Joe The Homophobe
Master Don Juan
The former leader of the national womens association who stepped down like 2 years ago (forget the exact name) the biggest womens group in america, SHE WAS A LESBIAN! Im talking about a real lesbian, not the women that play them in porn movies and happen to be hot but arent really lesbian. Real lesbians is what you see in cities everywhere, women that cut their hair like men, dress like men, many have mullets, they want to look like men even though they hate men!Originally posted by TillTheEndOfTime
There is a conspiracy theory that it is in fact lesbians who are behind it in order to corrupt heterosexual relations. I'm not 100% sure about this, but there is some evidence that points to this possiblity....because yes, infact some of the more prominent feminists were lesbian.....this is why feminism CANNOT work. The majority of females are not lesbians. Gays are 10-15, MAYBE 20% tops of the population.
btw you talk of a conspiracy, here is an article you should read. You might not agree with everything but it has some good points
heterosexual society is under siege
here are some great quotes from it
Scary? YOU BET. I don't know about you people but I have had first hand experience with this brainwashing. In my college english class we spent several days talking about feminism and the teacher tried to brainwash us with this same crap! basically telling us that 'gender roles' are created by society even though it is scientific fact that men/women are different (men are agressive, women are passive).Gay activists pretend they are seeking "tolerance" and "equality." But privately they admit that their hidden agenda is to reshape society in their own image. They don't care how much harm they do.
"The end goal of the feminist revolution is the elimination of the sex distinction itself," says Shulamith Firestone (The Dialectic of Sex, 1972, p.11)
"Heterosexual hegemony is being eroded," writes Gary Kinsman. "The forms of sexuality considered natural have been socially created and can be socially transformed." (The Regulation of Desire: Sexuality in Canada, 1987, p.219)
"In a free society, everyone will be gay," says Allen Young, a pioneer of the Gay Liberation Movement. (John D'Emilio, Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America, p.322)
"In one sense the right is right." says gay historian Jonathan Katz: if gay and lesbian liberationists ever achieve full equality, they will do away with the social need for the hetero/homo division. The secret of the most moderate, mainstream gay and lesbian civil rights movement is its radically transformative promise (or threat, depending on your values). (The Invention of Heterosexuality, 1995, p.188.) Emphasis mine.
It was disgusting seing my fellow students fall for this propaganda. I wanted to skip class all those days. Trust me on this you will end up experiencing this brainwashing yourself sooner or later in school My only advice is not to be scared and question it! debate your teacher, do what I didn't do because of fear of getting a bad grade/being hated by the teacher/being outnumbered by the feminists in the room. I sat quietly like the rest of the guys/girls in the class and just listened to this crap and I suffered! Now i think about it and I wish I had raised my hand and debated the teacher and exposed all this crap he was brainwashing us with! whocares if my fellow students looked at me and thought I was dumb for going against the stablishment, who cares what they think!
The only thing that saved me from being brainwashed is that I had read Makows site for a long time, and I had read of reports of colleges from accross the U.S teaching students this crap! I was prepared and I knew what was coming/what they were trying to do to me.
It was even worse when I discovered that there was a class in my college dedicated to nothing but feminism talk! this class happened to be in the same room as my math class, the class just before it. So one day I waited till the feminism class ended and the students starting come out of the room, I went in the room while there were still lots of students from the feminist class there, so I sit down and wait for my math class but really to try and see what they were doing there and talking about after class was over. The teacher (feminist looking lezbo looking woman) had on the projector screen all this propaganda about men/women being the same! and how men should be re-educated to be more feminine to 'make the world a better place.'
It sickened me knowing that guys and girls took this class, and they were being brainwashed without knowing it!
THEY ARE TRYING TO FEMINIZE MEN! they want men and women to be the same! act, dress, look the same!
These people are responsible for turning men into sissies. A man that shows his masculine side is considered a threat.
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