Why men are losing interest in women


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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brucevangeorge said:
Dear Last Man Standing,

While I am not a aware of any "genetic predisposition" of an individual to be GAY. These GAY people have a very small protion of the brain which regulates sexual activity that is similar in structure to women. Straight men do not have this annomaly.

No one knows why it is cause. It could be a phylogenic representation of a gene present in the GAY's genetic information (aka. GENES).

The region is called the "Interstitial Nuclei of the Anterior Hypothalamus" (or INAH for short). This region has been dicovered to determine sexual orientatiion.

Hence, GAY guys like GUYS because they have a region that is similar to that of WOMEN. And WOMEN who have a region similar to men and they are LESBIAN.
What you are promoting is simply one of those modern "fact-pinons" Can you act usually make refference to a scientific study that provides solid prof of this?

Also how do you explain the the fact that identical twins do not both suffer from same sex attraction? This can't be related to a gene now can it?

Regardless, these acts are intrinsically disordered to the proliferation of human life since they close the sexual act to the gift of life.


New Member
May 20, 2006
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Unforunately I could not be troubled to read through all 7 pages of this thread but I will return to it tomorrow. I just wanted to say that my university was OVERRUN w/ lezzi feminazis espousing all types of feminist bull. Everything from the "womb" is the only important organ in the sexual mating process (WTF?) to "all men are terrible" and so on so forth. They would host wild conversation groups and encouraged heterosexuals to be ASHAMED of their sexuality. (again WTF?) I know this because I bought into it and I'm still mentally/psychologically f*cked because of it. I am finally starting change for the better and I am starting to realize that men (real men) are supposed to be in charge in a relationship and they should not be afraid or ashamed of their sexuality. If a woman in my life doesn't like that then she will quickly be replaced by a real woman who does. It was amazing how during my college years I would see how maybe 5-10% of all the guys on campus were banging all the hot chicks to the point where they literally had to start turning girls away. I was always frustrated, observing all of this and I would ask "why are these guys getting all this pu$$y" when I agree with what the feminists are saying and want to support the movement in any way I can." I realize what my problem was (believing feminazi garbage) and now it is time shed all of this negative social conditioning and embrace my true nature. (that being masculinity)

I also realize that the 5-10% of the guys who were getting laid all the time did not believe the feminist crap. They were into sports and were not afraid to embrace their true nature and pursue girls. They were not afraid of their sexuality but rather embraced it. Lastly they were not afraid to be sexual with women and thus were able to consistently sleep with almost any straight girl of their choosing.

About the link between feminism and lesbians. I normally don't buy into conspiracy theories and actually I don't think it is a conspiracy theory at all to assume that most of the best selling and well known feminists are lesbians. There are many gays/lesbians (all maybe?), some who I have even talked to personally, who seem to have an agenda of making the world gay or at least more gay. They agressively push this sh*t about how science has shown that everyone possesses certain gay traits/tendencies but due to social conditioning they learn to hide their gayness. (third time WTF?) What the f*ck kind of science is that? Junk science? They could never point to any particular scientific proof, but would all hide behind the P.C. shield so no one would call them on their BS, but rather applauded them for apparent brilliance(?). Let this serve as a warning. Be aware of the fact that as others have already mentioned their AGENDA IS REAL and it is planned out so don't be a fool a$$ su*cker and fall for it. Take a stand, be a man, and challenge that type of thinking that clearly goes against human nature.

One very last thing. Until the day I die I don't think I will EVER forget the time in grade school when a MALE math teacher (married w/ kids and not gay) during a school meeting, told everyone that he was a feminist. (last time WTF?)


Don Juan
Jul 11, 2002
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SI, Europe
To the original post:

This is all BULL$HIT!

Stop analysing this. Be a man and take what u want. Women will respond on your actions. If you take the right actions, the results will be great!


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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I agree, F the feminista brainwashing and M@trix!

It is mostly all a BS affront against our primal natures.

They would have you believe that you must CHOP OFF YOUR ****...in order to attract and please a woman.

Wait a minute...L M F A O !

Look, women have evolved to love a big swingin' meatclub! And a bunch of bitter lesbians ain't gonna change that fact - EVER!

So...let your nuts drop with a resounding THUD and be an UNAPOLOGETIC MAN (if you want to be respected in life and laid). If not, hey, be a feminista-sympathising wussy.


Jun 7, 2006
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Unfortunately the most attractive and higher educated woman in todays freeform democratic westernised nations society no longer require a man in their lives for their survivals.

Before "Elvis" and the "Beatles" emerged in the 50's and 60's the power of the girls has just continued to rapidly increase.

Girls needed to marry and be faithful to there husbands throughout their lives in order to survive back in the early 1900's and before this.

I guess it was the Rock'n Roll era of the 50's along with the introduction of television that led to the time when the pretty cheerleader girls began to date the basketball, baseball, and more handsome athletic types of guys that things began to dramatically change.

Both girls and guys are controled by the media through all of our modern day technological advances, girls often have better jobs than the guys do these days and can make more money and take care of themselves.

Like all other male creatures in the animal kingdom, human males still desire to enjoy their sexual pleasures and require to be with a woman due to this.

Even an "ALPHA-MALE" if you want to use that terminology can be tossed away by a successfully employed hot babe in todays environment due to their ability to easily survive without always needing them to be around.

It is extremely easy for a hot carreer babe to disguise herself and take a sexual advantage over an "ALPHA-MALE" who himself still desires a sex life for his contentment in most cases.

It is still possible of course to encounter true love with an attractive woman but it is a lot more difficult to find than it once was.

As the result the majority of guys have entered into a devastating "WUSSISM" type way of a life, yet these hot young babes still desire a guy who is stronger than they are and of whom they can look up to and respect.

It isn't easy being a guy in todays society that is why these types of websites have become so popular as we strive to become the "ALPHA-MALE" that these woman still desire, but unless you are aware of this you are obviously going to travel down the "WUSSISM" road because it seems as if you have to until you discover otherwise.

This is an "EXCELLENT" thread and one of great interest and wisdom for me, Thankyou Very Much for starting it, GOD BLESS YOU and HAPPY SARGING TO ALL. :yes:


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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Becoming The Man Supreme

Alpha Male said:
I've grown up feeling ashamed of my masculinity and even believing that women were superior to men.
Most of us all did. However, consider the facts:
Our Founding Fathers (note: not Mothers - when did they ever found a country?) believed that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal."

Modern feminists have debated this claim, proposing that women were somehow mistakenly omitted and in fact, equal to Men as well. Although they presented no evidence, Men humored them to stop their constant nagging.

But, let's examine the evidence briefly, shall we?

Our intellectual, medical, scientific and technological advancements throughout the history of mankind have been propelled and innovated largely by Men. Men average 4-8 IQ points higher than women. Most of our inventive and abstract geniuses (Tesla, Bohr, Nakamatsu, the inventive Chinese, etc) have all come fully-equipped with IQ-boosting bait & tackle. Who the hell invented the computers and internet we're all on RIGHT NOW???
Advantage --> Men.

Exploration - when it comes to thinking and stepping outside the known box - Men bravely set out where women fear to tread. To go where no woman has gone before. Has there ever been a woman on the moon? No. Men discovered the known world, while women slowly followed behind in our footsteps.
Advantage --> Men.

Military defense - Men have served as the cannon-fodder to defend women, children and turf for millenia now. When push comes to shove, women stay back while Men step up to the front lines en masse.
Advantage --> Men.

The field of arts, music and comedy has also been dominated by Men - from Paganini to Hendrix to 2Pac. The great Greek sculptors, painters, etc. Even all the top chefs in the culinary arts are Men! When was the last time a woman really ROCKED or a comic killed...EVER?
Advantage --> Men.

Athletics are so dominated by men that they must be segregated. Men are naturally born larger and stronger. Hence, Men simply beat women in everything from boxing to track & field to figure skating. Anything a woman can do here...a Man can do better.
Advantage --> Men.

Spirituality. Well, most every spiritual system has been founded by a Man - as well as most of the highest adepts. And let's not forget that Yahweh in the Bible, as well as Jesus, were both "he's."
Advantage --> Men.

Sex - Men can pee standing up and don't get periods, babies or yeast infections.
Advantage --> Men.

Men: 6
Women: 0

If they were another species - surely there'd be no question that they were inferior? And if it weren't for Men, where would women be today? Still sitting in caves eating their toejam gossiping about the latest cavewh0re?
Yes, this is a lot of tongue-in-cheeky generalizations only (with some noted exceptions) - but also quite factual on the whole. So, the next time some ignorant feminista guilt-trips you as the inferior bogeyman gender, be sure to PUT HER IN HER RIGHTFUL PLACE. Quickly remind her of all the credit the male gender is rightfully due in getting her where she is at today! Never be intimidated by your "inferiors" again!!! Instead, step up to the plate and BE THE UNAPOLOGETICALLY SUPERIOR MAN she is genetically-hardwired to want deep down inside, despite all her societal PC conditioning! Quit hanging your head down in shame and hold it up HIGH and MIGHTY! You are MAN, so let them hear you ROAR!
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. - George Orwell
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Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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The reason sites like this exist is due to the underlining problem!
Men have lost direction and are confused!

I once saw a program on a guy at birth who had an operation that went wrong and his penis was removed by accident, so the doctors and the family tried to bring him up as a girl, but as soon has the hormones kicked in he could not loose is true nature, no matter what the social conditioning was.

The problem with feminist culture can be broke down into a few simple things:
Women do not want equality; they only want the equality that suit's there ideal of getting an independent life! Humans are very selfish by nature; no one has ever committed an unselfish act or if they have it has been very, very rare, they are usually martyrs or labeled as holy!
Every action we do as an equal reaction, for example:
Donating money to charity it gives us a feeling of goodness and a quality to our soul due to ‘doing the right thing’, this feeling is unavoidable, so the point is did we give money to be unselfish? But how could we when we derived reaction from it?

The thing I understand when it comes to ppl is they will take the easy options, women are no different.
Society has glamorized feminist culture and turned it completely top side up and not on an axis, it a coin face up, where it should be lying on its side to truly work!
Same with the ideology of racism in a way, it can be argued racism is so politically correct even talking to a black guy about his culture is taboo, not to mention the flaws and the abuse that one sided system allows.
But unlike racism, feminist ideals are not slowing down if anything they are building momentum. Racism is starting to see more of a balance, a slow balance but you can witness more of an integration of cultures in out society as ppl understand more! The difference with racism and feminism is the true problem, this is why I use such a far out model as racism, let me explain.

Racism is much about fear and lack of understanding and holding onto false beliefs, it does not cater to the selfish motivation gene, it caters to the comment sense, in all things racism has a balance all to its own there is a positive and a negative to ppl trying to abuse it! what I am saying is both spectrums can abuse it equally thus we see the problem! and eventually it is corrected.

Feminism it caters to the selfish gene, it has no direct opposing negatives.
It is instituted by a selfish ideal of equality but without true equality, it can be abused with out consequence! For example a women embracing feminist beliefs can lead a very productive life and never have to worry about being truly equally in taking the sh** like a man would have to endure! They can opt out why? Women's nature crops up again they can opt out since by nature women should not be expected to get raw and dirty and get thick in the sh** with the men. We has men are the negative opposite, but due to our drives we want to embrace that which is female so we accept the glimmer of feminity, we allow them to be women! But the women can easily exploit this and they know it deep down. The true negative would be men dating men and leaving women to fend for themselves or try to win men back over. But men are our own worst enemies in the feminist war, we are governed at most by our sex drive so we easily supplicate to the extreme feminist with not much friction. There exists no equal negative.

But can we blame women truly? we are all selfish by nature we offer it they are certainly going to take it! We want them to be female, to be chased and pampered we want them to be at home and raise our children with a motherly love like we grew to understand and a fathers respect. so we grip onto it.
But what we are now finding is women do not need men and replacing us with the rabbit! Men sex drives and enforced social conditioning keeps us pushing for that se* and men will sacrifice themselves for it. Women social conditioning lesson the impact of the sex drive as well has other internal drives (see emotion rather then physical)

Women have got there cake and they are eating it! The problem is the society has shifted from the family perspective to the single life independent ideal, with only a few ppl now embracing the path of the family.

We are turning more and more into the fiction that is 'the brave new world'.
Where we value our place in society over our place in nature!

Society is the true flaw in all of this not women, we have engineered this as much as women have. But at least Men are seeing the problem from the women’s negative the point is the women are NOT seeing the point from a men’s negative! This is a scary ideal.
This does not apply to all women but the attraction of feminist ideals is very hard to ignore, it will grow a lot bigger! The role of the true man is being fazed out, only now men are seeing to get and keep a women is to become a man nature men’t you to be and over-ride all that social programming, or find a women who embraces the female traits a lot of us want to see, like family values and female etiquette, even then there are far more options in our society for the women I feel then the man due to us men handing so much to women in the first place.

For every guy who opposes feminist ideals there will be 3 more supporting them in the hopes of getting in her pants!


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2006
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Ofcourse most women are unattractive now. The current motto of "strong, independent woman" is idioitic. Is that supposed to turn me on? Why am I supposed to want a girl friend who wants to be independent from me?!

Women also now have lack of responsibility. They take advantage of the fact that most guys don't fight girls, so in a social situation for example, if you say something that they don't like, they can yell at you for no reason at all. There are no ramifications of this. Or they can choose to be passive aggresive attention wh0res. Again, there's no consequences in this soceity because there will always be enough guys lining up for her.

Another problem is just how fat some girls are. But that's another topic.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
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Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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fuzzx said:
Ok guys, since I've been around the warzone a bit I thought I'd throw in a little input. The feminazi culture only extends so far. Canada, USA, England, Japan as far as I know are the main breeders for this stuff. (been to each one) so I'm speaking from exp.


I started travelling mainly to try teaching english and to explore the world but recently its been for a very different reason. To meet quality women. My current girlfriend *Mexican* went to a finishing school like the one above. She wants to have kids and has even asked me to marry her a few times already. Her parents got us an apartment beside their house, gave me a cellphone and got me a car. She cooks, cleans and sews and she has more $$$ than paris hilton. I went out with a couple girls like this in Brazil same deal (more sex). This girl is the most family oriented person I've ever met though. My point is that there are still traditional girls who like being feminine in other countries. Try going 3rd world, even if you don't speak the language. Love and/or sex drive seems to conquer all. There are very rich girls who will want to go out with you and very poor girls, take your pick... they are both nice.

I can sit around and play D&D with her brother and his friends, I don't have to act alpha or do half the **** that I have to do in the west. Infact when I was doing the DJ stuff in Brazil, the girls were getting mad at me and leaving. All I had to do was relax, go afc-a bit tell them I liked them alot and kiss them. I wouldn't have gotten this girl had I not been straight up with her. I broke the 'rules' and told her I liked her right away. Apparently she felt the same way and here I am.

I don't think alot of guys realize that PUA stuff is basically made up of strategies and methods devised to get a little tail from the feminazis. Some of the basic stuff still works but there are alot of things that are just overkill for countries with traditional girls. If your interested in methods to get out of your current situation and live abroad please email me right now, I'll be happy to help. There is a world of women waiting for you, quality guys! Why eat from the garbage dump when you can be having 5 star meals served to you on golden platters?

I can confirm all of what you wrote because I too know a girl that is mexican. She has provided me with much hope and she is thin and very attractive. This girl is only 21 and yet she is far more mature about relationships and love then ANY other woman I know from US or Canada (even those over 30!).

The fat feminists turn attractive girls into usless bi-tchy sluts so that they can be the only ones around for marriage.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2006
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DevanE said:
My God, when I first came across this thread Im thinking "wtf are these people talking about" but the more I read, saw, observed and listened to it was ridiculous and true EVERYTHING in this topic has been covered. I was shocked and somewhat scared to my core how scary people have been because of this "brain-washing". I decided to watch T.V in suuuuch a long time because in all honestly as I am getting older Im realizing that its a waste of time same thing with video-games. Regardless, I decided to watch the show Tyra and I'm thinking its gonna be this usual talk-show bullsh*t but that bullsh*t was true to everything in this thread about Feminist brainwashing.

Their is a couple and their relationship doesn't seem to be "working out". My first guess was "..its the women..". The guy is a successful college graduate with a solid degree and dude isn't bad-looking. The female is also a college graduate and very attractive HOWEVER, she was brainwashed beyond belief. Allow me to explain.

The couple was supposed to get married and were also engaged to be married, HOWEVER, the girl had cold feet AFTER being engaged for 6 months. So she calls it off. Tyra asks her "What was her reason, why did she call it off..?". This is the girls answer word to word.

"...Well Tyra because you know I have just graduated college and I feel as if I need to explore the world more and I feel as if being married is taking away from my independence..."

WTF does that mean..?

Tyra:- Well how exactly does getting married interfere with your independence..?
Female:- Well Tyra I feel as if he is trying to control me by us getting married, I mean I just graduated college, I haven't even gotten into my career that I planned to and I just wanna see the world a little more and I feel as if us getting married is taking away my freedom and independence.

Are you f*in serious ?

(BTW the topic of the show was "How my spouse is controlling our relationship", these convo's Im posting aren't word to word but they are pretty acurate as to what the female said)

Tyra:- well you know you can also get married and still continue on with your career, their are many options and I think your kinda being a little selfish...
Female:- you know Tyra I AM being selfish (I could not believe this bit*h said that), I just feel as if its time for me, I want time for myself, I mean their is soo much to explore (WTF this female wanna explore)..etc etc...

To sum it up this female was very confused and she even admitted being confused and wanted the guy to be her fb, didn't wanna marry him, just wanted to date him and fuk him while "exploring" other di*ks on the side. My mouth dropped in shock because I was and didn't realize the extent of this feminist crap.


P.S:- Good post JonWON!!!!
Really, it's not that women want to "explore the world" and "take time for themselves" it's that they also want to get married and have children and have a career and, etc., etc., etc. They want to have their cake and eat it too. These feminists have a false notion that in the past it was socially acceptable for guys to cheat on their wives and girlfriends. I don't believe that was ever true. I think that the vast majority of people saw this as wrong behavior, as people still do. Because of this false recollection of history, feminists believe that they should be afforded the same "luxury" while expecting their *****-whipped "lovers" and boyfriends to take this **** lying down.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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snbatman said:
Really, it's not that women want to "explore the world" and "take time for themselves" it's that they also want to get married and have children and have a career and, etc., etc., etc. They want to have their cake and eat it too. These feminists have a false notion that in the past it was socially acceptable for guys to cheat on their wives and girlfriends. I don't believe that was ever true. I think that the vast majority of people saw this as wrong behavior, as people still do. Because of this false recollection of history, feminists believe that they should be afforded the same "luxury" while expecting their *****-whipped "lovers" and boyfriends to take this **** lying down.
You are correct feminists rewrite history and use it to attack men.

In the end, men and women who are like this get their just reward later in life.
They have few if any children and they usually end up divorced. As a result they leave the world with no legacy just selfish desires and twisted notions of love.

Thankfully they eliminate themselves from the gene pool because they fail to have successful families. The joke is on them.

It is all part of the culture of extinction.

Natural selection will weed out these fools in a few generations. Thank God for the way human nature always corrects itself.


Don Juan
Jun 23, 2006
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Donsing said:
This is a awesome thread because it's opening my eyes even more wider. As I wanted to know about more about feminism and their goal for "equality", I came across this thread. I know it's going to be hard to read it but read the whole thread and laugh or feel sad for these people. http://synaptic.bc.ca/Contact/viewtopic.php?t=2045
I had to post what the Thread creater wrote for a reply "I am just admitting that women are fully superior to men, and if a guy cannot handle that, then no woman in her right mind would want anything to do with him."
You know what the funny thing is about that article you linked above...it's exactly what MEN were writing about WOMEN "back in the day". Oh how the world has "changed", meaning flip-flopped. Everything that women railed against men for doing to them, women are doing to men, but of course since they are the doer instead of the doee, then it's ok. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
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Don Juan
Dec 30, 2006
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·Men are too threatened by a successful woman

Men are all too aware that women judge men on their occupation, assets and are interested in men of equal or higher status than them, not lower. Seems to me that men are being realistic, not intimidated. However these successful women may consider that the higher up the ladder they go, the less men of same or higher status there are. Conversely, men of high status (by women’s standards) have the largest choice of women available. Their only asset he is interested in: feminine beauty

·Men’s ego is their most fragile instrument

Women’s egos are just as fragile. When men put women up on a pedestal their egos inflate like a hot air balloon. However if men are indifferent and make humorous fun of women, they keep coming back for more.

·Men are so frightened of our rejection that they can't be men

Actually, they are men just protecting themselves; they’re just not taking advantage of being indifferent and making humorous fun of you.

·I can't change a man – without getting him ready for the next woman

You have no right to change a man, as he has none to change you. If a man ALLOWS you to change him, you will not respect him because you can control him. If you cannot change a man, well....maybe you were attracted
to his strong sense of individualism in the first place???????

Oh, and do you think that the next woman wants your wussie “changed man” after you have chewed him and spat him out???????

·Men want to cohabitate with us but don't want to marry us

Men don’t want to make the ultimate commitment to you. Maybe they are not sure you are marriage material. Maybe there is something you could do to change that. Maybe it is not our problem....but yours.

·When I take the initiative men back off

Could be many reasons why, but is probably just a bit of what men routinely face in the dating game....REJECTION.

·Men won’t listen

Men do listen, they do not listen and respond in the way your girlfriends do. We are not women, we are men. If you get a chance to observe two or more men interacting with each other, you might learn something.

·Men can’t get in touch with their feelings

Men are very in touch with their feelings. In fact men do not have to express their feelings all the time to others to validate them. When observing men interacting, you will notice when a man expresses his “feelings” to another, the respondent will reply with a solution to the problem, that’s what negative feelings are to a man, a problem to be solved.

Women… well I’m a man and I’m not supposed to understand their complexities but heres a guess: feelings are drama and entertainment, like a soap opera, they are analyzed and expound upon until another dramatic feeling comes along.

Unfortunately if a man expresses his feelings to a woman too much, he will be accused of being a wuss, Damned if ya do, damned if ya don’t, eh.

·50% of men already in relationships cheat

And what percentages of women cheat? Are there a small group of extremely promiscuous women out there tempting these men or are you women going to take some of the responsibility for this problem?

·After he says "your special” I never see him again

What, was this before or after you’d had sex? Actions speak louder than words. Women have a version of this to let men know they are not interested in going further: “lets just be friends”

·“Girly” magazines are so big with men

Cleo, Cosmo, romance novels, soap operas etc get your juices going too! Do you want us to be like you or something?

·Men can’t ask for help

....wheres that dependant wuss boyfriend of yours when you need him to fix the car....

Men like a challenge and will try to do it on their own, before getting help if they need to. Stop trying to negate a positive masculine trait that you occasionally find annoying, when mostly....you love it, eh.
....he’s asking the sexy, masculine neighbor for help.

·Men spend too much time watching sports even when they say they want more time with their families

What is “time with their families” anyway? What women want to do? What is too much sports? 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 hour, 30 minutes a day, or the big game on Saturday? How about women watch to much soap operas, Dr Phil, Oprah, spend too much time on the phone gossiping etc etc etc.
Maybe watching sports with their sons could be “time with family? Maybe men work more hours than women and so have less “time with family” As long as he doesn’t annoy you when you are gossiping to your friends on the phone, you could stop nagging him when he is watching sports.

·Men can’t let a friendship develop and then if sex happens, it happens

Because men know if a woman classifies him as a friend, it’ll never happen!.........and I'm a male explaining female behaviour to a female HAHA!

·When I’m with a man I see his open and vulnerable parts. And then when he gets around other men, he closes them off.

That is because you have accepted him as a masculine man and for your relationship to develop he shows his softer side to you. Unless he is gay, he has no need to show this to other men. What advantage could he possibly get from showing his vulnerable side to other men? From other men is how he shaped his masculinity, of which you were attracted to first place. If he showed his vulnerability to everyone and their dog, he would not be valued as a man, not even by you....men do on occasion, show their vulnerable side to select men they trust, but is only to fix a problem and find a solution, otherwise there is no reason to do so. This is something that you are not privy to because it is male territory and frankly, as a woman is not your concern.

·Men are so preoccupied with their jobs even when they’re losing contact with their family

Men are the providers and don’t bother with feminist doctrine about equality. If a man does not have an income or assets, he is not valued by society. They are so preoccupied with their jobs BECAUSE OF THEIR FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!

·Men are like little boys underneath

We all have an "inner child" eh?

·Men contempt for women on one hand (witness their jokes) and put them on a pedestal on the other hand

Some men put women on a pedestal and others have a healthy humorous indifference about women. Nice guy or seducer, which one gets your juices flowing?

·Men are "just desserts" but I'm willing to give up so much for a little banana split

So what did you have for your main course? Maybe you just prefer shopping to men? Is it your self-respect that you are so willing to give up? You must make very silly CHOICES when it comes to men. However if you do not want to take responsibility for your choice in men, repeat ten times: MEN ARE ALL BASTARDS!

·Men rape

Yes and we are all capable of it, though few take advantage of it.
However women can and do, with no evidence, accuse men of rape, their careers, reputation gone and their personal life in tatters, even before the false allegation gets to court.

·Men are just interested in conquest – that's the real excitement for men

Is this not how we came to live in the standard we now live in? Men like a challenge and men built buildings, infrastructure, government, sciences, inventions etc etc etc. Is this a criticism or are you giving us a compliment!

·Men always feel they have to promise love even when they’re not in love

Do you require they say they love you before you will sleep with them?
All men want to fvck; some men will say they love you in the hope of getting a fvck, even when they don’t. Honest men will tell you they want to fvck.

·Women earn only 59% of what a men earns even when their contribution is "indispensable"

WTF, more feminist doctrine. When women have children, they either don’t work or work less than men in paid employment. Women also CHOOSE to work in occupations that don’t pay as well. This is why women earn less than men, because men are supporting them. Think about this, a man and a woman in a job interview with the same experience and qualifications as each other, the man will cost the employer 41 percent more to employ....NO EMPLOYER WOULD EVER HIRE A MAN!

The glass ceiling is really a glass elevator and we men still only have the option of climbing the ladder.

·Men have power and they don't want to give it up

More feminist propaganda. A small minority of men has the power; most men have no option but to shovel the sh!t to feed their families.

·Men can't admit it when they’re wrong

And some women have this stubborn habit too.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2006
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·I’m an attractive woman. I have lots of options. Yet so many men I end up with are insensitive.

So, the more attractive a woman is, the more she requires sensitivity in men? I thought they left the wussies for the ugly girls with no options…

·My father criticized me too often

My mother criticized me too often. I think she saw things in a different way because she was female and I was male....maybe you could have a think about that.

·Men are so paranoid about homosexuality

Are you attracted to homosexual (and I’m not referring to your fantasy of being so sexy that you manage to seduce a gay man straight) effeminate men?

·I’d like to be able to get lovey-dovey without it necessarily leading to intercourse, but that's too much to ask from a man

I’d like to have intercourse with a woman without it leading to getting lovey-dovey, but that’s too much to ask from a woman.

·When I meet a man I often think he’s wonderful—I tell all my women friends and I’m elated; then he disappoints me once, then twice. Before I know it I think he’s a jerk. Yet I’m still tempted to stay with him.

Well, if he had disappointed you by not disappointing you, he would have been such a “nice guy” that you would have just wanted to “be friends”.

·Male leaders get into too many wars (it would be different if a women led)

"In response to the invasion, the British government under Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher declares a war zone for 200 miles (320 km) around the Falklands, assembles a naval task force with which to retake the islands, and launches long range air attacks from the mid-Atlantic Ascension island on the airfield in Port Stanley to disrupt the flow of supplies to the Argentine forces.
From start to finish, this strange undeclared war lasted 72 days, claimed about 1000 casualties, and had a cost of at least 2 billion dollars. From a political point of view, it secured the reelection of Margaret Thatcher". source:http://www.ability.org.uk/falklands-war.html

·Men who aren’t macho are often.. well....Wimps

If we are aloof and indifferent, you complain we aren’t open enough. If we get all open and touchy feely, you complain we are acting like wimps.
As women try to compete with men, men should poke fun at them. when women realize they can never compete, men will throw women a bit of sensitivity....when they’ve earned it.

As for wussies or wimps, they just need to unlearn all the feminazi propaganda that has deeply infiltrated western society.

·Men are afraid of commitment

Men are less likely to commit if women continue to give away what men want willy-nilly. We thought you preferred wild anonymous sex too! If they do commit they are afraid that the woman will separate, taking the kids, assets, and a percentage of his income until the kids are adults....now what are the advantages of commitment for a man then, eh?

·If I could wish anything from my relationship with a man, it would be to have more honesty

What, you want him to be more honest than you are with him?

·There are no men who are sensitive and strong—who are not already taken up

I think maybe you have climbed far too high up corporate ladder. Remember women “marry up” and men “marry down” There are many men who are far stronger than their bank balances but you are not interested in them, eh?

·Men and women are so against each other

Its good you’re taking some responsibility.

·Men can't see the forest for their ego’s

Women can’t see the forest for their sense of entitlement. Women have a sense of entitlement because they think they are a special gender. Women think they are a special gender because their egos have become much too inflated, eh.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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This is a facinating thread. Definately one of the reasons I've been coming back to this board as much as I have.

My only contribution: People are different from one another. We all have tendancies and learned habbits that make us who we are, which is individuals in an elevated society created by human evlolution. I believe I'm the average man who's spent his life on this planet doing things in his own way. Even if there were some one who followed an identical path, I'd still be different from that person because of the daily decisons that I've made. The next step down is the difference between men and women. Between the genders, we are presented with different options and biological functions that seperate us. Although equality in our "advanced society" would be preferable, these differences will exist one way or the other. The struggle on both sides will not and cannot over come these differences unless super science can make us equal in genders, therefore upending nature as it's been. There's always the possibilty of this happenining but it's not very probobable and nor is there any thought towards making this a reality. Regardless, we must co exist both as individuals and a singular species, and try to make things work for us all. There will be obsticles and differences of opinion but the goal of life will be our ultimate destination.


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2006
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Nice Guys and Bad Boys: different behaviours originate from the same insecurity

For years, I tried to hammer a square peg into a round hole by falling for the feminist brainwashing that "you need to get in touch with your emotions" etc.

Has it ever occurred to women that a man is indifferent because he actually feels indifferent? Maybe he has no need or desire to talk about emotions and the reason why nice guys do is because they base all their self worth on how women perceive them. Unfortunately the missing piece of the puzzle is that nice guys only take into account what women actually state, not their actions.

Now the other problem is swinging over to the other end of the spectrum and replacing the lost piece of the puzzle with trying to ACT tough, aloof and indifferent. This will not work in the long term and will only continue the negativity because the root of the problem has not been dealt with. Acting like a bad boy is still supplicating to women in a different but equally disempowering sense as is trying to be a nice guy.

The solution is simple, we men must pull back the power we give to women and focus on ourselves, for ourselves, not women. We need to find out how we really "feel" when we no longer value ourselves based on how successful we are in attracting women.


We must let go of everything we have built our identity on regarding attracting women and find out once and for all who we really are, how we really want to live our lives, based on our own values.

Could it be that when we really give up disempowering ourselves that we no longer have "feelings" of depression, anxiety, low self worth etc? Could this be the end of seeking a substitute for the masculinity that was always within us? Could this be the path to becoming a strong confident and well-adjusted man?

Heres the dichotomy, will a man do what's best for himself, taking the risk that women may overtly show disapproval or will he continue to sell himself out by supplicating to women?

Men who try to be a nice guy or a bad boy or whatever may just be reacting to their insecurity. There are many negative consequences to these actions: supplicating to women by spending vast amounts of time, money and self respect to win a few crumbs of affection is prostituting ourselves as much as risking a criminal record, our neck, and self respect, trying to impress women.

The energy could be put into doing the things we want in our lives and could it possibly be, that maybe, just maybe, women, deep down, want to love and respect a man in his own right, with a strong sense of who he is, what his moral code is, what his boundaries are, and could it be that this is the very essence of what a woman ultimately wants when she says she wants a "real man".

However, it is men who must define what a "real man" is, not women and this is the very reason why he exists and why she responds to him