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  1. A

    Mission: Lay Hb9.5 Aw /w Bf!

    Re: Being honest here. (Funny how I'm piggy backin' on all of Royal's Post, as awesome as they are. We'll give a double dose). I. A woman is for YOUR desires, NEEDS, and happiness. The fact you're posting this questions is AFC. II. Unless you've fucced her, she doesn't care...
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    David D. New Material "****y Comedy"

    Re: David D is good, but if you're still relying on systems after his Advanced Stuff, Sexual Communication, and E-Book, step away from the crutches. $500 for dating material? Come on now... C&F is the 'label' given to the frame men USED to have with women when we were younger. The playful...
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    Is it wrong to be selective?

    Instant Rapport. I'm not sure what you "specifically" call it, but it exists. P-S made this noticeable to me, as well, on the pimphop boards. It was so obvious, I was like "duh." And even in Sexual Dynamics, which is grounded in psychology, nlp, science, and fact more than most systems...
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    Is it wrong to be selective?

    Re: Your what? C0CK? It clouds EVERY guys thoughts. It's clouded my thoughts, easily. Personally, when that happens, I sit back and meditate, think on it, feel on it. Every guy knows what he feels for a chick and if it's going anywhere. If you dated a hottie, where she's inflexible...
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    Is it wrong to be selective?

    Re: Bachelor life? You're 20...what other life is there at that age? People aren't selective ENOUGH. That accept anything that comes there way without considering much else. More often than not, they judge based only looks. Next time....Whether you've approached or not, ask...
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    If you're a stud, don't be so ****y on approach

    Wake up call. Hot women have lots of OPTIONS, but very few CHOICES. If 100 men, all slinging C&F, NLP, Hypnosis, and wearing a variety of metrosexually approved clothing approached her, she'd CHOOSE only a handfull. A hot woman, like any self respecting man, is choosy; why settle for...
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    Check out what this girl wrote.

    Re: Pretty surprised. The "ideals" are touted so broadly on here that the quiet members are the only one's upholding them. To "not give a phuck" as so many posters put it, would also include "not giving a phuck" what others do. When you respond to posts that raise an emotion in you...
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    The sex contract

    Re: You guys are funny, and are fighting about semantics. You're both right as well. IF we weren't wearing clothes, it might be noticeable. BUT, it's easier to notice in animals BECAUSE we're able to guage PRE, and POST behavior as it relates to animals. A guy can generally only judge his...
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    On Self Image: No 'Self' Exists.

    Re: Paradoxically, I went to complex writing patterns to achieve a simply message. Lol. A-Unit
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    On Self Image: No 'Self' Exists.

    Re: Yea, I bite the bullet and claim 'wrong' on my past bit about Ayn Rand. Worse off, I read the damn thing. Call it a long weeknd with some troubling fam issues. Post whatever you like, I'm taking a break. Peace. A-Unit
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    On Self Image: No 'Self' Exists.

    Get Some Spirituality. In passing... I work daily with all walks of life, much you, my friends. Working with people, you realize that there will inevitably be someone better looking and worse looking. Someone richer and someone poorer. Someone more fun and someone less fun. Someone who has...
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    Best post argument advice?

    Re: 1. Saying your Wrong versus saying Sorry. Saying your Wrong has a different connotation. Use that, sometimes. Maybe not necessarily now, as we don't know how it started. 2. Make sure its over. 90% of all relationships FAIL because 1 party must win and 1 party must lose. When that...
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    The official feminism thread [Merged threads]

    Re: I. It's 1 thing to fight for equal rights, it's another to make it a fight of sex versus sex and take that to a political forum. You debase yourself and unshift your position if you pit yourself of 1 ideal versus another. Then it doesn't look as if you're fighting for equal rights, but...
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    On Self Image: No 'Self' Exists.

    Piggy Backing. Some questions for senior members. Rather than starting a new thread, I instead decided on piggy backing on my own thread. I've gone through alot of blogs lately on guys doing PU-stuff, placing their daily achievements or failures (both lessons in learning) online for all to see...
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    On Self Image: No 'Self' Exists.

    Perfect. I added them to my already humongous wish list. Some suggested authors and books... -A Course In Miracles -Disappearnce of the Universe -Being Nobody, Going Nowhere -anything by Stuart Wilde -most stuff by Alan Watts -The Why You Are Here Cafe -Bushido: Way of the...
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    On Self Image: No 'Self' Exists.

    Re: Excellent points, Nasty. My intention, and still is, is not to make it religious. We have all walks of life here, and the ego exists as much as the spirit. The greatest prison most people maintain is a mental 1. This was PERFECTLY demonstrated in "Way of the Peaceful Warrior."...
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    On Self Image: No 'Self' Exists.

    Too True. Which further serves to demonstrate the destructive power of the Ego. We're ambitious not because we must be, but because we're trapped in 1 world. As you pointed out, the US is reponsible for much of the World Policing going on (though sources indicate deeper reaching...
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    On Self Image: No 'Self' Exists.

    Re: I appreciate your intelligent reply, Sazuki. Some of Watt's stuff is pretty far gone, and some pretty grounded. Like anything, the idea can fit or not fit, based on YOUR own beliefs. Only through practicing and experiencing meditation, training, and experiences, can YOU truly validate...
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    got some good techniques on getting head?

    Re: <<< Never personally found "1" strategy that is all encompassing. There's girls I've gotten it on the first date, and girls it took several sessions of sex to get good head. It depends on the girls values toward. Some think it's less than sex, some think it's more than sex. <<< Two...
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    Tip - How to get a girlfriend in 4 easy steps [version 1.0]

    Re: IME, the 'needy' girls will be ones to come out and say "be with me." The non-needy or more 'feminine' chicks will just show TONS of interest until you man up and decide what you want. Ask her out, for crying out loud. Remind yourself, if she's into doing anything you want to do...