the power, kind of like that M guy who wrote all the feminism articles said, the man has power while the woman is loved. they complete each other. A week or so ago, my mom had made something to eat, and my dad was jokingly saying that he wanted it, she told him he could have it if he really wanted it. She also refers me to him almost anytime I'm asking permission to something.
Although this doesn't do a very good job showing the changes over time due to femenism, I think it is an ok example. To bad I couldn't write more about my parents, couldn't think of more differances. It just seems like their roles are slightly more obscured, and less defined.